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I have been thinking

Zoot Zoot

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So theoretically, I could start my own version of CNRp, new map, new rules and it would be allowed?

 You can, though I'd give it 3 days before it dies like all other alternative RPs.

my problem with not RPing on the map, is I feel it would make any RPs i do less likely for people to join in, since they would be non canon.

 Can't you RP some character without a nation and still be canon? Otherwise, merge with someone, just for technicalities sake. Or get some small nation somewhere. You may actually survive these days.

Pasloe, I don't know who that is either.

 It's a Horo. Most awesome being in the universe. Horo graces us with their existence and you say it's a waste of space?


But yeah, I'd wish he'd do a bit more over there. I offered him to merge into Faraway (without Pasloe, for god's sake), but he didn't want to, instead saying he'll RP sometime.


If you don't want to be in the Middle East, why did you go there? Was the UK this awful? There are at least 3 continents with white space.


I wish CN:SR was still around. Still have no idea what the R is for. Roleplay?

Cyber Nations:Space Roleplay Because CNSRP was not as catchy.

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If you don't want to be in the Middle East, why did you go there? Was the UK this awful? There are at least 3 continents with white space.







I don't mind being in the middle east, I have never RP'd here before, that's why I moved here. The UK was far worse, at least Triyun isn't threatening me with invasion etc every time I do something remotely out of the ordinary, or are any of my neighboring nations as it happens. Africa is embroiled in war, although I do think if I re-rolled, it would be my next destination.


Being honest yeah, I believe Pasloe is wasting space, Horo posts not very often, like Vektor often, its also a massive country, now I don't know if Australia is a desirable piece of land, but its map space none the less.

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The best part about a space roleplay is that you really didn't need a map, nor were you bound by any realistic sense of politics or anything like that. You could do literally anything you wanted, roleplay whatever tech you wanted. It was nice, but the problem was that it was bound to this forum, and you almost feel obligated to use CN stats.

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I thought CNSR fell apart because there wasn't enough incentive to interact with other races/groups. (Read: no borders, no territory conflicts, no need for trade agreements, etc.) If enough people are interested though, then let's bring CNSR back.

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I don't mind being in the middle east, I have never RP'd here before, that's why I moved here. The UK was far worse, at least Triyun isn't threatening me with invasion etc every time I do something remotely out of the ordinary, or are any of my neighboring nations as it happens. Africa is embroiled in war, although I do think if I re-rolled, it would be my next destination.


Being honest yeah, I believe Pasloe is wasting space, Horo posts not very often, like Vektor often, its also a massive country, now I don't know if Australia is a desirable piece of land, but its map space none the less.

I'd think, the UK was about as frustrating as France?


Pasloe is a waste of space, but I hope it gets better.


I thought CNSR fell apart because there wasn't enough incentive to interact with other races/groups. (Read: no borders, no territory conflicts, no need for trade agreements, etc.) If enough people are interested though, then let's bring CNSR back.

You don't even need more than one person. Everyone is free to RP here whatever they want (within the board rules).

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A new map won't fix the same problems that have been around forever and a day. I suggest to anyone willing to listen, rp with those who most interest you. Ignore those who aren't to your liking. One thing we've forgotten is that at the heart of it, the writing and stories are paramount. For a very long time it's been all about the map and lame feuds. Due to those feuds and map we've seen the departure of numerous long standing members who at times are missed. So I say it again, write till your fingers bleed, rp with those who suit you the best, ignore those who aren't to your liking. I think we did ourselves the biggest disservice when we changed neutered the rp part by not requiring wars to be doing by mutual agreemnt, meaning we forced people to accept wars. Now there is very little rp of substance and interest. We've turned it into a crap game of risk.

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A new map won't fix the same problems that have been around forever and a day. I suggest to anyone willing to listen, rp with those who most interest you. Ignore those who aren't to your liking. One thing we've forgotten is that at the heart of it, the writing and stories are paramount. For a very long time it's been all about the map and lame feuds. Due to those feuds and map we've seen the departure of numerous long standing members who at times are missed. So I say it again, write till your fingers bleed, rp with those who suit you the best, ignore those who aren't to your liking. I think we did ourselves the biggest disservice when we changed neutered the rp part by not requiring wars to be doing by mutual agreemnt, meaning we forced people to accept wars. Now there is very little rp of substance and interest. We've turned it into a crap game of risk.

Agreed heartily! CNRP shouldn't be a game of risk. It should be roleplay-- cooperative writing, building a storyline with unique characters and nations. We've seen that spirit largely supplanted by the idea that it's not writing but a game-- a competitive arena. I feel that's detrimental to the quality of roleplay and writing.

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Because butterflies on crack is the greatest idea since I gave that buffalo ecstasy and sent it into that dance club.


There were no survivors.

lol, very funny melech.


And, why not have a new map and multiple types of RP? A Colonial, Current and Futuristic RP? I am seeting up everything for the colonial, it is more work then I thought, can't find a map I like. But I mean it would be great for there to be a new RP and a new map.

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lol, very funny melech.


And, why not have a new map and multiple types of RP? A Colonial, Current and Futuristic RP? I am seeting up everything for the colonial, it is more work then I thought, can't find a map I like. But I mean it would be great for there to be a new RP and a new map.

Nobody's saying you can't do that.  What we're saying is that people have tried that a dozen different ways in the past and the new story lasts for a couple weeks to a month and then they all just move back to regular CNRP.

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I actually kept writing for CNRP:H after it died. Probably the funnest side RP we've ever created(super heroes are the best after all). CNSR being my second favorite though I didn't keep writing for that one even if I kind of wanted too. I dunno if I want to keep RPing at this point though. I thought about coming back briefly, even writing a DoE, but the apathy set in pretty quickly and I ended up not even posting it. I would like to return to Haven though. I've still got characters story lines to write there and things I'd like to do. A little off topic but it was mentioned, retconning the africa war might not be a bad idea, seeing as Gloval isn't even in africa anymore and he's the one who started it all.

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