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The Game Is Up

Kaiser Martens

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Kaiser Martens, it's been fun.

I hated you during my ICP/SWF time. Then I left to create a new alliance with the splinters of ODS, now know as FEAR, and you unlike much of CN at the time, were inviting and respectful despite our past. So, I even learned to like you in a IC capacity. Obviously OOC you've always been very entertaining. So this is sad news to hear. Plus I'll never get the chance to nuke you now.

If you're in range, you think maybe I could give you a green-glow send off? :)

edit: I am a little above but if your answer is yes, I think I can decom down to range. :D

Edited by Canik
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You've done a lot to make this game interesting and have definitely left a legacy here. I personally want to thank you for all the guidance in the early days, and for hanging in there for the later ones. I hope you still have time occasionally to visit NoR as a member of the community, if not the alliance. Take care.

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I don't think is a huge surprise, but it's a shame nonetheless. You were the reason I joined NoV in 2006 -- on some level I suppose I should hate you for that :) -- and my CN career never quite recovered.

NoV, Vox, the Interregnum, NoR 2.0....it's been quite a ride, and I thank you for making it so much more interesting.

Shoot me a PM with your contact info. I'd hate to lose touch. (And you never, ever posted on FB so I deleted you like so much chaff. So there.)

[quote name='Canik' timestamp='1341234124' post='3001745']
Does this mean LSF won?

KM had already left NoR when this nonsense started.

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I don't believe we've ever met personally or talked personally, but I've read many of your posts here on the forums, and I do believe we may have a couple of mutual friends. From what I've heard, you seem like a respectable leader, and it's always sad to see a respectable leader leave the Cyberverse.

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What a pity, old foe. I'd hope you'd stick around until we could all do battle once more, but I guess it wasn't meant to be. You made one hell of a arch-nemesis for our camp, and it won't quite be the same without you.

Good luck, where ever the wind takes you.

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