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Everything posted by UnitedCorea

  1. We'll have it at 12 score by Sunday.
  2. You know you like it Virillus. You said it. Been a long while for us though.
  3. Thats our job Chicken. Thats our job. Bah. Someone forgot to turn the switch on the railroad tracks. We had to back up to go the right way.
  4. 'Attaboy Polais. We're still chugging along.
  5. I blame Random for breaking our chain of chugging. Random EDIT: Also > 11 The Phoenix Federation: 23.94 -->22.98 (+0.04) That should be -0.96. 23 > 22.
  6. And Polaris continues to chug along. :v
  7. We've got Sponge back as our Emperor now. Join us For Great Cleanliness!
  8. No lie, thats a pretty sweet graphic.
  9. You know we're just that amazing Scott.
  10. And that's the way it should stay.
  11. And Polaris continues to chug along.
  12. And Polaris goes a chugging along. Always chugging, never stopping.
  13. We're next! IRON watch out, the Polar Express never runs out of steam. :jihad:
  14. I think this deserves a nice big hail! o/ Watch out IRON, we're a comin' for ya!
  15. Chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga CHOO CHOO! Polar Express is a comin'!
  16. We'll get there..... Eventually. :jihad:
  17. We had a month of resignations. Kept dropping below 600 nations for a while.
  18. I meant no offense Gopher. I should've added an after my previous comment.
  19. GO GO POLAR RANGERS. Time to pull away from MCXA!
  20. Set your tax rate to 28%.
  21. Hush now, don't be revealing our sikrits.
  22. No matter what you do SPARTA, you won't be passing up our great blue iceberg.
  23. I'll put my monies on VE for having a sanction.
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