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The Amazing Sanction Race


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1 New Pacific Order: 64.23 --> 64.39 (+0.16)

2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 51.37 --> 51.43 (+0.06)

3 New Polar Order: 43.68 --> 44.07(+0.39)

4 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 35.46 --> 35.40 (-0.04)

5 Sparta: 31.19 --> 31.28 (+0.09)

6 Mostly Harmless Alliance: 29.59 --> 29.70 (+0.11)

7 Orange Defense Network: 27.42 --> 27.56 (+0.13)

8 Ragnarok: 23.85 --> 24.18 (+0.33)

9 The Phoenix Federation: 24.10 --> 24.11 (+0.01)

10 Grand Global Alliance: 23.23 --> 23.39 (+0.16)

11 Fark: 23.18 --> 23.20 (+0.02)

The Order of the Paradox: 22.74 --> 22.63 (-0.11)

12 FOK: 21.16 --> 21.22 (+0.06)


13 Viridian Entente: 20.06 --> 19.93 (-0.13)

The Grämlins: 18.10 --> 17.83 (-0.27)

The Order of Light: 16.09 --> 16.08 (-0.01)

Mushroom Kingdom: 15.58 --> 15.59 (+0.01)

Echelon: 14.90 --> 14.93 (+0.03)

NATO: 14.78 --> 14.79 (+0.01)

Nueva Vida: 14.53 --> 14.75 (+0.22)

14 Monos Archein: 14.27 --> 14.35 (+0.08)

Confederacy of Imperial States: 13.55 --> 13.55 (+0.00)

15 Global Democratic Alliance: 13.26 --> 13.29( +0.03)

Green Protection Agency: 13.16 --> 13.21 (+0.05)

United Purple Nations: 12.78 --> 12.88 (+0.10)

LoSS: 12.54 --> 12.57 (+0.03)

Valhalla: 12.18 --> 12.34 (+0.16)

Random Insanity Alliance: 12.02 --> 12.02(+0.00)

World Task Force: 11.54 --> 11.56 (+0.02)

The Templar Knights: 11.46 --> 11.54 (+0.08)

Invicta: 11.41 --> 11.53(+0.12)

RnR: 10.72

---------- Add Line: 10.58 --> 10.61(+0.03)

---------- Drop Line:10.28 --> 10.31(+0.03)

Biggest Gainer

New Polar Order: (+0.39)

Biggest Loser

The Grämlins: (-0.27)

Passes of the Day

Ragnarok passes The Phoenix Federation


A pretty mediocre day across the board. Ragnarok moves up in the world, passing The Phoenix Federation. New Polar Order holds on to their Biggest gainer spot, while Viridian Entente loses their Biggest Loser spot to The Grämlins. Nueva Vida is in position to overtake NATO tomorrow. Grand Global Alliance and New Pacific Order also make strong gains.

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Stats by Unspeakable Evil

Hawk and Vences's Multipurpose Alliance List

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Edited by drgumbofunk
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3 things:

1) thanks for taking the time to do the update

2) the same update was done on the previous page

3) NpO had a gain of +.39 making New Polar Order the biggest gainer, not Ragnarok

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There is absolutely no reason to update two times in one day - especially less than three hours apart.

King Pomi, not a bad update.

Since UE hasn't done his stats yet so I can't verify when RnR was when the update was done, they will only be added tomorrow if they're still above the Add Line.

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NpO was a bigger gainer than Ragnarok in this latest update!
3 things:

1) thanks for taking the time to do the update

2) the same update was done on the previous page

3) NpO had a gain of +.39 making New Polar Order the biggest gainer, not Ragnarok

cough*3 New Polar Order: 43.68 --> 44.07(+0.39)*cough

Sorry, Polar. I fixed it. Don't kill me, please. I :wub: you guys. Please don't hurt me.

EDIT: Aww, didn't see that other update.

Edited by drgumbofunk
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RIA's FOK's towel. Please stay right where you are so we don't forget where to find you!

Some of you has already rubbed off on us. @.@ We got our first Dutch member a couple of days ago!

Edit: That is to say...he didn't leave you guys, he's just a new member who is Dutch. @.@ >_> Don't steal him!

Edited by Great Lord Moth
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