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The Amazing Sanction Race


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The Drop Line hunts in the day, Jason hunts at night

13th, February 2009

sanctionnpoec6.jpg1 New Pacific Order: 82.79 --> 82.84 (+0.05)

sanctionironcd8.png2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 72.45 --> 72.50 (+0.05)

sanctionmcxapl4.png3 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 55.09 --> 54.93 (-0.16)

sanctionspartatc0.jpg4 Sparta: 44.25 --> 44.28 (+0.03)

sanctionmhadc4.gif5 Mostly Harmless Alliance: 41.05 --> 41.10 (+0.05)

{180} The Order of the Paradox: 37.78 --> 37.83 (+0.05)

---------- ODN/RoK Challenge Line: 35.00 (ODN: 4/5 days)

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg6 Fark: 34.11 --> 34.35 (+0.24)

sanctionodnto4.png7 Orange Defense Network: 33.37 --> 33.37(=0.00)

sanctionrokyt0.png8 Ragnarok: 33.10 --> 33.06 (-0.04)

{122} The Grämlins: 30.15 --> 30.16 (+0.01)

sanctionpolarwv6.jpg9 New Polar Order: 29.85 --> 29.96 (+0.11)

TOOLminiflag.jpg10 The Order of Light: 29.59 --> 29.40 (-0.19)

sanctiontpfhq1.png11 The Phoenix Federation: 27.88 --> 27.93 (+0.05)

sanctionvedj7.png12 Viridian Entente: 27.99 --> 27.89 (-0.10)

---------- FOK Challenge Line: 27.88 -> 27.89 (+0.01) [Expires Feb. 28]


13 FOK: 27.07 --> 27.09 (+0.02)

14 Green Protection Agency: 23.83 --> 24.02 (+0.21)

The Democratic Order: 23.56 --> 23.65 (+0.09)

Grand Global Alliance: 22.63 --> 22.65 (+0.02)

{148} Valhalla: 19.57 --> 19.21 (-0.36)

The Dark Evolution: 19.05 --> 19.20 (+0.15)

Global Democratic Alliance: 18.40 --> 18.37 (-0.03)

United Purple Nations: 18.26 --> 18.29 (+0.03)

{136} Echelon: 17.50 --> 17.51 (+0.01)

Greenland Republic: 17.46 --> 17.51 (+0.03)

{149} Mushroom Kingdom: 16.31 --> 16.33 (+0.02)

---------- LoSS/WTF/NV/NADC Challenge Line[/b]: 16.00

The Legion: 15.66 --> 15.71 (+0.05)

Monos Archein: 15.73 --> 15.61 (-0.12)

Nueva Vida: 15.55 --> 15.57 (+0.02)

{173} LOSS: 15.41 --> 15.41 (=0.00)

{126} World Task Force: 15.19 --> 15.25 (+0.06)

{177} RnR: 15.16 --> 15.19 (+0.03)

{159} M*A*S*H: 14.98 --> 15.01 (+0.03)

{192} North Atlantic Defense Coalition: 13.98 --> 14.24 (+0.26)

{193} Invicta: 13.92 --> 13.97 (+0.05)

---------- Add Line: 13.94 --> 13.95 (+0.01)

---------- Drop Line: 13.64 --> 13.65 (+0.01)

Biggest Gainer

North Atlantic Defense Coalition: 13.98 --> 14.24 (+0.26)

Biggest Loser

Valhalla: 19.57 --> 19.21 (-0.36)

Passes of the Day

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg6 Fark passes sanctionodnto4.png7 Orange Defense Network

sanctiontpfhq1.png11 The Phoenix Federation passes sanctionvedj7.png12 Viridian Entente

Greenland Republic ties Echelon

The Legion passes Monos Archein


A pretty average day overall, most sanctioned alliances making small gains, although we good gains from both Green Protection Agency and Fark earning a fifth of a point but fell short to beating North Atlantic Defense Coalition's gain of 0.26, getting them the Biggest Gainer today (They must've remembered to wear their good luck charms today :D). We also have alliances who suffered a stroke of bad luck, taking moderate losses; for example Monos Archein, The Order of Light and Multicolored Cross-X Alliance each losing b/t 0.10 and 0.20 in score but Valhalla must've been doing a broken glass, black cat square dance or something b/c take take a big hit losing a third of a point for Biggest Loser today. On a lighter note, Fark, The Phoenix Federation and The Legion taking advantage of Orange Defense Network, Viridian Entente and Monos Archein's losses and passing them respectively (Fark pass ODN,TPF pass VE, Legion pass MA), plus Greenland Republic and Echelon are neck to neck and are ready to fight for a pass tomorrow (just don't go under any ladders while you race :P)

Shoutout goes to North Atlantic Defense Coalition on their great gain and Fark, The Phoenix Federation and The Legion on their good passes

On a side note, even though we have reports on a killing psychopath that was set loose tonight, I built for the citizens of Bob a safehouse to protect us from this menace. There's no chance he'll be coming in here:


OH @#%! he got the contractor, EVERYBODY RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!

/me pants for being out of breath

whew, that was close but I rather not stay here for long in case he comes outside *looks behind him* uh oh, i think I see him. Time for me to bail and Have a Happy Friday the 13th

/me runs away

(P.S. sorry about the color errors, tried to fixed them but wasn't working, easier to post update then I'll fix it as I go)

edit: problem solved :D

Edited by dragonknight1000
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