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The Amazing Sanction Race


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Supri couldn't think of anything witty to put here.

1 February 2009

sanctionnpoec6.jpg1 New Pacific Order: 82.31 --> 82.37 (+0.06)

sanctionironcd8.png2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 71.65 --> 71.72 (+0.07)

sanctionmcxapl4.png3 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 53.88 --> 54.09 (+0.21)

sanctionmhadc4.gif4 Mostly Harmless Alliance: 43.18 --> 43.03 (-0.15)

sanctionspartatc0.jpg5 Sparta: 42.53 --> 42.90 (+0.37)

{180} The Order of the Paradox: 36.91 --> 36.95 (+0.04)

---------- ODN/RoK Challenge Line: 35.00 (RoK: 1/5 days)

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg6 Fark: 33.67 --> 33.47 (-0.20)

sanctionrokyt0.png7 Ragnarok: 33.24 --> 33.33 (+0.09)

sanctionodnto4.png8 Orange Defense Network: 33.25 --> 33.28 (+0.03)

{118} The Grämlins: 28.83 --> 28.89 (+0.06)

sanctionpolarwv6.jpg9 New Polar Order: 28.48 --> 28.69 (+0.21)

10 The Order of Light: 28.45 --> 28.63 (+0.18) [5]

sanctionvedj7.png11 Viridian Entente: 27.83 --> 27.86 (+0.03)

sanctiontpfhq1.png12 The Phoenix Federation: 27.21 --> 27.23 (+0.02)


sanctionfokqu8.png13 FOK: 26.66 --> 26.69 (+0.03)

14 Green Protection Agency: 23.36 --> 23.41 (+0.05)

The Democratic Order: 22.20 --> 22.63 (+0.43)

Grand Global Alliance: 22.60 --> 22.53 (-0.07)

{152} Valhalla: 18.88 --> 18.90 (+0.02)

Global Democratic Alliance: 18.28 --> 18.33 (+0.05)

United Purple Nations: 18.04 --> 17.98 (-0.06)

Greenland Republic: 17.99 --> 17.91 (-0.08)

{136} Echelon: 17.57 --> 17.65 (+0.08)

{154} Mushroom Kingdom: 16.10 --> 16.28 (+0.18)

---------- LoSS/WTF/NV/NADC Challenge Line: 16.00

The Dark Evolution: 15.39 --> 15.38 (-0.01)

Monos Archein: 15.14 --> 15.28 (+0.14)

{195} Nueva Vida: 15.17 --> 15.25 (+0.08)

{120} World Task Force: 14.81 --> 14.84 (+0.03)

{156} LoSS: 14.70 --> 14.78 (+0.08)

{170} RnR: 14.53 --> 14.60 (+0.07)

{79} Umbrella: 14.15 --> 14.20 (+0.05)

The Legion: 14.12 --> 14.18 (+0.06)

North Atlantic Defense Coalition: 13.93 --> 14.08 (+0.15)

{196} Invicta: 13.81 --> 13.80 (-0.01)

---------- Add Line: 13.60 --> 13.61 (+0.01)

---------- Drop Line: 13.30 --> 13.31 (+0.01)

Biggest Gainer

The Democratic Order (+0.43)

Biggest Loser

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg6 Fark (-0.20)

Passes of the Day (not including sanctionodnto4.png/sanctionrokyt0.png)

The Democratic Order passes Grand Global Alliance

Monos Archein passes Nueva Vida


I think today can best be served by mentioning those alliances who gained boatloads of score today. There were a lot of them. Boatloads, you might say. Boatloads of alliances gained boatloads of score, inflating the value of score to the point where the boat bubble will burst, and sink like a boatload of boats loaded above their boatloadish capacity of boats. They are listed below in a bullet form (also easily transportable by boats):

  • The Democratic Order (+0.43): Today's massively-biggest gainer, gaining two-thirds of a point over the past 48 hours.
  • Sparta (+0.37): Almost as cool as The Democratic Order, but not quite. Besides, these guys lost more than a tenth of a point yesterday, so I can only assume that they're playing hard-to-get with Mostly Harmless Alliance.
  • The Multicolored Cross-X Alliance and the New Polar Order (+0.21): These two have rarely been seen together since their breakup last year; but could these new exclusive paparazzi photos reveal something that's been going on behind our backs, or is it just a tabloid ploy to get your attention and make more money? Buy this edition and turn to page two to find out!
  • The Order of Light and Mushroom Kingdom (+0.18): If you thought the above couple was surprising, take a look at these guys. Who would have thought that white and aqua would go together so wonderfully, especially after their great gains yesterday as well?
  • Boats: Great for moving around in water, far better than Airplanes. Even airplane pilots like Captain Sullenberger want to drive boats!
  • North Atlantic Defense Coalition (+0.15): A nice jump for an alliance so far down our list, and maybe The Legion should stop hiding behind Umbrella before they both get jumped by this guy. Then again, this alliance broke their chance at getting a three-peat, so this gain of 0.15 can only be viewed as a loss. Speaking of LoSS, the World Task Force seems to be facing a challenge for second place. Perhaps a second place prize for the Challenge Line needs to be created?
  • Monos Archein (+0.14): These guys apparently thought they were part of the Challenge Line, because they made a great leap past Nueva Vida today. YOU ARE NOT RACING FOR THE CHALLENGE LINE. Except if you want to make some sort of deal where I don't pay anything if you get to the Challenge Line first. Talk to me in IRC.
  • The Legion mandated line of exclusive The Legion content. The Legion.

Of course, there were also some alliances who haven't yet accepted the glory of boats, and were punished by the almighty admingod and his disciples of modness as a result. The following alliances shall soon be deleted for failing to collect boats for 20 days:

  • Fark (-0.20): These guys apparently saw what The Order of Light was up to and got jealous, so they dropped towards Ragnarok to get some aqua lovin' of their own. Or perhaps they just want a Challenge Line to race to as well.
  • Mostly Harmless Alliance (-0.15): Most likely getting tired of trying to close the 10-point gap between them and the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance, these guys dropped back to taunt Sparta for a little bit.
  • Airplanes: Have you ever seen a boat get a bird stuck in both its engines? Ducks, maybe. Fish, maybe. Duckfish, maybe. Not birds? Heck no. Airplanes, learn from boats and avoid the birds.
  • THE COLOUR AQUA: Look, I know you guys want to be cool and all by wrecking our eyes, or by giving all your score to your lower alliances and boost them up, but we're not ready to have 6 aqua alliances in the top 12. The rest of us would like a bit of the glory as well. So stop being so awesome, and pass some around to the rest of us.
  • Jebbie: I have to wake up in five hours, and yet I'm still doing your update. Even if I claimed it originally. I hereby claim ownership of your recycling bin, your old high school harmonica, and the little bit of lint that's been stuck in your wallet for two weeks.

This update has been brought to you by Load of Boat boat-loading company - for all your boat-loading needs, as long as you're not loading an airplane. Remember to tune in for tomorrow's update, to see whether Gopher will see his shadow and signal six more weeks of nuclear winter.


Related Links:

Stats By Unspeakable Evil

Tournament Edition Sanction Race

How To Update the Amazing Sanction Race


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