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The following message would be swiftly dispatched to the Atlantic Confederacy government:


It is a sad day in North America that the mighty nation of Pravus Ingruo has fallen. While Greenland and Pravus Ingruo had our differences in the past, we all recognize the passing of a very influential and important member of the North American and world community. While taking the time to mourn Pravus Ingruo's passing, we must now consider the lands and people it leaves behind.

We have heard reports that Atlantic Confederacy men are currently moving into New York. We support you in this endeavor and hope that you would support the smooth transition of Pravus Ingruo's current Greenland protectorate to New Greenland control as well.

Additionally, we are unsure of what decision, if any, has been made with regards to the former Pravus Ingruo protectorate of Labrador. May we suggest the idea that Newfoundland be allowed to assume control. They have proved capable stewards of their land and with the historical ties between Labrador and Newfoundland we believe it would make sense for them to assume a leading role in the restabilization of Labrador, should they choose to do so.


Harold Vilhjálmsson
Chief Praefect for the Ajuntament-Prefecture of Foreign Affairs[/i]

Edited by Californian
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[quote][b][size="4"]Confederacy begins Annexation of Pravus Ingruo and Labrador[/size][/b]


[i]The skyline of Hero City, the city was visited by elements of the Department of State a little over four days ago, two nights ago National Guard forces began moving into Pravus Ingruo's capital and former lands from Connecticut and Vermont.[/i]

[b]Hero (formerly New York) City, NY[/b] - Residents of Hero City awoke yesterday morning to find small liaison patrols from the Connecticut National Guard visiting the city in force, working with local constabulary officials to ensure law and order are kept in the city whilst negotiations begin with municipal and remaining regional officials to ensure a smooth transition of the Confederacy into power. There are no confirmed reports of the location of the former government of Pravus Ingruo, which sparks a question of their disappearance, and the motives for such a disappearance. President Gibbs issued a statement earlier in the week confirming the intent of the Confederacy to oversee an attempt of contact with the government, but with no key government officials in sight, the President undertook immediate steps to ensure a peaceful transfer of power, which was backed up by an emergency parliamentary decision to activate members of the Connecticut and Vermont National Guards.

Further operations were undertaken to secure the former Pravus Ingruo protectorate of Labrador, an act which unnamed officials in the State Department believe will certainly raise eyebrows in the region. Elements of the 2nd Marine Division, already in Quebec, and concentrated around Sept-Iles, began an extended deployment into Labrador along the North Shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, further support being provided by elements of the Quebec Nationale Gendarmie (QNG), and the Confederacy's Navy. The protectorate is a longstanding source of high-quality ores and natural resources, as well as firmly secures the Confederacy's northeast flank, and possibly ensuring the Confederacy's firm dominance of the dominions of Northeastern North America. A Quebec-based TV reporting team in Goose Bay-Happy Valley reported the arrival of airborne infantry units, sparking debate that more than just the 2nd Marine Division is involved in the stabilization operation, and that the Confederacy is ensuring a quick arrival of forces into the area. Leading units from reconnaissance units of the 2nd Marine Division were reported to be in the Forteau area, as well, crossing the border from bivouacs near Blanc-Sablon.

"The Confederacy wants to ensure the stability of both regions of the former Empire of Pravus Ingruo, these regions are seen to be integral parts of our state, the security of our state, as well as the continued development of our nation. We share cultural as well as idealistic views of both areas, these areas have a strong affinity with our own nation, it is why we are undertaking this operation. Our forces move forward with confidence and decisiveness to ensure the continued security of both regions, lawlessness will not be tolerated, the loss of order will not be suffered," Secretary of State Edward Ouellette would comment, at a press conference yesterday.

The sudden fall of Pravus Ingruo came as a shock to many in the Confederacy, President Gibbs, a longtime admirer of Pravus Ingruo and what it stood for in terms of North American regionalism, was reported to have sat in silence throughout the rest of an entire cabinet meeting, when he learned of the fall. Gibbs had a strong personal affinity for the Empire, and many foreign political academics have hypothesized that Gibbs had steered the state to taking an active role like the Empire had after the independence of the Confederation of Greater New England, to fill the position that had seemingly been left open by the reduced state of the Empire when it released sovereignty over several states on the Eastern Coast. But whatever the reason may be, the Confederacy, many academics still believe, has a lot of mettle left to prove in its new position.[/quote]

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[i] Message to the Atlantic Confederacy government[/i]

It is a sad day that the nation of Pravus Ingruo had to have a sudden end. We ourselves came from a-part of the country, and I believe your nation has as-well. Tho we understand why you would like New york, as you being part of Pravus Ingrue and the New England region. And we would support your move in restoring it under your flag. However, you have to understand why we would want Labrador, a region that we heard that you wanted. The region has a historical connection with our people that lasted since the Older Canada, and that our cultures and people are similar. That as we helped govern them before, it seems natural for us to help watch over them again. For us to help re-stabilize Labrador.

We hope you'd let us have the region of Labrador, tho by now it would be up to you at this point, as we don't wish to accidently start a major conflict over the region.

Wish you well,
[i] From the offices of Newfoundland's Minister of foreign affairs
~~ Harley Kokoro

Edited by Shadow hawk
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[b]Official Dispatch to the Government of Newfoundland[/b]

"As we can see that Labrador is of great interest to your nation, as well as a strategic interest of our own, we can propose a certain deal of sorts that I believe will satisfy both our parties. We will grant Newfoundland full sovereignty over Labrador, so long as Newfoundland acquiesces to the existence of a Atlantic Confederacy military base at Happy Valley/Goose Bay, which our country will retain sovereignty over so long as we hold our independence. This facility will encompass the town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay, as well as a five square mile radius surrounding the facility and township.

That would also require us to also have the acquiescence of Newfoundland to allow for and air and water route into these facilities that we observe as an 'international' air and water route, all economic resources of these waters will be rightfully yours, but the water and air route is to ensure supply of this facility and the town."

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[i] response to the Atlantic Confederacy dispatch[/i]

We shall agree on your terms. The base, township, and general area of a five mile radius surrounding Happy Valley-Goose Bay will and shall be yours. We can guarantee (As long as any one of our nations remain independent) safe and ready passage to and from the base and township, provided the weather wills it. Such passage will of course be by air, waterways, and roadways. Identification of some form would naturally needed for air and water craft, and vehicles.

Pleasure doing business with you, and nice that we were able to come to a agreement on this.

Wish you well,
[i]From the offices of Newfoundland's Minister of foreign affairs
~~ Harley Kokoro

And the President of Newfoundland
~~ Dominic Johnson

Edited by Shadow hawk
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[quote][size="4"][b]Department of Commerce Yearly Report In[/b][/size]

[b]Boston, MA[/b] - In a yearly report in by the Department of Commerce, the department reported that it is "satisfied" with the economic growth of the Atlantic Confederacy over the last fiscal year, and has cast a positive, slowly-steadying economic forecast for the coming year. Economists in both educational institutions, as well as the Hartford Stock Exchange (HSE) were awaiting the report with baited breath. Although positive economic indicators have been seen all year, experts were afraid that recent renewed separatist activity in Quebec would bludgeon economic growth. An insurgent bomb attack in Trois-Riveries on a local police precinct, as well as three separate heavy firearm attacks on individual patrol cars in Quebec City in a single night two weeks ago has fueled renewed tensions in the State of Quebec, forcing the state and national governments to begin doubling up police patrols in the hope of lessening individual attacks.

"We are pleased to report that economic growth for this last year was well above the indicators from our last economic report, but we are seeing a steadying trend that will probably bring a slowing trend to economic growth. This stabilization of the market is not in any way a bad thing, just a leveling out of our growth, but we do not foresee any future substantial dips in growth over the next twenty-four months, we cannot project beyond that," said Undersecretary of Commerce, Michael Snelling, speaking at a press conference on Beacon Hill yesterday afternoon. Snelling would go on to go over statistics and growth patterns over certain industries, highlighting the key industries that the Confederacy was continuing to pull its economic weight on. Fiscal services, shipbuilding, heavy manufacturing, electronics, and the seafood industries continue to rank high amongst the industries driving the Atlantician economy.

The acquisition of the economic center of New York City (renamed from "Hero City" last week) has bolstered the country's investment potentials, and the State of New York (formerly Pravus Ingruo) remains a center for manufacturing and service-related industries that will help encourage further economic growth. Future economic growth has eyes directed specifically off Nova Scotia this month, as the first drilling platform for Nova Scotia Oil and Natural Gas (NSONG) is beginning oil extraction on the large oil reserves near the Grand Banks. Environmentalists, however, have been fighting the granting of drilling rights, and the State of Vermont in particular, pegged as the "Greenest" state of the Confederacy, has been making serious efforts with its members of parliament to stall further oil drilling permits being issued in the legislative branch.

"We need to reduce our dependency on oil, and we need to further develop alternative means of energy," stated Vermont MP Yves Lithglow, speaking to a reporter on the steps of Beacon Hill last week. Lithglow spearheads the Parliament's Alternative Energy Commission, and has been a proponent of many successful "green" initiatives in the nation, including the institution of nation-wide no-sort recycling program, and getting additional funding for renewable fuels, including the use of agricultural products. The national government has made some concessions to environmentalists, including giving tax breaks to companies and families who try to institute energy-saving measures, and has pushes the oil and natural gas industry to start looking for alternative sources of energy that they can help support research in, and eventually sell.[/quote]

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"We congratulate New England on its favorable reports and its continued success. We wish you all well." - Michael Atrevier, Councilor Superior of Avalon

Edited by iamthey
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[quote][size="4"][b]Snap Election Erodes Liberty Party Hold on National Legislature[/b][/size]

[b]Boston, MA[/b] - In what was supposed to be another Liberty Party-dominated national election, as projected by many of its' supporters and elected officials, the Liberty Party's hold over the Legislative Branch of the Confederacy's National Parliament was eroded by last nights' election. The Liberty Party called an election after nearly two and a half years of political dominance in the Parliament, hoping to pick up more seats in the hope of crushing the other parties which have been trying to form a united front to be able to filibuster legislative business. Instead, the call for a national election, which was voted unanimously turned out to be a political miscalculation by the Gibbs administration, which, although approval ratings have been consistently favorable, has lost some ground recently amongst constituents.

Foreign policy and the external approach the government has taken has disillusioned many independents, many of whom feel the government needs to be focused more on issues at home, and while the economy has done good, social welfare programs which were supposed to be enacted have been put off. The focus of the government on many regional affairs has left many of the swing voters looking elsewhere for "more solid representation", which was a platform that the Atlantic New Democrats were able to focus their attention, and campaigned on. Focusing themselves on social welfare programs has been a stalwart issue that the New Democrats have campaigned on before, and this time, the issue stuck with voters. The New Democrats picked up a further sixteen percentage points, and gave them thirty eight percent of the National Parliament, while the Liberty Party dropped to forty-two percent. The Conservatives were routed by the New Democrats, and lost significant percentage points to the Center-Left party.

[b][size="4"]"... This election will breathe a new life into
the legislature, and bring the focus of the government home,
where it belongs."[/size][/b]
[i]- Rosaline Lowell
Atlantic New Democrat MP[/i]


[i]Rosaline "Rosy" Lowell, a young rising star amongst the Atlantic New Democrats, was able to lead her party into its strong showing which knocked out the majority the Liberty Party held.[/i]

"This election proved the volatility of the Liberty Party's government, that, while being a respectable and fair governing party, has lost some of its touch with the people of the Confederacy. While we laud Marty Gibbs' leadership, and he has become a friendly acquaintance of mine since my election to Parliament, we feel as though this election will breathe a new life into the legislature, and bring the focus of the government home, where it belongs. That is not to say that we will continue our commitments to the stability of the American continents, there needs to be a more balanced approach," said Rosy Lowell, speaking to supporters at a conference. Lowell, only twenty-eight, has been an energetic face that took over the New Democrats after Elizabeth Georges bowed out of the position in a party policy shift towards attracting younger voters, which came out in force for the party.

"Our party made a misstep in the election, you win some, you lose some, given this most recent election has given the chance to form a coalition of two parties, and I look forward to working with other national political leaders if a coalition is indeed formed," said Marty Gibbs, at a rally of supporters on Beacon Hill. As of late last night, there was preliminary inklings of a coming meeting scheduled for later today between the Liberty Party and the Atlantic New Democrats. Most political figures from both parties have responded positively, although many Liberty Party politicians seem to have their hats in their hands, humbled by an election that was called by their own party.[/quote]

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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  • 2 weeks later...

No one saw it coming, the blast that would shake many Bostonians from a relatively quiet Saturday spring afternoon would have both national and regional effects as the sudden shockwave and blast seemed to turn Beacon Hill into a pillar of smoke. A conference of members of parliament for the multitude of political parties that oversaw the stewardship of the Confederacy had just gotten underway, with many of the big name politicians having arrived only moments before. The bomb that was parked in a disguised catering truck on Hancock Street had slipped past multiple layers of security throughout the Boston area, and had managed to make its target, the west wing of the Atlantic Parliament Building, where hundreds of members of parliament were exchanging pleasantries.

Among those who had just arrived included most of the Confederacy's cabinet, as well as key party leaders, only a few national politicians would be left standing or even alive after the blast that completely demolished the west wing of the capital building, as well as blew out a whole city block to its west. The country's leadership was essentially beheaded in a flash of explosives and sorrow, whose death toll would climb to close to six hundred by the end of that horrific day. Secretary of State Ouellette would be one of the few members of Parliament left alive who had been in the blast zone, but he would die from internal injuries only hours later. Speaker of the Parliament Rosy Lowell, one of the last to arrive to the event, would survive the blast, and was whisked away by security forces to an unknown location.

The Quebec Separatists that were responsible for the act would see their objective complete, in fragmenting the national government, as state leaders tried to vie for a line of succession, the Confederacy would fall apart in a matter of seventy-two hours. The hopes and dreams of a generation shattered by a single blast that had taken its President, along with much of its national leadership, to their deaths in a single bout of seconds. As the Confederacy fragmented, the increasingly separated state governments would call for external assistance, seeing the situation hopeless to control. Despite their country crumbling around them, the Confederacy's Armed Services would see through their duties to ensure that the country remained guarded until external assistance could be rendered, the graveness of the situation would force the Armed Services to completely dismantle the Confederacy's nuclear arsenal.

They would blow self-destructive charges on missile silos, essentially burying their deadly weapons, while eliminating the traces of the secretive locations as much as they could, any paper trails to these locations would convienently be lost in a fire. Train-borne nuclear weapons would see themselves completely destroyed or dismantled, while strategic missile submarines would quietly release their weaponry into the depths of the ocean, the missiles' warheads would be completely sealed by injecting concrete into a self-destruction port meant for this sort of situation. The navigation logs on these submarines would be completely destroyed, and they would return to port as soon as they could.

Sensitive military technology, especially classified projects and equipment would be conveniently lost by researchers and military development teams, and as external forces advanced into the Confederacy, they would find fighters and bombers and other aircraft with their avionics packages completely torn asunder. Sensitive equipment would be rounded up and destroyed by personnel, missiles would be stockpiled without their advanced targeting and arming equipment, the internal servers for the NEWSNET system would go dark, ships would cold launch their weaponry into various waters surrounding the Confederacy, but not activate the launching mechanisms or arming switches, the missiles dropping into the sea as soon as they left their ships. Sensitive files would be destroyed and little to no military research would be able to be found by any force that came into the Confederacy, as well as any information pertaining to clandestine operations, the Confederacy's military, intelligence, and research personnel, despite their nation crumbling around them, would ensure anyone who came to their land, would come to a clean house.

[b][OOC: Yes, that's right, I'm rerolling, it was fun while it lasted, but the Atlantic Confederacy expanding outside of something I didn't want it to become.][/b]

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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The apparent collapse of the Atlantic Confederacy caught the New Greenlandic government completely off-guard. Knowing that the collapse of such a great state would have serious consequences, the Ministry of War immediately launched Emergency Proposition Atlantic Stability: 50,000 troops stationed in Florida would be sent into the now-former Atlantic Confederacy to secure the states of Georgia and the Carolinas, supported by a further 20,000 troops. The troops were to secure the major cities such as Atlanta, Charleston, Charlotte, and Wilmington. At around the same time, approximately 80,000 troops would be dispatched from the provinces of Atlantis, Kujalleq, Thule, and Osea to secure the Maritime states, New England proper, and New York State, while further reinforcements were to secure Quebec.

The governments of Newfoundland and Labrador and the American Commonwealth would be notified of this through secure channels and asked to assist.


"The collapse of the Atlantic Confederacy was shocking, and an event of such magnitude must warrant immediate actions. As we speak, the regions that used to constitute the former Atlantic Confederacy shall be placed under New Greenlandic protection. Troops and assets are being dispatched to the aforementioned regions as we speak."

Edited by JEDCJT
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[u][b]PUBLIC STATEMENT[/b][/u]
The American Commonwealth condemns the act of heinous violence that has occurred in the Atlantic Confederacy and is shocked by the effects of this dastardly attack. We commit ourselves to stabilizing the situation as well as doing what we can to investigate this matter.

Due to the proximity to the New England and Southern states our forces are able to move in quicker than yours will be able to and we deem that it must be done so to stabilize the situation. We would like to give this notice in order to avoid a potential conflict as well as to ask for a joint protectorate of the former Confederacy's territory. Again, this is not done out of a desire to take advantage of the situation but the fact that we can do the job quickly. We will not confront Greenlandic forces in a hostile fashion.

Edit: Don't think New Greendland exists.

Edited by Altarian Republic
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"You are correct in that your forces will be able to get to the New England regions before ours due to the proximity. The former Confederacy's territory shall be a joint protectorate, except for New York State, Georgia, and Nova Scotia. These three regions shall be placed under the exclusive sovereignty and jurisdiction of New Greenland. With that said, we shall work with you in stabilizing the regions and investigating the circumstances that led to the Condederacy's collapse."


"You are welcome to help out. We thank you for your assistance, this will not be forgotten."

Edited by JEDCJT
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"We are saddened to see yet another collapse of what had appeared to be a stable nation."

Private to Greenland
"Should you require any assistance we are willing and ready to help to achieve and maintain stability in the former Atlantic Confederacy."

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After several hours, the troops from Florida - the 7th, 15th, 17th, 21st, and 32nd - had succeeded in occupying the region of Georgia and most of South Carolina, and were beginning to penetrate North Carolina. The 7th and 21st had secured the major cities of Atlanta, Valdosta, and Savannah in Georgia, and the 15th and part of 17th had done the same for South Carolina, particularly Charleston, Columbia, and Myrtle Beach. The reminder of 17th and entirety of 32nd continued to move northwards, moving toward the northern SC city of Greenville, advancing into North Carolina through crossing points, and making their way toward Charlotte and Raleigh.

While the troops of the 7th and 21st were taking over border checkpoints alongside the Georgian-Dixie border, the 8th and 35th Divisions were deployed from Florida to assist in maintaining law and order in Georgia and South Carolina, distributing food and supplies, and keeping the machinery of local government running.

In the far north, the troops deployed from mainland Greenland continued to make their way toward the Atlantic coast abroad strategic airlift aircrafts, flying through international airspaces. The first of them, the 47th and part of 51st Division would reach Nova Scotia, where they began landing into the city of Halifax, with the goal of moving out throughout the city and gradually Nova Scotia. The reminder of the troops were to continue on, with the rest of 51st and the 52nd tasked with securing New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and parts of southern Quebec. In turn, the 42nd and 46th were to move into New England proper, where upon moving into Boston, they would immediately begin investigating the causes of the Confederacy's collapse. The 26th Division was to secure New York State, particularly focusing on the major hub that was New York City. Finally, the 28th Division was to move into Quebec in conjunction with American Commonwealth forces that were expected to arrive. Lastly, part of the newly-completed Fifth Fleet was to move out from Miami and sail toward Charleston and Wilmington.

That was the plan.

The Greenlandic troops, whenever they arrived, were to work together with American Commonwealth troops in North Carolina, South Carolina, New England proper, Quebec, and the Maritime states sans Nova Scotia. Regarding Georgia, New York State, and Nova Scotia, the War Ministry would inform the American Commonwealth government through secure channels that these regions were under the exclusive control and jurisdiction of New Greenland, and request them to respect that.

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We will remain out of the regions of Georgia and Nova Scotia but we will need to go through New York with the initial movement of troops as well as to maintain a supply line to our forces in New England and Canada. That being said we will limit our presence in New York to those actions while we conduct peacekeeping operations in the Carolinas, Canada and New England.[/quote]

American Commonwealth forces began moving both North and South with the southern forces establishing a presence in the area of operations while north bound forces sped through New York limiting themselves to the highway system while moving on to New England and Canada. Southbound forces would link up with Greenlandic units while the northern units secured airports and transportation infrastructure for the arrival of inbound Greenlandic troops.

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"Your forces are free to travel through New York State for transportation, communication, and logistic purposes. We look forward to working with you."


The 17th and 32nd Divisions would duly link up with American Commonwealth forces in North Carolina, maintaining communications with them and assisting them in maintaining law and order as well governance. The 15th and part of 17th in South Carolina did the same. In the north, the 26th Division, upon arrival in New York State, went to work in faciliating access for Commonwealth forces to go northward; Greenlandic troops would help to clear the highways and roadways running through New York for exclusive Commonwealth military use.

The 42nd and 46th were able to land in New England proper, moving into major cities like Boston, Providence, and New Haven without much difficulty thanks to Commonwealth troops there; further to the east, the 51st and 52nd landed in New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, and linked up with Commonwealth troops before moving north. The 28th Division moved on into Quebec, linking up with Commonwealth troops in Quebec City, Ferin, and Montreal.

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"We are shocked that one of the best and most well-intented nations in the Americas is gone. It is saddening and we shall keep the mem..."
-[size="3"][font="Monotype Corsiva"]Charles Louis d'Orleans-Autriche-Este[/font][/size]

"Mon Dieu", shouted the cameraman as the King collapsed on the floor in the middle of a statement. "Vite! Vite! A doctor. His Majesty, i think he has a stroke." Within minutes the ambulance arrived and comatose, but alive, the King was transferred to the hospital. It was most likely too much that what France had considered their greatest partner in the Americas had collapsed. And so he collapsed with them.

Edited by Evangeline Anovilis
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"This is a most saddening piece of news, the Atlantic Confederacy was a very respectable nation - we wish American nations all the best in securing the lands of the former Atlantic Confederacy from anarchy." - brief dispatch from the Oceanesian Department of Foreign Affairs.

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