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The Assassination of Rhianne Sidamo by the Coward Andrea Gloval

Executive Minister

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I plan on posting tonight, that being said, I still consider my military to be of pre-IG-war levels, seeing as this damn IC conflict started back in December, when all this war wasn't going on. Not that it really matters anyways, as I'm RP'ing at my full complement of ships is not available (only submarines), nor do I believe I am going to be engaging with what I had for numbers of troops back then.

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Quit complaining you delayed all through winter break, now people actually have shit to do IRL.

There's a difference between threatening a wipe and asking for dialogue to resume about a theatre that's been effectively paralyzed in an ooc dispute. I am not asking anyone to hurry up with responses. Right now we had an irresponsible gm dismiss the only mediator that could be effective in this dispute. I want to continue the dialogue and want others on the other side to do likewise in Triyuns absense. Edited by Executive Minister
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It's funny, but I remember a war where you didn't extend me any such courtesy...


I remember the ig war had been going on for quite a while before preplanning started already.


There's a difference between threatening a wipe and asking for dialogue to resume about a theatre that's been effectively paralyzed in an ooc dispute. I am not asking anyone to hurry up with responses. Right now we had an irresponsible gm dismiss the only mediator that could be effective in this dispute. I want to continue the dialogue and want others on the other side to do likewise in Triyuns absense.


Triyun is the only one who can participate in that one with fair accuracy.for the simple matter that we're relying on his infrastructure primarily.

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I'm sorry Cent, but relying on his infrastructure really is no excuse. You guys have fleets you must rp yourselves in the contested region, and I have always seen you guys deploying out of his bases and territories without hesitation. Again, can anyone going to come to the plate Triyun and Sarah have categorically refused to meet so we can work with Tanis towards an agreement? You lose all right to complain about my conduct at the beginning of the war if you don't :p at least I've continued to make public attempts to maintain communication.

On an unrelated note, I'm going to have to refuse any attempts at stat saving unless its accompanied by a screenshot. Even then, I've recalled numerous times that the TSI has refused that courtesy on others. I'm going to need some convincing as to why I should accept stat saving. So far, I haven't seen much incentive.

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Their stats are locked in at what they started the rp with. While quite sometime has gone on in ooc, not much time at all has gone on ic. I don't see why their stats would need an adjustment in this particular rp. However, I do think you are wise to request screen shots to verify their claims. 

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While saving the status of your IG nation at the start of the war is something that isn't absurd, I'm pretty sure I remember kankou pushing for that and being denied. I'll need to see a source of that "stat lock in" statement TBM.

Of course if my memory fails me, I'll gladly accept that with the pertinent screenshots.

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They IC nations haven't changed since the beginning of the RP, which wouldn't be affected by a dramatic change of stats due to the time frame involved. Had the war started yesterday, yes, I'd agree no saved stats. However, this isn't about stats being saved, it's about stats of an ic nation not changing in an rp that hasn't icly gone on for more than a handful of days in that rp. 


They are simply rping with the nations they started with in an rp that hasn't gone on for very long. However, that being said, demand screen shots. 

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I'm sorry Cent, but relying on his infrastructure really is no excuse. You guys have fleets you must rp yourselves in the contested region, and I have always seen you guys deploying out of his bases and territories without hesitation. Again, can anyone going to come to the plate Triyun and Sarah have categorically refused to meet so we can work with Tanis towards an agreement? You lose all right to complain about my conduct at the beginning of the war if you don't :P at least I've continued to make public attempts to maintain communication.

Actually, you went multiple weeks without talking to anyone on our side, so don't try to blame the victim card. Further, it's been you and yours which have categorically refused to allow any sort of action in the contested region because you couldn't work out an agreement. We're only following what Tanis and you have insisted we do in the region, nothing. If Triyun and Sarah continue to refuse speaking to you, you know where the GM's court is, go there and speak with the GMs. 

Edited by Yawoo
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I have suggested things.  Weeks did go by before I was assigned to moderate this shindig.  Most my work was done between January 10 to about the 22nd.  So, the length of time in absent and not in discussion is the same at this point.  I know I denied auto advances because talks were underway, but talks haven't been underway since late January.  


I don't want to see anyone of you folks to pull out the "I'm better than thou" card, you'll all equally guilty at stalling at this point.


The only person that has really disagreed was Triyun. 


EDIT: I've been waiting for the non-AUP to come back to the table, but I heard nothing.  Ever since the pressure to auto advance during talks were denied, that's something I would not do as both sides were in discussion.  If there were no talks, I would have granted those auto advances.

Edited by Tanis777
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Perhaps letting Triyun Cent and EM duke it out? Or even just Triyun and EM. They seem to be the only contributors to the war at this point anyway. You might even say that they were destined to fight each other... My point being I think EM vs Triyun has been a long time coming and them dukeing it out is probably a good thing. Course it's up to you guys at this point. As I mentioned in Zoot's thread, I wouldn't mind coming back as a Haven that never got into this war.

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I've got no problem with a wipe, I'll go back to ignoring him provided he doesn't hit an ally again.  I'd again emphasize to people with knee jerk, "Blame Triyun." instincts I had nothing to do with starting this war.  I was called in because a treaty was activated.


Contrary to what people like Zephyr believe (and yes I'm annoyed about it) I didn't really want to fight EM. I didn't honor my MDP with Cent till I finished school reports last semester.  I had a month break, EM didn't post during it at all, my next semester started and my time once again dropped.  That's the reality of this situation.  He's not queried me once on IRC either so the idea I've not talked to him really isn't true either.  


This is dumb, wipes probably best.

Edited by Triyun
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I've got no problem with a wipe, I'll go back to ignoring him provided he doesn't hit an ally again.  I'd again emphasize to people with knee jerk, "Blame Triyun." instincts I had nothing to do with starting this war.  I was called in because a treaty was activated.


Contrary to what people like Zephyr believe (and yes I'm annoyed about it) I didn't really want to fight EM. I didn't honor my MDP with Cent till I finished school reports last semester.  I had a month break, EM didn't post during it at all, my next semester started and my time once again dropped.  That's the reality of this situation.  He's not queried me once on IRC either so the idea I've not talked to him really isn't true either.  


This is dumb, wipes probably best.



Providing your allies aren't provoking wars you know full good and well EM isn't going to attack anyone. 

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