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The Amazing Sanction Race


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Heh, I was the one who was doing this on the first NS formula change. It screwed everyone up for about three days when most nations were checked. Glad this is still going in some form or another.

We'll still update the race today, even though things are going to be everywhere and we may need to introduce the "Least Loser" statistic again. :P

Valhalla and Ragnarok will be removed from the race, although I would be more than happy to add them in the near future. :) As a quick note: Ragnarok currently has the same score as the Legion, and Valhalla is 0.06 above both of them. This will continue to change throughout the day and I expect that Legion will remain below both of them for tonight's update.

I was originally planning to increase the drop line later this week so that it would be a constant 0.50 below the dignity line. However, with the recent changes in NS calculations, I'm going to put this on hold until these scores sort themselves out. This proposed change would have the distinct possibility of knocking Legion down below the twilight zone we've created and out of this race. Removing them from this list is not something I'd like to do, but in the interest of fairness, this change will come into effect for next Tuesday's update - at which point the effects of the NS change will have balanced out across all alliances.

Edit: I just did a quick check, and the GGA now has 19.99 score - far below what they had yesterday and messing completely with the addition or deletion of alliances. Therefore, until these changes sort themselves out, no alliances will be added or removed from the race until Saturday's update - by which time we should have a general sense of where things stand.

Edit #2: If people want to do a mini-update, I'm cool with that, but I would appreciate it if people would let me do the updates around 7-8 PM ET for the next few days just to avoid any confusion.

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tip of the day: click on every nation of MHA then there score get's automatically updated.

this is indeed gonna be a strange day.

I did that for their top 40 and they gained .05 score when I did. :awesome: .

Edited by joracy
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I already clicked the top ~180 MHA and top ~150 Orange Defense Network :D

This just shows how seriously people take the Sanction Race. :P

Also, thanks Archon.

Tanks were intended to be worth .2/.15 instead of .02/.015. However, they were the latter numbers instead of the former numbers until he re-changed it. So people who have already seen their position change may see it change again, depending on your tank count.

Edit: Looks like you may need to click on them all again. :P

Edited by Gopherbashi
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4/15/2008 (Mini)

6 Mostly Harmless Alliance: 27.59 --> 26.09 (-1.50)

7 Orange Defense Network: 27.72 --> 26.01 (-1.71)

8 Global Alliance and Treaty Organization: 25.48 --> 23.83 (-1.65)

9 The Phoenix Federation: 25.76 --> 23.50 (-2.24)

Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations: 15.31 --> 14.36 (-0.95)

Mushroom Kingdom: 15.20 --> 14.27 (-0.93)

NATO: 15.07 --> 13.87 (-1.20)

Global Democratic Alliance: 11.94 --> 11.59 (-0.35)

Green Protection Agency: 11.80 --> 11.54 (-0.26)

North Atlantic Defense Coalition: 11.37 --> 11.20 (-0.17)

Invicta: 11.42 --> 10.98 (-0.44)


And a little mini update to tide you guys over. I'll do the real one within the next three hours. MHA, GATO, and NADC all move up in the rankings.

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This just shows how seriously people take the Sanction Race. :P

Also, thanks Archon.

Edit: Looks like you may need to click on them all again. :P

I think I'll refrain from disturbing all those cyber nations all over again :wacko::wacko::wacko:

But yes, to all newcomers to this thread: Sanction Race *is* srs bznz

P.S. Actually it didn't take very long to do all those clicks, I could get in 100 "right click -> open in new tab" pretty quickly until Firefox bogged down. Then I'd exit out and start all over again. I bet the daily updates take more time to do :)

Edited by GenZod
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I don't know, some alliances may actually come out a bit better on this, *if* they happened to have a skeletal military (minimum soldiers, no tanks), but full nukes (Hidden Nuclear Silo just got a bit better with this update). I think it'll probably just drop everyone across the board, though.

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I don't know, some alliances may actually come out a bit better on this, *if* they happened to have a skeletal military (minimum soldiers, no tanks), but full nukes (Hidden Nuclear Silo just got a bit better with this update). I think it'll probably just drop everyone across the board, though.

I don't think anyone's going to manage to not drop here, given the minimum amount of soldiers required to have been in nuke range versus the increase in NS gained by nukes and CMs. It's really going to be a matter of how little did you drop relative to your original position.

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