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UN Security Council Discussion


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It would be the view of the Empire that nations with the money for maintaining nuclear arsenals would have the money to dispose of them as well.  However, if there comes a time and place where a nation with weapons cannot afford to maintain them, we would be willing to offer a 'Bombs for Fuel' deal, where the bombs would be transferred to Tianxia and broken down into fuel for peaceful energy, where Tianxia's energy sector is able to buy the fuel off the government and Tianxia will split the cost of disposal for the rest between say Prussia and Tianxia.

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"The People's Republic of Sierra Leone does not feel it is appropriate to allow this resolution for peacekeepers in our country. To our understanding, this proposal would enforce elections on an already democratically-elected government across the nation, which raises concerns on our part about voter fraud in Imperial-controlled territory. While we understand the same charge could be applied to us, we do not feel that the standards of democracy that we are working into our constitution can reasonably be applied via the resolution. Furthermore, we add that we would much prefer to see American or Russian negotiators in country to allow us to form a coalition government with the Imperial faction."

- Foreign Minister Andrew Lockheart


"We echo the statements made by the so-called "People's Republic" - but add that we believe the Communists would also turn their backs on the peacekeepers and observers, and petition the United Nations to allow us to begin a military campaign against the turncoats and traitors."

- Imperial leader Eniola McGreggor

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This lack of cooperation is disturbing. 


Tianxia hereby puts forward a resolution that nations of the world be compelled to impose economic sanctions on the leadership of both parties, including on weapons, finances, and luxury goods till such time as they agree to democracy.  Further we warn that any attack on our allies conducting operations in Sierra Leone or the conduct of war against large numbers of civilians either deliberately or with knowing negligence will bring in Imperial Intervention.  

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If sanctions are to be placed on both parties, then what would that mean for external parties currently providing moral and perhaps even monetary or material support for the factions currently infighting in Sierra Leone?

Would this include a unilateral withdrawal of all parties presently influencing events taking place in the civil war in order for sanctions to take full effect and meaning?


- Norse representatives question from the General Assembly

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Should a resolution pass the security council, states violating a sanctions resolution would be in violation of the international peace and security and the security council, those fighting under its banner, or its members will take appropriate measures.

Edited by Triyun
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"The Polish Standing Contingency Task Force already has begun deployment of civilian assets to Legion held facilities in close proximity with Sierra Leone, to prepare for their movement into the country itself to conduct humanitarian missions on the ground. While they are not within the nation itself, this lack of cooperation taken on the part of the factions within Sierra Leone is troubling to our government, and if the security of our unarmed observers cannot be guaranteed, we will have no choice but to keep them within the safe confines of Legion facilities.


Poland shall keep her military units that are well-drilled in peacekeeping operations on standby, as per usual, and at the behest of the UN Security Council at this time."


[b]Statement from the Polish UN Delegation[/b]

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"For now, Legion requests that the goal and aim of this mission to be containment and reducing the warring faction's ability to strike at each other. If the situation escalates, Legion is prepared to advance into Sierra Leone and to assist other regional powers with restoring order. In essence, how this proceeds, is entirely up to the two factions fighting within Sierra Leone.


Any attempts to smuggle arms into Sierra Leone, that are detected, will be interdicted by Legion. We do hope we can get a universal accord on the banning of arms imports for the immediate future, but we will act to stop those shipments on our own."

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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All that stands between an utter blockade of Sierra Leone, is the honorable Athens.
However, back onto the resolution at hand, I believe that if the Tianxia wishes all member nations to take part in sanctions, then the vote should be placed in the hands of the General Assembly to pass by a motion of two thirds majority.

Another option, is for the Security Council to pass the resolution, and request that nations take part in sanctions, and not use thinly veiled threats of violence if nations do not. I know for one, that the Norse Kingdom has zero dealings with Sierra Leone and her nationals hold no assets within the Kingdom, and so any sanctions placed on them by my Government will be pointless, but that said, we won't be bullied into placing sanctions on them either for that reason.


We are more than happy to deploy forces to assist a UN force in enforcing blockade, and sending observers to assist the Legion and Polish mission.

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Because the situation is currently contained well in hand by the Mexican government, which cannot be said to be true for Sierra Leone.  The conflict in Mexico was begun by communist insurrection against the legitimate government which has continued to function and has succeeded in rolling back the rebellion.  Sierra Leone on the other hand has descended into chaos and civil war when its government was usurped by various factions and is currently proceeding with no real end in sight.

Edited by MostGloriousLeader
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"It is the opinion of the Athenian Federation that previous resolutions already impose de facto sanctions on the sale of weapons, however we are willing to make this de jure. At this time however we do not feel any other sanctions are constructive and would be escalatory. As such we must reject the current resolution, we will however provide support for sanctions against all weapons transports."

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Because the situation is currently contained well in hand by the Mexican government, which cannot be said to be true for Sierra Leone.  The conflict in Mexico was begun by communist insurrection against the legitimate government which has continued to function and has succeeded in rolling back the rebellion.  Sierra Leone on the other hand has descended into chaos and civil war when its government was usurped by various factions and is currently proceeding with no real end in sight.


"A likely story from North American Imperialists. Stay out of Africa white devil."



ooc- retcon the above. lol.





"Sierra Leone will be dealt with by forces from Africa. We do not need the assistance from nations who in the past has imposed their imperialist will upon the natives of the dark continent. Likewise, neither does Africa desire the assistance from nations who stole the lives of millions of our fellow Africans as slaves."

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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Wasswa Morison, the Cape's Representative would speak up, "Bass International, the Cape's Military Branch, has two Regimental Combat Teams standing by to assist Legion and Athens in containing the Civil War in Sierra Leone, as an African nation we feel it is in our best interest to promote stability, and to help those in need on our continent."

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"Madagascar would like to formally request a stay on all non-African military units entering Sierra Leon. While the the brewing conflict(s) are indeed worrisome and tragic, ultimately we, the few African nations, feel the conflict is ultimately one solved domestically by the people of Sierra Leon. It is our pledge to station our own military assets and personnel at the borders of Sierra Leon, so that we may, ourselves, contain the situation and prevent it from spreading to the rest of the continent, if not the world"

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"As I already stated, Russia is not in favor of a peacekeeping force created only from two countries. I am surprised that in the halls of the United Nations we still see this continental attitude arise. If the UNSC is going to make this conflict a priority then we should all contribute and should allow ourselves to be dictated to. It should be a multi-national, multi-continental peacekeeping force in which Legion and Madagascar would take leadership roles."


The Russian ambassador sat down momentarily then immediately stood again, "And why are all these random people allowed to speak at the Security Council without first being recognized?"

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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The Norse representative would respond.

"As a deputy of the General Assembly, I am obliged to question the Security Council on matters which affect the General Assembly, such as unilateral sanctions demanded from all member nations, to ensure that all information is present and clear to prevent misunderstandings and potential future grievances" he said politely to the Russian representative.

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"As I already stated, Russia is not in favor of a peacekeeping force created only from two countries. I am surprised that in the halls of the United Nations we still see this continental attitude arise. If the UNSC is going to make this conflict a priority then we should all contribute and should allow ourselves to be dictated to. It should be a multi-national, multi-continental peacekeeping force in which Legion and Madagascar would take leadership roles."




"Given that Russia holds its own colony in Africa, Legion has little interest in hearing what you have to say."

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"Given that Russia holds its own colony in Africa, Legion has little interest in hearing what you have to say."

"Given that Russia is a permanent member of the Security Council with the ability to propose and veto resolutions I think you probably should care. You had the chance to defend your proposal and the chance to have us change our position. Instead you chose to insult one of the founding members of this organization. Moreover you proved to us that you are not worthy of the position you've been charged with. Therefore Russia invokes its right to veto and uses it on the African proposal to keep peacekeeping forces limited to Legion and Madagascar and in place of it propose our own multi-national peacekeeping force with Madagascar taking a leadership position, if it so chooses."
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"I will remind the Russian delegation that Legion does not speak for the Continent; that would be us. Reacting to a seat member without consulting us would be...well, very reactionary" said the elderly statesman from Madagascar. He polished his glasses for a moment before continuing.

"Russia will do well to bear in mind that the entire original peacekeeping proposal is dependent on the approval of Sierra Leon, be it both faction or one unified government. As that has been vicariously denied by the conflicting factions of Sierra Leon, we cannot, in the spirit of diplomacy and honest government, carry forth in the proposal. The current proposal put forth; that is, to limit non-african combatants in and around Sierra Leon, is a measure directed towards all interests in pushing forward towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict. It would satisfy those in authority in Sierra Leon that neighbors and cousins would be helping them ensure a brighter future, and at the same time assure more easily antagonized African states, such as Legion, that our neighboring homeland isn't being used as towards the benefit of outside interests that may or may not be friendly towards our own national interest"

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"Perhaps we need to pass a motion to hire better security guards for this room. For some strange reason, non Security Council members always seem able to bypass their elected representatives and address this room freely." The Prussian representative would wearily eye any lurking Europeans before continuing.


"What, specifically, is the African representative's objection to a neutral international peace keeping force? This Council has heard nothing concrete that would make an international presence, enforcing peace, seem objectionable to the people of Sierra Leon. You claim that Sierra Leon should see their neighbors as offering them a helping hand, why should they not have the opportunity to see the world offering such a hand? The objections of Legion are noted, but blaming the sins of past mistakes made hundreds of years ago in an effort to win a debate will not win them friends."

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"The representative from Madagascar should note that we lack the confidence to allow Legion to hold the primary role in Sierra Leone. From our view your proposal gave them unrivaled authority in this matter therefore we could not proceed with the proposal you submitted. Secondly, Russia is sovereign and free. We need not seek the approval of the regional representatives before we use our veto power.

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"Before I forget, Russia votes aye on the Nuclear Weapons Reduction Resolution and the Resolution by Tianxia to impose economic sanctions against faction leaders in Sierra Leone. We also support Sierra Leone's request to have American or Russian negotiators mediate an agreement between the two warring factions."

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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