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[quote][b][size="4"]Elections to Begin Within a Month[/size][/b]

[b]Boston, MA[/b] - With the final nod from Pravus Ingruo, the Confederation of Greater New England became reality last night amidst the cheers from citizens in meeting houses from the tip of Cape Breton Island to Greenwich, Connecticut. The Interim Independence Council has gotten the approval of local native protectorate administrators that their government will be recognized until an election can be held, which will ensure that the process of democracy is assured in Greater New England. An election was the first and foremost item on the Interim Independence Council's 'Road Map to the City on a Hill', the itemized list's name a tribute to the quote made in a sermon by Massachusetts Bay Colonist John Winthrop.

A formal Articles of Confederation were released earlier yesterday, which established the Confederations' basic legislation and its governing components, the articles are expected to be expanded on in the coming months and years, which could mean a full constitutional overhaul. The Articles' main focus was setting up the framework for an 'effective' and 'streamlined' government which will oversee Greater New England. The components of the Articles included setting up executive, legislative, and judicial branches, which will be able to effectively balance and counteract one another so that one branch does not become too powerful. This will be on top of existing state parliaments, which oversee the affairs of each state, and act as legislators for the people to the executive branches of the state, the governors.

Government elections will establish who will become members of the Greater New England Parliament, which is the official legislative branch, a unicameral parliament at its root, its powers will include the power, on a basic level, to raise taxes, troops, represent electoral districts on a national scale, weigh in and vote on government legislation, negotiate and approve diplomatic agreements and allocate government funds. The Executive Office of Greater New England includes the Greater New England President, the Council of Ministers, and the Council of Governors, which will oversee day-to-day running of the government, negotiate and sign treaties with foreign powers, oversee the defense of the nation itself, present and approve of legislation, and in the case of the Office of the President of Greater New England, act as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of New England. The Judicial Branch will be nominated by the Executive Branch, and approved by the Parliament of Greater New England, and, in a short run down of its responsibilities, will rule on the constitutionality of law, as well as set legal precedents for the nation.

Although some political activists, many of them having origins with the far left, have claimed that this system endangers a political process that is "conducive and vulnerable" to special interest groups, the Interim Independence Council downplayed fears of special interest groups having a large impact on the government. "We are going to make sure that special interest groups stay out of the government that we are designing. We have worked long and hard to ensure that independence is made, and we will not throw that away so that one persons' political interests trump those of another. We are designing a system built on plurality and what is good for the basic units of New England; families and communities, that is where our minds are on, and that is what our politicians' minds will be on when they become lawmakers themselves after this election," said Martin Gibbs, who has been the [i]de facto[/i] leader of Greater New England, as the leading representative of the Interim Independence Council.

There has been some outcry however, one political activist marching in Boston, speaking on the government, "There are business leaders that are a part of the Independence Council, do you really expect them to give up their profits that they will earn from this system that is conducive to exploitation and a free market community?" Gibbs, nor the Independence Council has specified how they will limit the impact of special interest groups on the nation, but it is expected that things will be set into motion in the next few weeks that will, theoretically, halt the impact of special interest groups on the government. In the meantime, the Independence Council says it expects multiple parties to be on the ballot, and looks forward to a multi-party parliament, representing the political spectrum.[/quote]

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[quote][b][size="4"]Gulf of Maine Ferry Services to Increase; Economy Picks Up[/size][/b]


[i]Heavy traffic leading out of Boston in the evening rush hour, transportation congestion has been a primary issue on the economic side of the Independence Council's road map, and is expected to be a hot topic in the upcoming election.[/i]

[b]Portland, ME[/b] - With what appears to be a large migration from southern New England into Maine, as well as commerce being revitalized between Nova Scotia and Maine via increased ferry service, the revitalization of the New England economy has begun in earnest. The State of Maine, however, will continue to be one of the kinks in the chain of economic revival, however, with an economy and population lagging behind those of the other states. After nuclear strikes devastated most of the state nearly a decade ago, Maine's economy and population is still picking up the pieces and lags behind what it once was, although the government has begun a program that will hopefully rejuvenate the languishing state of Maine's economy, which will in turn boost national economic growth.

Built on a reduction in taxes for residents, businesses, and industry over the next five years, the State of Maine is expected to play host to a large migration of blue collar workers and their families to the north. Businesses and industry have planned to push facilities and stores into the Northern New England state, which will hopefully create an economic revitalization in Maine, as well as fuel the nation's economy. Although the Independence Council has pushed for free market values, it is expected that the economy will "have to be" planned for the next few years to help speed up Maine's growth. Most industrial and business leaders have accepted that fact freely, and hope to see the government stabilize Maine's economy, population, and environment, which still requires some radiation clean up efforts, many residents still continue to have radiation counters in their houses and in businesses.

The movement of population north is expected to boost Maine's current population by a full ten to fifteen percent within the next five years, the movement of these people hopefully helping with economic revitalization in the area. The movement of large numbers of people has also put the spotlight, to a certain extent, on the sub-par infrastructure that Greater New England has been having to deal with. Many bridges, roads, and other facets of infrastructure require major overhauls, or actually need full replacements, which was a top priority on the Independence Council's road map of "to dos". Another logistics issue is the problematic separation issue that Greater New England deals with, administrating both New England as well as Nova Scotia, reachable by foreign land route or ferry only.


[i]High speed ferries have resumed service across the Gulf of Maine, "The Cat" being one of the ferries that serves routes between Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, and multiple destinations, including Bar Harbor and Portland, Maine.[/i]

The issue of commerce, infrastructure, and logistics between states have already been a hot topic in the upcoming elections, with the five registered parties vying for parliament seats and the executive offices splitting hairs and strategies over to deal with these problematic issues. The Liberty Party (Center-Right), led by interim leading representative Martin Gibbs has pointed out that Canada has seemed amenable discussing favorable clamor in New Brunswick to solving the "split logistics" issue, and was the champion of a temporary planned economy with government regulation to help deal with the languished state of Maine. The New England New Democrats (Social Democrats) have also agreed with the Liberty Party's stance on a planned economy, but would like to see it extend beyond a temporary measure, favoring a heavily regulated economy. The New England Conservative Party (Right) have favored free market economics from the beginning, and their power base amongst heavy industry leaders have lambasted attempts to regulate the economy in any way.

Whatever the outcome, the upcoming elections are expected to heat up over the next two weeks, and will be the topic of conversation throughout New England, as parties vie for political control of the legislative and executive branches of both national and state governments.[/quote]

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[quote][b][size="4"]Liberty Party wins Large Victory in Elections; Gibbs to be sworn in as President[/size][/b]


[i]Martin Gibbs, pictured above, was a leading actor in the push for New England's independence, a former defense attorney originally from Maine, Gibbs was living in Massachusetts when the events that transpired in the destruction of his home nation.[/i]

[b]Boston, MA[/b] - Despite some polls showing a more focused margin in the strength of the parties at hand, the Liberty Party pulled off a huge upset in last night's election that gave it firm control over the national legislature, and gave them control of the executive branch of government. With Martin Gibbs leading the rout of the other four parties, the Liberty Party picked up fifty-two percent of the vote to win a majority in the parliament, without the need for a coalition to settle legislative business. As a leading member of the Liberty Party, Gibbs was chosen as the de facto presidential pick of the party before the election went through. In his parliamentary district, which includes Cambridge, Massachusetts, Gibbs won eighty-seven percent of the vote, with his opponents only splitting thirteen percentage points amongst them.

The New England New Democrats, led by Elizabeth Georges picked up the most percentage amongst the Liberty Party's opponents, with a total of twenty two points, the New England Conservatives and Communist Parties picked up ten points apiece, while the New England Greens picked up eight percentage points. In the State Parliaments, the New England New Democrats found themselves faring a little better, able to pick up a parliamentary majority wins in Nova Scotia and Vermont, their main bastions of support, and were able to secure the governor's seat in both states. New Hampshire favored the Conservatives, and gave a heavy lead to them, ultimately leading to their hold on the Governor's seat there. The Liberty Party pulled off state parliamentary wins in the rest of New England, and won the governor seats in Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, which helped assure their dominance in state and national politics.

The Liberty Party's win last night does not mean that the opposition will not be able to fight back against the majority, as the other parties do have a chance to "Filibuster" legislative debates, but the disorganization between the oppositional parties, which have many ideological issues and complaints against one another will stall any attempts at unity to counter the large hold the Liberty Party secured last night. The first official swearing in of Martin Gibbs will be before the Independence Council in two weeks, Gibbs is expected to bring a number of key Liberty Party figures to his new cabinet, although he has said that some individuals from other parties and ideologies might be involved in his cabinet. The Executive Branch, which is to be led by the President, has the power to bring other party leaders and members to its cabinet-level positions if it so chooses.

Gibbs, speaking yesterday before the end of the election, said that if he became President, he could not simply nominate people from his party to key positions in the government, he wanted to nominate on merit. Quoting a fellow historical figure from Maine, Gibbs said, "Quite simply, I could never be a partisan leader, a man of one idea. I will bring people who are qualified candidates into my cabinet, and am not afraid of bringing other ideologies into my cabinet, if they are qualified, why should they be excluded." Commentators have said that Gibbs' conciliatory attitude made him a likeable character in the election, and many comments from everyday citizens have been positive towards Gibbs' energetic and friendly demeanor.

One of the last minute debate topics was defense, where some disconnect between Gibbs and the public of New England, Gibbs has seen government contracts and building up a strong military as a means of helping to revitalizing the economy. The Greens, Communists, and New Democrats all attempted to play to the New England public on this topic, which may have contributed to the strong showing by the New Democrats, who were against large military buildups. Gibbs has mentioned that the New England needs a defensive force which will be built for regional conflicts, and will be built up over time. The Conservatives broke with the Liberty Party here, favoring a large buildup as quickly as possible, over Gibbs' steady and calculated approach, which he stresses will ensure a more cost-effective and beneficial approach. Currently, the country only has a small standing army of one motorized infantry division, while much of the country's defense is handled by the National Guard, which have styled themselves as "the Minutemen", in tribute to Massachusetts' colonial militia.

Whatever the case of defense, it appears that with the Liberty Party in control of the legislative and executive branches, it will be able to push through any legislation it wants, at will, without much interference, barring any economical or political events outside of its own control.[/quote]

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[center][b][size="4"]Confederation of Greater New England Official Statement[/size][/b]


"Acknowledging standard practice, the Confederation of Greater New England, as a matter of public record, releases its officially recognized borders, both land, aerial, and sea. By standard maritime law, in practice with the old UNCLOS System of Treaties, the Confederation acknowledges standard maritime nautical mileage limits with its; Territorial Waters, Contiguous Zone, and Exclusive Economic Zone, which shall extend to the continental shelf, and shall not interfere with the EEZ of any neighbor. The exception to these procedures is the creation of archipelagic water zones to Greater New England's offshore islands, including Sable Island, as well as all offshore islands that are outside of the territorial waters of the Confederation.

The Confederation also acknowledges a seventy-five mile airspace out to sea, and will extend that air space to two-hundred nautical miles in times of duress or war. In keeping with traditional values, any bodies of water where this doctrine comes into conflict with another state, such as the Bay of Fundy with Canada, for example, the Confederation acknowledges that it considers the Bay of Fundy split equally between the two nations in the interests of the common good. Standard maritime infractions, including illegal dumping and other crimes committed in any maritime borders of the Confederation is subject to Confederation maritime law, and apprehension of suspects committing illegal activities is approved and subject to full prosecution under Confederation Maritime Law.

Furthermore, the Confederation acknowledges an open borders stance with all of its neighbors and the world at large, with citizenship background checks being mandatory at all crossings coming into the Confederation. The oversight of the Greater New England borders falls to the Confederation Border Security and Customs Bureau (CBSC), which mans border crossings and airport security stations. Imported and exported goods are subject to standard tariff fees depending on their availability within the Confederation."

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[center][b][size="4"]Confederation of Greater New England Official Statement[/size][/b]


"The Confederation of New England has long seen the effects and detriments of both foreign incursions into the Americas, with countries from all continents believing it their responsibility for dealing with Americas' issues and problems, usually for their own benefit. It is the opinion of Confederation of New England that this not only creates tensions in both hemisphere, but also creates infighting that has curbed any significant coalition from gathering itself to promote American unity and stability. This has not only eroded American independence of action to solve its own crises, it has eroded common American values that we all hold dear, many countries in this hemisphere overthrew the shackles of imperialism, shook them off to develop themselves, some in unique fashion.

Therefore, the Confederation of Greater New England's parliament, acting on the behalf of the President, the nation, the people, and the common good, to benefit the western hemisphere as a whole, enacts the Gibbs Doctrine. Championed by the President of Greater New England, the Gibbs Doctrine seeks to promote American unity and anti-imperialist values, to end our infighting, to ensure the common good. Make no mistake, we are at a crossroads, the countries of the Americas have a decision to make. Attempts to promote unity and stabilize our two continents in the face of out-of-hemisphere aggression have proved for naught, it is a cause we will take up the mantle for here and now. Our actions are our own, whether other American nations choose to follow us, well, that is up them, but make no mistake, we will act upon our words when we feel it is prudent to do so."

[center][b][size="4"]The Gibbs Doctrine[/size][/b]
The occasion has been judged proper for asserting, as a principle in which the rights and interests of the Confederation of Greater New England are involved, that the American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any external powers.

We owe it, therefore, to candor and to the amicable relations existing between the Confederation of Greater New England and those powers to declare that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety. With the existing colonies or dependencies of any world power we have not interfered and shall not interfere. But with the Governments who have declared their independence and maintained it, and whose independence we have, on great consideration and on just principles, acknowledged, we could not view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing them, or controlling in any other manner their destiny, by any world power in any other light than as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the Confederation of Greater New England.

All that this country desires is to see the neighboring countries stable, orderly, and prosperous. Any country whose people conduct themselves well can count upon our hearty friendship. So, furthermore, if a nation shows that it knows how to act with reasonable efficiency and decency in social and political matters, if it keeps order and pays its obligations, it need fear no interference from the Confederation of Greater New England. Chronic wrongdoing, or an impotence which results in a general loosening of the ties of civilized society, may in America, as elsewhere, ultimately require intervention by some civilized nation, and in the Western Hemisphere the adherence of the Confederation of Greater New England to the Gibbs Doctrine may force the Confederation, however reluctantly, in flagrant cases of such wrongdoing or impotence, to the exercise of an international role as a peacekeeping nation.

It is the opinion of the Confederation that further imperialist incursions and continental infighting is not only detrimental to the American continents as a whole, but is a complete and utter threat to both Americas and their independence. For too long, has infighting allowed for other nations to subject our continents to colonization and completely eroded hopes of an American coalition that can bring together the continents in the hopes of ensuring a balanced world. While the deeds of the settlers who colonized these lands were not all just and fair, no society nor people are perfect across history, we cite the Puritan Winthrop's famous declaration of a "City Upon a Hill"; a beacon to follow. We move forward with any intervention that we may partake in this hemisphere for the common good, in the interests of one day, where our nation may not even exist for the path it now has begun to trod, but that one day where the American continents can find themselves able to parlay on equal terms with other regions of the world.

We are at a crossroads, and we have perhaps chosen a dangerous path to trod from there, our torch is lit, and we will lead those willing to follow into the howling darkness to ensure a better future. It is our time to restore balance and stability to the Americas, it is not a question of if or how, it is a question of when, and that time has begun to manifest itself.[/i]

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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[quote][size="4"][b]Boston Stock Exchange on High Gear; Defense Budget Released[/b][/size]


[i]Shares in shipbuilding corporations, a staple New England industry, jumped on defense budget projections and opening of foreign sales of civilian vessels.[/i]

[b]Boston, MA[/b] - The Boston Stock Exchange recorded high gains yesterday after the Confederation's government released the Gibbs Doctrine two days ago, the document which partly seeks to erode protectionism while promoting American unity. Yesterday also marked the long-awaited release of a newly revised defense budget, that is expected to be higher after some revisions were made, considering the state of the Confederation's steadily growing economic pace. The defense budget was expected to be very friendly towards domestic producers, with no outsourcing of production of armaments expected currently. This is on top of favorable economic growth in industry and manufacturing, as well as solid growth in the private local, small-scale agricultural business, which is keeping food prices low locally.

With revenue expected on a surplus and a trade balance which the Confederation has worked to keep at par, the government revised the defense budget to include projects that were not supposed to be put into motion for near twenty-four months. At the current state, the defense budget includes provisions for the procurement of a fleet for the Confederation, as well as the development and manufacturing of "several advanced aircraft", as well as increased spending on communications, command and control, organizational refinements, and weaponry for the ground forces. Also included in the defense budget is shared spending for the military to use with the New England Space Agency (NESA), who are expected to be opening a new launch agency at Wellfleet Harbor, on Cape Cod. The government has sent out an international message requesting some assistance with putting its first satellites into orbit, as the Wellfleet Harbor facility is not expected to be put into operation for another six months.

Electronics and aerospace giant Raytheon snatched up high gains yesterday on increased consumer sales, NESA and unnamed government contracts, the latter presumably for the Defense Department. New England General Dynamics' Shipbuilding also picked up gains on commercial contracts, and the overwhelmingly assurance that shipbuilding contracts were going to be thrown its way. NEGD owns shipbuilding facilities at Groton, CT Fore River, MA Quincy, MA, Portsmouth, NH, and Bath, ME, and has renewed competition between itself and Irving Shipbuilding, which owns facilities in Halifax and Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, both have seen increased sales and contracts, and are expected to see solid gains over the next few years as government and private contracts pour in.

"With the economy doing better than was projected, and the Confederation's new foreign policy, you can see increased government spending in defense going up in the next few years," noted Dalhousie University Political Sciences' Professor Henry Stancham, a fellow of the Dalhousie Center for Foreign Policy Studies. "The increased defense spending can expect to also give a boost to local economies, as many of New Englands' defense contractors have multiple facilities spread all over the country. Of course, this will come at a cost to a lower budget surplus, but if we're running at a surplus right now, why is there any reason to worry?"

"Although we may not see eye to eye, Martin Gibbs and his government are pushing a very proactive foreign policy and defense spending, early in the country's life. I can stand behind him here, my party favors defense spending, and its going to put money back into the country by not outsourcing. What more can anyone ask for?" stated prominent NEC MP Rodney Browning, representing Greenwich, Connecticut.

Government budgetary talks and news also prompted construction contractor and building material fabrication trades to also jump yesterday, at the news that money was expected to be going into infrastructure projects across the Confederation. Refinements to mass transit for the Boston, Hartford, and Halifax Metropolitan areas were welcome news, and money is also expected to be going into more local projects, to bring the country's infrastructure fully up to snuff. Contracts have already begun to be put out by the government for improvements to the Boston Metropolitan Area, and with the growing population of Maine, particularly in the southern regions of the state, the Portland Metropolitan area will probably see some increases to its dilapidated infrastructure, that has only seen limited numbers of funds put into it since the region as declared safe again from radioactivity.[/quote]

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  • 3 weeks later...

Charlestown, Massachusetts[/b]

The evening air of autumn was a chilly one, and a light breeze blew over the top of Bunker Hill, as Marty Gibbs walked with a couple compatriots through the newly-redesigned Bunker Hill Memorial, which now honored veterans of all of the conflicts that the people of Greater New England had embroiled themselves in since the American revolution. Surrounding the large obelisk in the center of the memorial complex were a series of minarets that were dedicated to the conflicts and battle engagements of the people of Greater New England. Engagements from the United States Civil War, Battles in the First World War, that war that was supposed to "end all wars", ranging all the way up to the recent conflicts, from the Maine Incident, to the ejection of the Commonwealth of Canada from Nova Scotia.

The series of monuments contained not only engagement names, but also quotes from various eras from various thinkers, politicians, soldiers, and other popular figures in history. The dedication ceremony a week before had been a large affair, it was widely publicized by various news networks and newspapers, and Gibbs had spoken to a large crowd of the importance of cherishing one's past while embracing the future at the same time; moving forward while remembering their traditional roots and those who had fought and defended them. It had been a controversial decision to include events such as the Maine Incident on one of the minarets, it had evoked a large cry from figures within the old Boston Federation which had fought against Maine during that time. Both sides were commemorated in the memorial, Maine and its people for suffering from destruction it had to shoulder, the Boston Federation for their actions to subdue the rogue state and attempting to restore the state thereafter.

It was this particular minaret that the Mainer stopped to observe and look at for a moment, one of his proteges, Brigadier General Theodore "Teddy" Waterbury, who acted as National Defense Adviser, stopped with him and looked up. "You know, I'm still wondering if including this in the monument was a mistake," nodded Waterbury, who was about the same age as Gibbs. He touched the quote below the stone-etched "Remembering those of the Nation of Maine; Led Astray by the Government Towards a Noble Goal; A Noble Goal that was Shattered by the Path Taken."

"We would be wronging the innocent if we didn't include it here," mumbled Gibbs, looking at Waterbury, his high cheekbones recessed and his brown eyes grim but confident. "Maine made a stand for a cause of anti-imperialism, they went about it the wrong way, and the people of Maine suffered the consequences." Gibbs looked at the monument, then at Waterbury again, "Despite our efforts, and the efforts of others to repopulate and clean up Maine, it can never be the same land that I remembered growing up, it lost a piece of itself when the actions of a few, ruined the lives of so many."

"You need not throw nuclear missiles around to make a point, if the idea exists, it is already a much stronger weapon, irrationality only corrupts the idea and the cause it evokes," said the other of Gibbs' trio of evening strollers, Dr. Rebecca Stokes, a friend of Gibbs, and a professor of political science at Harvard. "It matters not what the international community would think of why we commemorated the Maine Incident, we know why we did it, and that is what counts here."

Gibbs just nodded, as he turned to look back towards the City Center of Boston, twinkling lights of the skyline, the lazy movement of a harbor ferry traversing the Charles River, the sounds of traffic could be heard, a siren reminded them of the city's constant battle with the criminal underworld, which was slowly getting eroded since the return of a full government. The protectorate government had done its best to ensure that the country had at least some semblance of stability, but organized crime had been able to gain footholds that were proving hard to erode, some even having been able to permeate into politics. A number of scandals had arisen from the management of the city, and its funds, and the siphoning of funds into the hands of criminal pockets. The criminal underworld was one of many issues that the young nation still had to face up to, and it was one it was battling hard to deal with.

Greater New England didn't suffer from a lack of hard work ethic, that was for sure, as the government sponsored tax breaks for some major corporations had fueled a large industrial boom throughout much of the nation, allowing for unemployment to drop, and projections for the standard of living were on the rise. There was still much work to be done, however, as externally, Greater New England had relatively no real diplomatic relationships, nor were the fortunes of North American nations high at the time. Canada was under attack, an attack that was abhorred by the New England Government, but it seemed that Canada was suffering from a lack of communication with its neighbors, and on top of that, and the people of Greater New England, while sympathetic to the plight of Canada, sought to voice their opinions that it was best if the GNE stayed out of the destructive conflict being wrought in the Great White North.

"I'm somewhat glad that we aren't going to be adding to the list of conflicts that New England has been a part of, this Canadian debacle would probably set us back a long ways," said Waterbury, as he leaned against a fountain next to Gibbs.

"It was the first conflict that could have precluded the use of the doctrine, but we did not invoke it, and I don't like the taste its left in my mouth," responded Gibbs, as he bit his lip lightly, and didn't look at his compatriots.

"Its for the best Marty," said Rebecca, as she patted his shoulder and stood next to him and looked over at the Boston skyline with him. "If we were to become involved that skyline would look like a much different picture right now. Greater New England is not in any position as of right now to invoke that doctrine and take the fight to Canada, we can ensure that the idea lives on, so that when we are, and that time will come in the future, we will be able to do something about it. Canada overgrew its borders, it swallowed many defunct states and saw itself outgrow its inherent capabilities, it is now suffering under foot for that." Rebecca chuckled, then added, "It has not even gotten back to us over the issue of New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island."

Gibbs turned to look up at the memorial again, and sighed softly, "We have been humbled by the way this situation has turned, it is one we have to learn from, we may not be able to build a North American unity on the plight of Canada, but there are other ways in which to build consensus. We will have to accept what is the status quo for right now, and work as hard as ever to push our own agendas. I would rather avoid bloodshed, but if, in the future, something must be done that will require it, we may need to add another etching to this stone, but not here, and not now, and hopefully not ever. Peace should always take prevalence."

His companions didn't speak, continuing to stare over at the Boston Skyline, but he realized the peace he could find by standing here on Bunker Hill, it was a place that was hallowed ground to his countrymen. It was a place that had seen a clash of ideals, of ways of life, a place where, despite the venue he found himself in, a monument meant to commemorate war, it was much more peaceful than most of the other parks or quiet areas of the city he had strolled in the evening. It was a peace that luckily had was emulated across Greater New England, despite the storm that had come over North America...

[b][OOC: Basically starting out a series roleplaying out the existence of my wonders from in-game, never done it... this being the National War Memorial, of course][/b]

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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[b]To: The Respected Government of Greater New England
From: Admiral Emil Kharzin, Representative of the Korian People[/b]

[i]Dear Sir or Madam,

Surely by now some of your coastal authorities have spotted the rather large fleet sailing south near your shores. I wish to state that this should be no cause for alarm, instead I would like the chance to introduce both myself and my people to your nation in the hopes of future relations. The Korian People are migrants from the recently collapsed Amazon Confederacy; we represent a fraction of the people who turned away from the rule of Queen Maria Theresia to seek our own destiny on the seas.

Our lifestyle has brought a new view of the world to our people and a desire to create a strong prosperity for our fleet and the countries we come in contact. We have in our capabilities to establish a strong trade network that traverses the entire world, one that would bring wealth, employment, and economic expansion to both the Fleet and New England. If possible, our people would like the chance to set up a merchant enclave within your nation. We are currently already in contact with the Greenlandic government and a common market can be established between the temperate and arctic zones upon reaching a settlement.

A trade expedition waits to land in your nation, please reply as soon as possible and we can arrange formal recognition of our two peoples.

Keelah se'lai,

Emil Kharzin[/i]

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[quote][b]To: Admiral Emil Kharzin, Representative of the Korian People
From: Edward Ouellette, Secretary of State, GNE[/b]

[i]Salutations Admiral[/i]

It is no secret to us of your large flotilla being close to our waters, it was not but a day ago that our Coast Guard reported large gathering of ships on their extended range surface radars, and we are glad to hear now from you that there is no due cause for alarm. That aside, we are rather intrigued by your maritime culture, being a nation with a rich tradition that is based on the sea; making one's living plying the seas as a fisherman or trader. We would be most appreciative to receive a trade delegation in our nation, and establish a formal recognition between our two peoples. Being a people of free market economics and looking outwards for commercial ventures and opportunities, we would gladly partake in an economic understanding between our two respective governments.

We welcome your trade delegation to establish itself in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and we can have a delegation of our own awaiting their arrival if you would like to undertake more formal, personal discussions with our government.


Edward Ouellette
Secretary of State
Greater New England[/i][/quote]

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Much as the expedition to Greenland, a small contingent of Korians was assembled on the Quorra under the leadership of Commander Zakhar Korneyev who would sail out from the fleet north towards Halifax and land to speak with the New England Government about the creation of an enclave. If the negotiations went as planned, it would give the Fleet almost undisturbed trade across the North American side of the Atlantic Ocean as most of the states below the American Commonwealth were weak and decadent.

The expedition landed in the morning just as a frosty sun was coming up over the Atlantic's eastern horizon. Twenty suited Korians entered the Halifax harbor and implored for the Harbor Master to alert the New England delegation that they had arrived and wished to discuss their opening of a market and pursuing relations with a new potential ally.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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Halifax and its surrounding area was a bustling center of economic, military, and cultural activity for Greater New England, the Bedford Basin at the end of the harbor channel was probably one of the safest ports in the world. It had been the staging ground for the trans-Atlantic convoys during the Second World War, and the British Royal Navy at one time claimed that it could fit the entirety of its huge fleet in the basin, at the Royal Navy's height. Despite the early morning hours, the Korians would pass large amounts of fishing trawlers heading out for their commercial fishing ventures on the Sable and Grand Banks, as well as various merchantmen moving in and out of the Port of Halifax. A New England Coast Guard patrol boat would register the entry of the Korians to the harbor at its' narrow mouth, confirming their nationality and welcome status via a simple radio check, and their vessel would be directed to dock at the Coast Guard's quay on the Halifax waterfront, meant for non-resident/non-merchant traffic, mostly meant for foreign-flagged government vessels.

After initiating a radio check, the Coast Guard would alert the Nova Scotia state offices of the New England Department of State of the arrival of the Korians, and the local consul, Matthew Abbot would be roused from his house in Upper Sackville with a small team of assembled aides and assistants to greet the newly-arrived Korians. The New England Government had assigned a number of professors and staff from the Center for Foreign Policy Studies from Dalhousie University to serve as Abbot's aides for the meeting. Abbot was appointed to speak with the Korian delegation about their offer until Edward Ouellette was flown in from Quebec City, having been delayed by ongoing emergency meetings with the Quebecois Government over the Separatist Crisis.

Abbot would arrive ahead of the Korian delegation by only a few minutes as the Korian ship was escorted into the harbor by a New England Navy Pilot boat, and a Halifax Port Authority tugboat. The young consul having only assumed the job of consul after his predecessor was appointed to Special Adviser to the Maritime Provinces, to oversee the ongoing integration of New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island into the Confederation. As the Korian ship was docked, Abbot waited for the Korians on the quay, and once a walkway was established, the inexperienced, yet-determined looking consul, surrounded by a few sleepy-eyed academics and State Department staff would greet the suited Korians, a little taken aback from their attire, but maintaining his composure.

"Welcome to Halifax, and Greater New England, my friends!" he would declare, offering his hand to the lead Korian who stepped off the [i]Quorra[/i].

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Stepping up to Abbot, Commander Korneyev took the New Englander's hand and bowed his head. "I appreciate that your government has taken the time to meet with us, Excellency. We are aware that your nation has been busy handling the recent Canadian collapse so I don't want to keep you from other duties, this meeting shouldn't take very long." They started to walk down the dock towards dry land and Korneyev continued to speak, further introducing the reason for the Korian arrival. "In fact, Excellency, our Fleet has just recently sailed out of Greenlandic Harbors after establishing a small enclave, much like what we want to accomplish here with your government. The Medical Board has the vision of a large trading network that will benefit both of our peoples, bringing prosperity and trade goods from across the world, all within Korian hands; a kind of trade league if you will.

What we are looking for now, Excellency, is the chance to set up a trading hub within Halifax as part of the Korian Market and we would establish this enclave under the same rules as were given to us by the Greenlanders. The territory itself would be controlled by New England, but given that we are in your territory itself and are helping your economy directly, we would hope to have the same tariff that your home companies enjoy."

As they got to the harbor entrance, Korneyev turned with a sudden surprise and laid a hand on Abbot's shoulder. "In addition, Excellency, I would like to ask you to hypothesize a moment. If our peoples can make an alliance, how adverse would New England become to Korian Trade Cities being established in Miami or Havana. Our intelligence has reported these nations to be extremely weak and the Medical Board has discussed the idea of acquiring these cities, through various means, to act as trade centers for our people. They are rather strategic after all."

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[center][b][size="4"]Confederation of Greater New England Official Statement[/size][/b]


"It has come to the attention of the Confederation of Greater New England that diplomatic contact with East-American Union and the United Virginian Socialist Republic has been spotty over the last month, and diplomatic communications with their respective governments have ceased. Further news reports from official and unofficial sources report that the loss of governmental control in these of our two neighbors has now led to a erosion of formal law and order in these two respectable nations of Eastern North America.

As such, the Confederation of Greater New England hereby declares a state of protection to be issued over these two former nations and their lands are to be remanded to the custody of the Confederation of Greater New England, is now assembling a task force that will land in these nations to re-establish basic law and order, basic services, and ensure that central government control is established. The Confederation pledges to make this a coalition effort, and hereby establishes Mid-Atlantic Stabilization Force [b](MASFOR)[/b], and will involve all Eastern North American Nations in this effort to ensure that these nations do not fall under the jurisdiction of any expansionist or colonial powers as per the Gibbs Doctrine."


Edward Ouellette
Secretary of State
Greater New England Department of State
Leading Foreign Representative of the Honorable Parliament of New England[/i]



Although the Confederation was already engaged in stabilization efforts in Canada, particularly Quebec, the Armed Services of Greater New England could count on its Navy and Marine Corps, along with limited Army ground forces to answer the call in the fallen two Mid-Atlantic Countries. Elements of two carrier battle groups escorting amphibious strike groups would depart Quincy and Providence respectfully within a few hours of the announcement, assembling into a larger task force south of Nantucket, and barreled south towards the two collapsed American nations, carrying elements of the 1st & 3rd Marine Divisions, as well as elements of the 15th "Spearhead" Armored Division. Multiple National Guard and Reserve Military Police efforts, many having just returned from duty in New Brunswick were dragooned into the effort, and were readied for immediate deployment aboard strategic airlift aircraft.

Elements of the 55th "Angels" Airborne Division were sent ahead with NEAF Support to establish logistical hubs at major airports and ports ahead of the arrival of the two carrier battlegroups, which would be screened by a third that would depart Halifax and remain off Nantucket to patrol in place of the two that had already left port. The 55th would deploy in battalion strength on a number of objectives across the two nations. Most efforts would center around a series of three ports, and their corresponding airport facilities; Savannah, Georgia; Charleston, South Carolina; and Norfolk, Virginia would each see battalions of paratroopers deployed by parachute, or direct flights. Air superiority would be established to support the line of transports that would fly south, then west, with fighters flying both close and loose forward escort to the lumbering transport planes and support aircraft that established the massive air bridge south.

Within eight hours of the announcements, the first boots would arrive on the ground at their various drop zones, provided there wasn't any interference...

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1331484599' post='2936843']
Stepping up to Abbot, Commander Korneyev took the New Englander's hand and bowed his head. "I appreciate that your government has taken the time to meet with us, Excellency. We are aware that your nation has been busy handling the recent Canadian collapse so I don't want to keep you from other duties, this meeting shouldn't take very long." They started to walk down the dock towards dry land and Korneyev continued to speak, further introducing the reason for the Korian arrival. "In fact, Excellency, our Fleet has just recently sailed out of Greenlandic Harbors after establishing a small enclave, much like what we want to accomplish here with your government. The Medical Board has the vision of a large trading network that will benefit both of our peoples, bringing prosperity and trade goods from across the world, all within Korian hands; a kind of trade league if you will.

What we are looking for now, Excellency, is the chance to set up a trading hub within Halifax as part of the Korian Market and we would establish this enclave under the same rules as were given to us by the Greenlanders. The territory itself would be controlled by New England, but given that we are in your territory itself and are helping your economy directly, we would hope to have the same tariff that your home companies enjoy."

As they got to the harbor entrance, Korneyev turned with a sudden surprise and laid a hand on Abbot's shoulder. "In addition, Excellency, I would like to ask you to hypothesize a moment. If our peoples can make an alliance, how adverse would New England become to Korian Trade Cities being established in Miami or Havana. Our intelligence has reported these nations to be extremely weak and the Medical Board has discussed the idea of acquiring these cities, through various means, to act as trade centers for our people. They are rather strategic after all."

One of Abbot's aides would note via a whisper to the young consul that Ouellette was not going to be able to attend the meeting as Abbot walked with Korneyev, therefore it was going to be up to the young consul to make the best decisions for the Confederation. Abbot would maintain his composure and keep his attention on Korneyev as he spoke, listening to his words carefully, and nodding after Korneyev first finished talking about setting up a trading enclave in Halifax.

"The Confederation has always espoused free market tendencies, trying to knock down a lot of heavily protectionist barriers, although I can't say that we have been very successful so far in making this a reality. I feel as though, however, we can offer a reduction in tariffs to your trading fleet, although we cannot eliminate them altogether, I cannot guarantee that we can reduce all tariffs on all goods down to the same one our domestic companies enjoy. Some of our goods and wares are considered to be a little more prized than others, and we might not be able to guarantee a full reduction to domestic tariffs that some companies enjoy. But we can work on reducing a number of tariffs for your trading fleet," nodded Abbot, as they walked, his tone conciliatory and a little nervous. "Th-that being said," he stammered, "I would also like to point out that any trading enclave that you would set up here, would also require a detachment from the New England Border Services Agency, just for security's sake, it would help with the streamlining of tariffs enforcement, as well as provide security for goods passing through the enclave. This is just standard procedure."

Listening further to Korneyev's words, his demeanor would get a little more uneasy, and there seemed to be a little bit of extra chatter amongst the aides who were following, their whispers a little louder than normal. Abbot would clear his throat, and even his demeanor before responding, "I do not know how much our nation can condone what could be seen as colonial outposts, given the fact that we already take a strong stance against colonialism, especially expanding colonialism in this hemisphere. We do know that these two nations are spotty on their diplomatic communications, we would have to see a strong effort on the part of you and your fleet to allow for some sovereignty and native control of these cities to be able to accept such an agreement or actions."

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Korneyev placed his suited hand on Abbot's shoulder and patted him gently. "I assure you, Excellency, there is no reason to be nervous. We are not an aggressive people. We simply want to make sure that our children can grow up in a nation that is prosperous and can fend for itself in the world; even if that nation travels across the sea. I appreciate that your government will do what it can to reduce tariffs on our wears and I understand that New England domestic goods will have priority in your local markets; nothing wrong though with some friendly competition and competition that I hope will lend itself to creating a new market for foreign goods in your nation. We don't create much ourselves, but I hope that one day the Korian Fleet does become the primary trader of luxury and exotic goods from across the world."

He paused and turned to Abbot, the Commander's demeanor becoming much more serious. "But I do have a few questions as to the governing of the Enclave itself. I understand the need to police your territory and provide security, however, I would like to offer the chance for Korians to police themselves and work with your government and police force within the Enclave. Of course we will follow all of New England's laws. As guests it is only proper to be well-mannered and we desire nothing more than to be accepted into your society. But to prevent the chance of discrimination at least within the Enclave. Would such a proposal be possible?"

Then adding further Korneyev bowed his head. "Of course, as to the Caribbean, we are only looking to establish independent trade cities that would otherwise lack tariff reductions and sovereignty. Those cities would be ruled by natives, but have some responsibility to communicate with the Medical Board on their actions. We are micro-mangers more than other peoples in the world."

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[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1331490571' post='2936878']
[center][b][size="4"]Confederation of Greater New England Official Statement[/size][/b]


"It has come to the attention of the Confederation of Greater New England that diplomatic contact with East-American Union and the United Virginian Socialist Republic has been spotty over the last month, and diplomatic communications with their respective governments have ceased. Further news reports from official and unofficial sources report that the loss of governmental control in these of our two neighbors has now led to a erosion of formal law and order in these two respectable nations of Eastern North America.

As such, the Confederation of Greater New England hereby declares a state of protection to be issued over these two former nations and their lands are to be remanded to the custody of the Confederation of Greater New England, is now assembling a task force that will land in these nations to re-establish basic law and order, basic services, and ensure that central government control is established. The Confederation pledges to make this a coalition effort, and hereby establishes Mid-Atlantic Stabilization Force [b](MASFOR)[/b], and will involve all Eastern North American Nations in this effort to ensure that these nations do not fall under the jurisdiction of any expansionist or colonial powers as per the Gibbs Doctrine."


Edward Ouellette
Secretary of State
Greater New England Department of State
Leading Foreign Representative of the Honorable Parliament of New England[/i]



Although the Confederation was already engaged in stabilization efforts in Canada, particularly Quebec, the Armed Services of Greater New England could count on its Navy and Marine Corps, along with limited Army ground forces to answer the call in the fallen two Mid-Atlantic Countries. Elements of two carrier battle groups escorting amphibious strike groups would depart Quincy and Providence respectfully within a few hours of the announcement, assembling into a larger task force south of Nantucket, and barreled south towards the two collapsed American nations, carrying elements of the 1st & 3rd Marine Divisions, as well as elements of the 15th "Spearhead" Armored Division. Multiple National Guard and Reserve Military Police efforts, many having just returned from duty in New Brunswick were dragooned into the effort, and were readied for immediate deployment aboard strategic airlift aircraft.

Elements of the 55th "Angels" Airborne Division were sent ahead with NEAF Support to establish logistical hubs at major airports and ports ahead of the arrival of the two carrier battlegroups, which would be screened by a third that would depart Halifax and remain off Nantucket to patrol in place of the two that had already left port. The 55th would deploy in battalion strength on a number of objectives across the two nations. Most efforts would center around a series of three ports, and their corresponding airport facilities; Savannah, Georgia; Charleston, South Carolina; and Norfolk, Virginia would each see battalions of paratroopers deployed by parachute, or direct flights. Air superiority would be established to support the line of transports that would fly south, then west, with fighters flying both close and loose forward escort to the lumbering transport planes and support aircraft that established the massive air bridge south.

Within eight hours of the announcements, the first boots would arrive on the ground at their various drop zones, provided there wasn't any interference...

The American Commonwealth will answer the call and contribute to the MASFOR with three divisions of troops in order to maintain stability and peace in the aforementioned areas. Several fighter squadrons will also be based at major Air Force facilities.

The American Commonwealth respectfully requests the right to integrate the former state of Virginia into the Commonwealth if that plan is approved by the local population. If approved we will ensure that the Virginian people will be well governed and cared for in their new nation.

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[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1331501534' post='2936946']
Korneyev placed his suited hand on Abbot's shoulder and patted him gently. "I assure you, Excellency, there is no reason to be nervous. We are not an aggressive people. We simply want to make sure that our children can grow up in a nation that is prosperous and can fend for itself in the world; even if that nation travels across the sea. I appreciate that your government will do what it can to reduce tariffs on our wears and I understand that New England domestic goods will have priority in your local markets; nothing wrong though with some friendly competition and competition that I hope will lend itself to creating a new market for foreign goods in your nation. We don't create much ourselves, but I hope that one day the Korian Fleet does become the primary trader of luxury and exotic goods from across the world."

He paused and turned to Abbot, the Commander's demeanor becoming much more serious. "But I do have a few questions as to the governing of the Enclave itself. I understand the need to police your territory and provide security, however, I would like to offer the chance for Korians to police themselves and work with your government and police force within the Enclave. Of course we will follow all of New England's laws. As guests it is only proper to be well-mannered and we desire nothing more than to be accepted into your society. But to prevent the chance of discrimination at least within the Enclave. Would such a proposal be possible?"

Then adding further Korneyev bowed his head. "Of course, as to the Caribbean, we are only looking to establish independent trade cities that would otherwise lack tariff reductions and sovereignty. Those cities would be ruled by natives, but have some responsibility to communicate with the Medical Board on their actions. We are micro-mangers more than other peoples in the world."

"We could certainly work in joint cooperation with the Korians to police the enclave," nodded Abbot, considering for a moment, and conferring quietly with one of the professors who served on his negotiation staff. "As you may know, the use of asymmetric warfare, the use of unconventional tactics against established states is always a threat, we do need to be able to have our own security forces performing certain duties within this enclave. Not only is this a problem, but our ports are also a source of entry for various incomes for organized crime, as proven by recent investigations by the Boston Port Authority to our south. We need to be able to maintain some sort of joint security team with your own constabulary force within the enclave. I hope you understand our position on this."

Abbot's demeanor was stiffened on this note, having seen the effect of organized crime in Boston during his university years when the independent Confederation was but only a wishful thought on the horizon. He relaxed a bit, and continued on in a lighter, more conciliatory tone, "On a lighter note, how big were you hoping this trade enclave be, here in Halifax?"

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"We'd be happy to work with the local authorities to keep Halifax free from crime. I assure you there are no factions within our people involve in Organized Crime, but if such a faction would develop, you have my word these fiends would be put down. That said, sir, the size of the Enclave can be as large as your government is willing to give us. But we would like to have enough territory to run a sufficient marketplace and harbor, along with residential areas for the families of the merchants and soldiers who will live in the Enclave."

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[quote name='Altarian Republic' timestamp='1331556287' post='2937168']
The American Commonwealth respectfully requests the right to integrate the former state of Virginia into the Commonwealth if that plan is approved by the local population. If approved we will ensure that the Virginian people will be well governed and cared for in their new nation.

[b]Secure Diplomatic Cable[/b]

"The Confederation feels that, given your nation's proximity and its' nations precarious national capital district on the other side of the border from a now fallen nation, we can support a claim by the American Commonwealth to grant it sovereignty over these people. MASFOR will begin a referendum to ensure that the local population agrees with this change in sovereignty, and will put out a statement of support for your nation."


[b]Official Confederation of Greater New England Comment[/b]

"It is the opinion of the Confederation of Greater New England that the American Commonwealth has proven itself to be a stable steward of territory and governance in the Americas since its independence. It is due to this stable governance, and the common bonds shared amongst the Middle Atlantic states, that we can support a bid of sovereignty by the American Commonwealth over the now protected state of Virginia."

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[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1331593045' post='2937326']
"We'd be happy to work with the local authorities to keep Halifax free from crime. I assure you there are no factions within our people involve in Organized Crime, but if such a faction would develop, you have my word these fiends would be put down. That said, sir, the size of the Enclave can be as large as your government is willing to give us. But we would like to have enough territory to run a sufficient marketplace and harbor, along with residential areas for the families of the merchants and soldiers who will live in the Enclave."

"Be mindful, I do not mean any accusation by that assertion, Commander, that there are elements of organized crime within your culture, it is a very relevant topic to our own nation right now, and the ports seem to be serious points of activity for organized crime elements. That being said, my government and the Halifax Regional Municipality are looking for purchasers of the old Dartmouth Naval Complex, as well as a small container and bulk cargo facility, in North Dartmouth, that area might be of interest to you," nodded Abbot, as they continued to walk along the secured Halifax waterfront.

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"No offense taken, sir. We'll be on the lookout for anything suspicious. Crime that harms New England will equally harm the Enclave. However, a naval port would be ideal. If we could have permission to zone it out a bit, to include a but beyond the harbor itself that is all we would need. The population of an Enclave I cannot imagine becoming too large as that we couldn't handle it in a small space, but we do need room for a formal market place and for some residential and manufacturing zones. If that can be accomplished in North Dartmouth," the Korian said smiling under his visor, "You have yourself a deal and the money will be placed into New England state accounts."

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"Very well, I am sure that we can approve of a re-zoning for the enclave without any issue, I appreciate that we could come to an agreement here, our government will be in contact with yours over particulars of the properties in question, which is probably about three square miles in total, might I note, as well as be available to answer any legal questions. We'll assemble a New England Border Services Agency team to work with your people as soon as the deal is finalized and your enclave begins to take shape in Dartmouth," nodded Abbot, smiling confidently.

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[quote][size="4"][b]Sign of the Times; Economic Revival Continues High Numbers through First Quarter[/b][/size]


[i]The Port of Halifax continues to gain port visits, with more vessels arriving every week since New England's independence, and it is expected to see increased traffic with the new Korian Trading Enclave in Dartmouth.[/i]

[b]Boston, MA[/b] - The continuing sign of the times has vested itself in the increased activities of New England's citizens, with independent studies (Dalhousie University, Boston College, UCONN) as well as government studies (Dept. of Commerce, Dept. of State), confirmed an increase in consumer spending since the nation's independence. The increased consumer spends as the economic revitalization of Greater New England continues to gain steam with internal and external investment in corporations and companies. Raytheon has announced an interest in its own overseas investment, with the possibility of setting up a manufacturing facility in California, after GNE government prodding helped along the major electronics manufacturer to make a decision on international expansion.

Purchasing amongst consumers were higher than ever through the first quarter, even after the rush at Christmas, and economic forecasts are showing continued growth for the foreseeable future, barring any possible external or internal crises. The increased opening of wallets and purses amongst the New England population has pointed to an increased standard of living and families and consumers having surplus cash to spend. Although fuel prices continue to hold back some of the economic surge, forecasters say that the use of carpooling incentives and mass transit has alleviated the effects of high fuel prices on New Englanders. The ongoing separatist conflict in Quebec did cause the market to slump for a fortnight period at the beginning of the first quarter, and investors were jittery on the overall effects of the internal conflict, but the ongoing and effective stabilization campaign and successes in it helped alleviate fears of a possible spread of violence into the nation.

"The GNE Government has seen itself catch some very lucky breaks in Quebec as well on the international stage which has allowed for the economic revival to continue, despite the crisis to our north continuing, the economy was able to right itself and march on to some large gains in the first quarter. The effective counterinsurgency campaign, and continued work with the Quebec Civil Council at Cheateau Fronteac helped keep things from snowballing and causing problems in the markets," noted Boston College Economics Professor Hiram Potts, an expert in North American economic trends and projections.


[i]A "sign of the times"; increased attendance at the Hockey East college tournament in Boston, and across the league.[/i]

Another sign of economic revival, is surprisingly attendance at college and national sports events across the country, throughout its time as a protectorate of Pravus Ingruo, New England and Nova Scotia saw a downturn in college sports events attendance as wallets and purses tightened themselves. Since the independence of Greater New England, Hockey East for example, has seen a huge increase in its attendance receipts as fans pour back into their arenas to cheer on what can easily be called Greater New England's most watched sport. The Hockey East championship tournament the year before independence saw only 4,093 seats out of a total of 17,565 seats filled at the TD (Banknorth) Garden in Boston, this year, the Garden was sold out for the semi-final and tournament game, that saw the Tigers of Dalhousie University skate to a 3-2 triple-overtime win over the University of New Hampshire Wildcats. The operators of the Garden said that not only was the venue filled, but fans and attendants spent an average of fifteen dollars on various concessions and regalia while there, setting a new record.

"The Hockey East tournament is a great example of increased consumer spending, fans came out in force, and not only did the TD Garden benefit from the tournament, various passenger carriers from airlines, rail lines, and bus lines, as well as other service industries saw a huge profit from the tournament. Dalhousie's fan base showed up in force, with as many as five thousand onlookers supporting to Tigers showing a willingness to come to Boston to watch their team play. It really is a sign of the times, consumers are willing to spend money to travel hundreds of miles, at a significant cost, to watch their favorite teams play, rather than just resolve to watch it on television," commented Potts, when asked about the Hockey East tournament.[/quote]

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  • 3 weeks later...

[center][b][size="4"]Confederation of Greater New England Official Statement[/size][/b]


"After some heavy negotiations with local leaders and heavy commitments by the Confederation of Greater New England to ensure the stability and security of North America, the Confederation announces the [b]FULL[/b] annexation of the [b]Province of Quebec[/b], the [b]Carolina States[/b], and the [b]State of Georgia[/b] into the Confederation. These areas have been under the protection of the Confederation for some time now, and their populations have shown a significant desire to become a part of the Confederation. With the annexation of Quebec, the province will receive some beneficial assurances of autonomy, citing its own cultural differences, which includes the ability to set French as a primary language, unlike the rest of the nation.

These nations will enjoy the protection of sovereignty as assured by the Confederation's Articles, and will be granted full representation in the Confederation's Parliament. In light of the geographic changes of Greater New England, and the acknowledgement that this expansion pushes outside the boundaries of traditional New England, the Confederation of Greater New England is hereby to be renamed the [b]Atlantic Confederacy[/b]. We hereby recognize all former treaties that are in effect, and all existing agreements and doctrines that were upheld by Greater New England remain in effect."

[i]Martin Gibbs
Atlantic Confederacy President
Ranking Member of the Honorable Parliament of the Confederacy[/i]

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[center][b][size="4"]Atlantic Confederacy Official Statement[/size][/b]


"It has come to our attention that inexpicably, the Empire of Pravus Ingruo has slowly faded away into silence, this great nation has survived and weathered many a storm and is a model nation that has always stood for North American progress. It was a nation that has stood up for what it believed in, when faced with great difficulties, and always took the higher road. It is a nation that embraced external relationships with other nations from other hemispheres, but always looked to try to better the Americas at the same time. It rose to the challenges of trying to lead a fractured continent for the longest of times, through both diplomacy and military. It is a nation that granted our own country the right to independence, and we can never forget that.

We respect the history that Pravus Ingruo added to this continent, the stability it fought for, putting North America as first and foremost in its foreign policy agenda, and with a heavy heart, the Atlantic Confederacy will begin operations to ensure continued good order and ensure the legacy of this nation is not forgotten. The Atlantic Confederacy is currently in the process of sending a diplomacy team to make contact with the central government of Pravus Ingruo, if no contact is able to be made with this government, we hereby move to annex the Empire of Pravus Ingruo."

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