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Umbrella Corporation Project Management

Zoot Zoot

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1340418753' post='2993140']
"Compensation costs to the families of the deceased is a good start, how about compensation to the Empire and all thirty thousand Malvinian refugee's who now have to wait an indetermined amount of time to return home, because your neglience contaminated the islands beyond safe habitation?"
"Name what you deem sufficient compensation and we'll see about delivering it."

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Greenland wishes to dispatch several [b]Biological and Chemical Response Team[/b] from the [i]Division of Biological Safety[/i] in the Greenlandic Ministry of Health to the afflicted islands. While the firebombings will no doubt remove large portions of the bacteria from the environment, there will likely still be traces of the infection that linger, based off the little information we have. We hope to help in its clean-up as well as learn more about this disease, as we have our doubts about the pathophysiology of this infection.

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[quote name='Californian' timestamp='1340462836' post='2993558']
Greenland wishes to dispatch several [b]Biological and Chemical Response Team[/b] from the [i]Division of Biological Safety[/i] in the Greenlandic Ministry of Health to the afflicted islands. While the firebombings will no doubt remove large portions of the bacteria from the environment, there will likely still be traces of the infection that linger, based off the little information we have. We hope to help in its clean-up as well as learn more about this disease, as we have our doubts about the pathophysiology of this infection.

Greenland will be permitted entry to the quarantine zone to aid in the cleansing of the islands, your units will be working in conjunction with the Umbrella Biological Countermeasures Service.

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Triumvir Rodolfo of Edean would like to ask a pragmatic question. He's certainly no scientist, but given that the island has supposedly been contaminated with a virus that Umbrella feels could kill us all, is being drenched in high explosive materials that either wipe out all life, or drench the soil with toxic chemicals (as napalm covered salads aren't the best for one's diet) and then going in to cover it with toxic chemicals to kill off the bug... by what miracle is this island ever going to be inhabitable again? We don't mean to look down on these noble attempts to err... restore the island, but we imagine it must be costing the people of the Umbrella Commonwealth and other nations a fortune. Instead of firebombing the island into oblivion, have you considered simply asking the Lunar Republic if the company responsible might happen to have a spray on antidote and if they'd be willing to kindly provide it to you in your attempts to restore the islands to a habitable state?

Edited by Zarfef
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"If the Lunar Republic possessed such an antidote, then the very fact that they have neglected to offer it already would be a crime against humanity. As well as further evidence that the release was a hostile act to spite the Umbrellans as the Lunar Republic withdrew. No expense will be too great to restore the Malvinas, it is a matter of continental pride and honor."

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[quote name='The Great One' timestamp='1340483638' post='2993802']
"If the Lunar Republic possessed such an antidote, then the very fact that they have neglected to offer it already would be a crime against humanity. As well as further evidence that the release was a hostile act to spite the Umbrellans as the Lunar Republic withdrew. No expense will be too great to restore the Malvinas, it is a matter of continental pride and honor."

Something my mother taught me, no one gives you anything in this world unless you ask, and then only if you ask nicely. I'm not saying they have it, I'm not certain if they know they have it or not (from what I've read, it came from a private company, whose database records may still be locked up in cardboard boxes headed for the moon and just because you know a cure doesn't mean you have it stockpiled in vast quantities). In either event, I don't precisely remember them giving the islands over to the Umbrella Commonwealth - they simply abandoned the islands and Umbrella moved in to fill the vacuum (as is their policy however). Technically, unless ownership was given to them, their current firebombing is actually an act of war, even though I'm happy to say that I don't feel war will come of it. Umbrella's well being, is after all, of critical value to the people of Edean. Ultimately though, if you state things like that - even if they had it, they'd never give it to you. They'd destroy it first to avoid the existence of evidence. There is pride involved here, but it's origin is a little more foggy.

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[quote name='Zarfef' timestamp='1340486258' post='2993818']
Something my mother taught me, no one gives you anything in this world unless you ask, and then only if you ask nicely. I'm not saying they have it, I'm not certain if they know they have it or not (from what I've read, it came from a private company, whose database records may still be locked up in cardboard boxes headed for the moon and just because you know a cure doesn't mean you have it stockpiled in vast quantities). In either event, I don't precisely remember them giving the islands over to the Umbrella Commonwealth - they simply abandoned the islands and Umbrella moved in to fill the vacuum (as is their policy however). Technically, unless ownership was given to them, their current firebombing is actually an act of war, even though I'm happy to say that I don't feel war will come of it. Umbrella's well being, is after all, of critical value to the people of Edean. Ultimately though, if you state things like that - even if they had it, they'd never give it to you. They'd destroy it first to avoid the existence of evidence. There is pride involved here, but it's origin is a little more foggy.

Edean's ignorance of biological containment is disturbing, especially when its allies take such haphazard care of their own stockpiles and research efforts in this field. Incineration of infectious pathogens is a highly effective method to ensure they no longer pose a threat. With reports of the release of a bacteria that has allegedly killed over 20,000 in the matter of hours, containment in this manner is critical to ensure that the threat of further contamination elsewhere is mitigated. We are glad to see that Edean continues to spew nonsense while other nations are taking the initiative to contain this threat.

Joanna Stigerdottir
[b]Greenlandic Minister of Health [/b]

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[quote name='Californian' timestamp='1340487209' post='2993831']
Edean's ignorance of biological containment is disturbing, especially when its allies take such haphazard care of their own stockpiles and research efforts in this field. Incineration of infectious pathogens is a highly effective method to ensure they no longer pose a threat. With reports of the release of a bacteria that has allegedly killed over 20,000 in the matter of hours, containment in this manner is critical to ensure that the threat of further contamination elsewhere is mitigated. We are glad to see that Edean continues to spew nonsense while other nations are taking the initiative to contain this threat.

Joanna Stigerdottir
[b]Greenlandic Minister of Health [/b]

In Responce to this statement, Roldolfo released the following reply:

I believe that Mr. Stigerdottir has a few of his facts misaligned and in some cases he seems a bit confused. I would ask that he perhaps explain himself when he refers to an entire people as ignorant when referring to their poltical, not scientific, representatives. He quotes my second statement but I believe from the context, he was actually referring to a prior one. For the confused in the audience, here is the sound bite:

[quote]Triumvir Rodolfo of Edean would like to ask a pragmatic question. He's certainly no scientist, but given that the island has supposedly been contaminated with a virus that Umbrella feels could kill us all, is being drenched in high explosive materials that either wipe out all life, or drench the soil with toxic chemicals (as napalm covered salads aren't the best for one's diet) and then going in to cover it with toxic chemicals to kill off the bug... by what miracle is this island ever going to be inhabitable again? We don't mean to look down on these noble attempts to err... restore the island, but we imagine it must be costing the people of the Umbrella Commonwealth and other nations a fortune. Instead of firebombing the island into oblivion, have you considered simply asking the Lunar Republic if the company responsible might happen to have a spray on antidote and if they'd be willing to kindly provide it to you in your attempts to restore the islands to a habitable state?[/quote]

In this statement, I not only made it clear that I was [i]not[/i] a scientist, hence separating myself from the rest of my people which have more important things to focus on, what with a war going on and and all. I also did not declare that the method was [i]ineffective[/i], but rather, my concerns were routed in the toxic potential of such widespread use of these weapons on future inhabitants along with the intensive cost associated with the tactic. I estimate for instance, that the mission cost of napalming the entire island will be roughly $15-20 billion dollars and will take well over a month with non-stopped napalm strikes. The toxic after effects of these strikes are even more precarious. Given the nature of most fire-bomb weapons, it's highly unlikely that all of the material will simply be burned up without any residual chemical leftovers. Do the members of this en-devour know the biological consequences of ingesting these materials? What about secondary effects from meat and agricultural products grown on soil exposed to these chemicals? What levels are safe to drink and how long will it take for drinking water on these islands to reach said levels.

To mock my statements of caution as words of ignorance, to mock our allies in both the UC and Lunar Republic (for both had recent viral/bacterial outbreaks of mass proportions recently), to act as though we should be joining in bombing a territory that is politically in a [i]very grey area[/i] while we are indeed engaged in very pressing matters - I think Stigerdottir should clarify exactly what he means by his statements - after all, I might be misinterpreting his message. There are multiple effective ways of dealing with these threats, however, if the parties sworn to saving these islands choose only to blame and scorn convenient targets for their own political gain, then the most effective and the most pragmatic solutions will be lost. Do you know where the virus started, where it spread to, what weaknesses the company knew of for it, what animals it can use as vectors (if it can spread to migratory birds - not saying that it can, 30 days to firebomb the island is too little too late), what are the signs and symptoms of the virus, what agents do they know to be the most biologically effective, did any potential carriers leave the Lunar Republic. You're blinding yourself because this makes a convenient opportunity for you to attack the Lunar Republic and ultimately, that hinders you in your quest to restore the island as a safe haven for individuals to live upon.

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Imperial policy when dealing with such biological outbreaks was decided after careful deliberation after studies of the files siezed from Albert Weskers briefcase which held detailed information against all biological weapons that mankind was aware of. Synthetic strains such as Strain #7287, as labelled by the details on the case it was being transported in at the crash site, were not catalogued.

However, policy dictated complete cleansing of the affected areas through pyroweaponry. It was decided it would be easier to clean the areas of the incendiary chemicals as opposed to biological substances. With Umbrellas history as a Corporation with deep roots in biological weapons development and treatment, the Imperial Government formed two divisions of dedicated forces that deal solely with Biological Hazards and Countermeasures. It could be argued that they are the best in the world at biological containment, treatment and if needed, cleansing.

The decision to expend such munitions on this scale against the homeland of myself and thirty thousand other refugees was made with a heavy heart, but it was the right decision.

I must urge our friends in Edean and Greenland to cool their tongues, bickering is counter productive to the matters at hand. The Falklands have been torched three times successivly before this one and both times made a full recovery.

In relation to the investigation, the Lunar claims can be confirmed. A vehicle, crashed at the location they informed us with a breached biocontainer inside. Samples have been taken and placed into the vaults at a fortified military facility in Peru to study and replicate to send to other Governments worldwide so that a vaccine can be developed.

In response to the Lunar Republic, we will send you the bill for all the cleanup operations once the islands are habitable again.

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[b]Classified - Falkland Islands[/b]

With the firebombing campaign over, the bodies catalogued, photographed and destroyed, the Islands were barren, the hulking ruins of great buildings once inhabited by nearly half a million Lunar citizens would crumble and fall as Imperial forces swept across the islands and began clearing the debris and demolishing the buildings that remained.

It would take many weeks to bring down the rest of the buildings, and even longer to clear the rubble and ship back to the mainland to be disposed of and if possible, recylced.

Massive earth moving vehicles were brought onto the islands to help with the effort and pre-fab harbour buildings and facilities were constructed to house the shipping which would move the debris.

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Many of the aircraft in the airforce were now decades old and work began to upgrade them to keep their blades honed to face any threat.

The F-22 and F-35 aircraft squadrons, by far the oldest in the airforce were to recieve upgrades to the engines. The engines would be replaced by the same engines presently in use with the Bulldog and Widowmaker aircraft, Pratt & Whitney F200 jet engine. The F200 engines would increase thrust from 35,000 to 40,000 pounds of thrust.

Advances in RAM material and nanotechnology within the Empire would mean that the new stealth technology to be applied on the F-22/F-35 aircraft would greatly enhance their existing stealth assets and make them stealthier. Slight changes in design would reduce the cross section of the aircrafts aswell as reduce the chance of IR detection and through using nanotechnology around the thrusters, reduce the heat output significantly.

The F-22/F-35 block II's would be brought up to a generation 5+ standard of aircraft and allow them to remain as major players with the airforce for a longer service length with a higher efficiency.

The Widowmaker and Bulldog block II's were still the most advanced aircraft in the airforce, in all varients, but were begining to fall behind in effectivness against other aircraft presently in usage. The engines that are used in them were the F200, but would be replaced with the F220 engines. The F220 engines would be in usage with the 6th Generation fighter that is in development. However, the F220 engines would be the mk1 version. The thrust increase would be from 40,000 pounds to 46,000 pounds of thrust.

The same advances in stealth technology that would be used on the F-22 and the F-35, would be used on the Widowmaker and Bulldog Block III's in a modified form that was based on the Widowmakers and Bulldogs original stealth design. Further developments in chemical laser technology and more advanced versions of HELLAD's countermeasure systems would be installed to replace the older counter measure systems aswell as enchanced ECM suits and targetting systems through the usage of generation one photonic networking.

Advances in other areas of nanotechnology had yielded the secrets of first generation photonics to Imperial scientists and these systems would replace the standard hardwire processes within the aircraft. Materials and microelectronics technologies would combine to make the aircraft a large integrated sensor, possibly eliminating the need for a nose radar as it is known today. It would be equipped for making cyber attacks as well as achieving kinetic effects. The aircraft will now be able to collect its own data and seamlessly fuse it with off-board sensors, including those on other Widowmaker and Bulldog aircraft.

The availability of space with the loss of hardwire systems would allow more offensive systems to be installed on the aircraft.

[b]Bulldog block III Stats[/b]
Engine Specifications:
*Powerplant: 2× Pratt & Whitney F220 Pitch Thrust vectoring turbofans
* Maximum safe speed: Mach 2.8
* Supercuise: Mach 1.9
* Thrust Weight Ratio: 1.45 (Safe Level)
* Service ceiling 23,000m
*Range: 2800 nmi, 4000 nmi with external fuel tank
*Combat Radius: 900 nmi, 1500 nmi with external fuel tank
*Maximum g-load: -4.0/+10.5 g
*Weapons: 30mm Internal Gatling Cannon, 10 Internal Weapons Hard-points, 2 ECM pods, 4 Attachable none stealth mounts for 6 external weapons

[b]Widowmaker block III Stats[/b]
Engine Specifications:
*Powerplant: 2× Pratt & Whitney F220 Pitch Thrust vectoring turbofans
*Maximum safe speed: Mach 2.6
*Supercuise: Mach 1.9
*Thrust/Weight Ratio: 1.4
*Range: 3000 nautical miles
*Combat Radius: 1000-1200 nautical miles
*Service Ceiling: 22,000 meters
12 Internal Weapons Hard-Points, 2 ECM pods, 6 Attachable none stealth mounts for 8 external weapons

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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1337820525' post='2971402']
Message to the Umbrella Corporation Shipyards:

We would like to place an order for three additional Vidre-Class landing ships to replace the ships that sank during the latest conflict with Yoitsu.

Your order has been completed and the vessels will arrive in Glubokiye Vodishtot within three weeks.

Umbrella Corporation Shipyards[/quote]

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[b]Confederate Navy Hospital Ship AH-6, "The Comfort" plus escorts[/b]

"Our orders are to proceed to the Falkland Islands and to provide medical assistance to any who require it," Captain Rapheal Semmes intoned gravely as he recognized the great importance of his mission.

"Yes sir, proceed to the Falklands at flank speed, the boilers are up to full pressure and we will be underway shortly sir," his First Officer replied.


[Quote]To: Umbrella
From: The Southern United States of America, President Nathan Bedford Forrest Raines

The distance to the Falklands is simply too great for our B-29 bomber fleet to make without refueling. It also occurs to us that the scorching of the islands is already well in hand by the nations involved. We've dispatched a Hospital Ship of the Confederate Navy and three escorts to lend medical and lifesaving assistance. We will station the ships in such a matter that should one of your aircraft be forced to crash land or worst, our ships can pluck the pilots and crew out of the water and get them quickly to our hospital ship for medical care.

The Comfort is unarmed but the six armed cutters are not, but I think you'll find the Captain Semmes, the Officer in charge of the task force, to be a highly intelligent individual who will exercise extreme caution to prevent any accidents from occurring.

God save us all from this dreadful plague,
President Raines[/quote]

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1341015038' post='3000237']
[b]Confederate Navy Hospital Ship AH-6, "The Comfort" plus escorts[/b]

"Our orders are to proceed to the Falkland Islands and to provide medical assistance to any who require it," Captain Rapheal Semmes intoned gravely as he recognized the great importance of his mission.

"Yes sir, proceed to the Falklands at flank speed, the boilers are up to full pressure and we will be underway shortly sir," his First Officer replied.


[quote]To: President Raines
From: Empress Wesker

Your humanitarian gesture is generous and overwhelming President Raines and I, and the rest of the Empire thank you for your assistance. However medical assistance will not be required. We can however, provide you with a sample of the bacterium that caused the massive loss of life, for your own Government to work with to produce a vaccine incase such an outbreak happens within your own borders. We can provide all the required precautionary measures to prevent an outbreak on transport aswell as provide manuals on how to handle such a dangerous strain of bacteria.

Your flotilla however will be welcomed at any Imperial Port with open arms should you wish to make Port and conduct community health activities with the smaller communities in the Empire. In exchange I could dispatch one of the Empires own hospital ships to your own country to do the same to begin building positive relations once again with North America.[/quote]

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[quote]To: The Honorable Empress Wesker
From: President Nathan Bedford Forrest Raines


We shall leave the investigation of this terrible bacterium to nations more familiar with the depredations of this awful disease than ourselves. As the need for our services aren't needed I've ordered the Comfort to return to port. In its place I will send the Confederate Navy Cruiser Fredricksburg to conduct an extended goodwill tour of South America under the command of the Confederate Navy Rear Admiral Perry and his newly appointed assistant Captain Raphael Semmes. The Rear Admiral is being escorted by various experts from the Southern United States Of America Department of Commerce for the expressed purposes of exploring trade and other opportunity that might possibly be available.

President Raines [/quote]


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[quote]To: The Honorable Empress Wesker
From: President Nathan Bedford Forrest Raines


We shall leave the investigation of this terrible bacterium to nations more familiar with the depredations of this awful disease than ourselves. As the need for our services aren't needed I've ordered the Comfort to return to port. In its place I will send the Confederate Navy Cruiser Fredricksburg to conduct an extended goodwill tour of South America under the command of the Confederate Navy Rear Admiral Perry and his newly appointed assistant Captain Raphael Semmes. The Rear Admiral is being escorted by various experts from the Southern United States Of America Department of Commerce for the expressed purposes of exploring trade and other opportunity that might possibly be available.

President Raines [/quote]


CNS Fredriksburg

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1341036988' post='3000483']

[quote]The CNS Fredriksburg will be welcomed at any Imperial Port, in turn we ourselves will send our newest warship, HMS Wesker, an Arsenal ship to tour Ports along the coast of The Southern United States of America. Commanded by Captain Kelly, she will organise community activites in Port including tours and helicopter rides. Building positive relationships amongst the people aswell as allowing several representatives of the Corporation time to talk with local buisiness owners about investment opportunities.

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Celebrations are planned for the visiting Umbrella Ship in all the gulf ports, but the largest and most elaborate is being organized in Gulfport. The berth for the CNS Merrimack is cleared for the arriving guest ship to provide one of the largest berths for the Umbrellans. Further, several nearby warehouses are cleared, cleaned, and decorated with flags from SUSA and Umbrella. Chairs are set out, tables provided, ample beer spirits are laid in reserve as well. Several bands are organized, which include local jazz bands and other popular musical groups. Hundreds of matrons and their daughters turn out to the event in their best gowns with their dance cards ready and available.

The ladies of SUSA, while a conservative lot and not prone to infidelities, aren't likely to turn down a chance to party either. Numerous chaperones are provided by local religious organizations as well to ensure the moral purity of young ladies so that the young men and women of Umbrella are not led astray by the amorous predations of the younger generation of Southerners who are just now starting to wear skirts that are higher than their ankles. President Nathan Bedford Forrest Raines organizes several military parades and other demonstrations as well.

Upon arrival the Arsenal Ship will be met by the CNS Merrimack and escorted into port. Officers from the Arsenal ship will be invited to the Merrimack for drinks and dinner prior to the festivities. The President and the CNS Chief Naval Officer will join the dinner and provide a casual briefing to the Umbrellan Naval Officers regarding the coming events. Several large barracks at the Gulfport Naval Base will be waiting for the enlisted men and women of Umbrella. Upon their arrival they will be given a chance to settle in for a proper Southern heart attack inducing dinner of massive proportions that will include bbq, fried chicken, and all manner of delicacies. Once completed and the sailors have had a chance to sleep off their culinary adventures tours of the local city and other events will be made avaliable for the enlisted ranks.

As a consideration for the security of the vessel, such activities will be made available in shifts to ensure that the ship has adequate manpower at all times to keep their vessel properly manned. This was a suggestion put forth by the CNS Chief Naval Officer who voiced the opinion that perhaps the guests might not be so inclined to leave an advanced warship drained of fighting strength. With those details set in place, a special security detachment has been organized of two rifle companies of the Confederate Army, that are waiting at the berth with orders to report to the Captain of the arriving guest ship and make themselves at his disposal for securing the dock while the ship is in port. Orders have been giving that the celebrations and so forth will not be taking place on the dock but a modest distance away. Sandbags, wire, and several guard dogs have been brought in and the two rifle companies are busy establishing an outer perimeter as their officers suspect the ship's security teams will want to control their own inner perimeter.

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[b]Classified - Falklands[/b]

As block after block of rubble and debris was cleared and shipped away back to the mainland, the land was flattened where possible as new utility piping was laid down for gas, water and electricity. Behind the workforces toiling away clearing the islands, the land behind them after being prepared to be built on.

The West Island was largley clear of rubble and debris and was nearly ready to be rebuilt fully and city planners were begining to survey the land to begin designing the Imperial City that would span both islands. The new city would be named Las Malvina, after the namesake of the Islands.

Once the city was completed, it would span both islands. The Falkland Sound would be filled in using the rubble and debris from the former Lunar colony instead of being shipped back to the mainland, it would then be built over to allow the safe construction of the City.

The east island work was coming along at a good pace.

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[quote name='jeff744' timestamp='1341736810' post='3006582']
Neo Roma offers assistance in rebuilding the islands as vast amounts of construction equipment have been idle for ages after Neo Roma finished its reconstruction.

Your assistance will be welcomed by Imperial builders on the Falklands.

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[b]Military overhaul, upgrades and updated lists.[/b]

[b]Army - x6664 of each unit[/b]

M1A4 Abrams Main Battle Tank
Bradley Fighting Vehicle
-M3 Bradley
-IAV Stryker
M207 MLRS Rocket Artillery
AS90 Self Propelled Artillery
L118 Light Towed Artillery
S-500 Surface to Air Batteries
MIM-104 block II Patriot Vehicles
M167 Vulcan Air block II Defense System
Starstreak Vehicle Mounted Local Area Defence block II
Hector Rapid Deployment Vehicle block II
Scimitar II Rapid Deployment Armoured Recon Vehicle block II
Armoured Recon Jeep block II
Armoured Fast Attack Jeep block II
Saxon Mk2 Armoured Personel Carrier block II

650,000 active Combat forces
21,800 reserve Combat forces
671,800 total Combat forces

F-22 block II x 160
F35C block II x 150
GB-2E - Dedicated EW platform block III x 100
GB-2K - Dedicated Ultra High Performance Air Superiority Fighter block III x 150
GB-2C - Carrier based Ultra High Performance Air Superiority Fighter block III x 150
GB-3C - Carrier based Ultra High Performance Multirole Aircraft block III x 150
GB-3S - Dedicated Ultra High Performance Strike Aircraft block III x 150
A-10 Thunderbolt II Ground Support Strike Aircraft block II x 100
B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber x 75
Tu-160r x 75


HMS Alice Wesker
HMS Slammer
HMS Golden
HMS Umbrella
HMS Stone
HMS Tina

[b]Amphibious Assault ships[/b]
HMS Ocean
HMS Atlantic
HMS Antarctic
HMS Pacific
HMS Indian
HMS Arctic
HMS Poseidon
HMS Nautilus
HMS Attila

HMS Peru
HMS Uruguay
HMS Paraguay
HMS Brazil
HMS Guyana
HMS Bolivia
HMS Trinidad & Tobago
HMS Imperium

HMS Mexico
HMS Panama
HMS Neo Roma
HMS Athens
HMS Tianxia
HMS Greenland
HMS Edean
HMS Para

HMS Ironclad
HMS Thunderchild
HMS Devestator
HMS Maiden
HMS Beserker
HMS Viking
HMS Aztec
HMS Mayan
HMS Amazon
HMS Hammer
HMS Montevideo
HMS Lima
HMS Templar
HMS Witch
HMS Darkness
HMS Malvina
HMS Goddess
HMS Jesus
HMS Flora
HMS Beast
HMS Midnight
HMS Steel
HMS Lion
HMS Jaguar
HMS Symphony
HMS Wesker
HMS Bolton
HMS Hunter
HMS Killer
HMS Carrier
HMS Animal
HMS Creek
HMS Majesty
HMS Empress

HMS Apocalypse
HMS End of Days
HMS Ragnarok
HMS Judgement
HMS Pain
HMS Crucefix
HMS Lamb of God
HMS Wolverine
HMS Apocrypha
HMS Tribulation
HMS Pirate
HMS Sea Rover
HMS Satan
HMS Kelly
HMS Michael
HMS Andrew
HMS Aisha
HMS Amanda
HMS Joanne
HMS Dell
HMS Henry
HMS Liam
HMS Jodie
HMS Jungle
HMS Sloth
HMS Puma
HMS Howler
HMS Tukan
HMS Parana
HMS Anaconda
HMS Crodocile
HMS Honey Badger
HMS Spider
HMS Constrictor

HMS Argonaute
HMS Atropos
HMS Bellipotent
HMS Carusel
HMS Clam
HMS Moth
HMS Clampherdown
HMS Hotspur
HMS Lydia
HMS Troutbridge
HMS Hero
HMS Themis
HMS Ulysseus
HMS Drake
HMS Falcon
HMS Jersey
HMS Lizard
HMS Solebay
HMS Bideford
HMS Penzance
HMS Seaford
HMS Castle
HMS Peregrine
HMS Greyford
HMS Squirrel
HMS Phoenix
HMS Dolphin
HMS Lyme
HMS Rose
HMS Garland
HMS Siren
HMS Mercury
HMS Fowey
HMS Centaur
HMS Porcipine
HMS Pelican
HMS Eurydice
HMS Hyaena
HMS Penelope
HMS Siren
HMS Pandora
HMS Champion
HMS Mrymidon

HMS Heretic
HMS Purifier
HMS Coercer
HMS Zealot
HMS Retribution
HMS Legion
HMS Archon
HMS Revelation
HMS Avatar
HMS Aeon
HMS Paladin
HMS Maller
HMS Arbitrator
HMS Armageddon
HMS Absolution
HMS Damnation
HMS Abaddon
HMS Curse
HMS Pilgrim
HMS Sentinel
HMS Blackbird
HMS Caracle
HMS Ospery
HMS Raven
HMS Scorpion
HMS Drake
HMS Ferox
HMS Rokh
HMS Cerberus

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[b]Classified - Falklands[/b]
The unification of the island included building a massive sea wall at either end of the sound using massive prefabricated sea walls and then draining the sound, an operation that took alot of time, and even more time waiting for the right conditions to lay them down.

Once drained, construction began on large, thick reinforced concrete pillars to be built in the bedrock right throughout the sound. Prefab units shipped in from Imperial factories on the mainland would be used until a complex and sturdy network of support was built. It would take far longer than anticipated to complete the land bridge, but a temporary bridge was banged together to unify the islands at their closest point pretty quickly to join them for the time being.

Both islands, now cleared of rubble and debris and pretty much unified now that the Falkland sound had been filled in by putting all the rubble and debris inside of it, Corporation contractors moved in and began laying down road networks across what would become Las Malvina, beneath these road networks, utilities such as gas, electricity and water lines were laid and substations/access points were built. The city was being built from the bottom up.

In what was formerly Port Stanley, also formerly known as City 17, work had begun in rebuilding the old seat of Government. The citadel would sit at nearly three kilometers high from ground level, aswell as penetrate deeply into the bedrock. It would eventually act as the new Imperial and Parliamentary seat of power aswell as the official residence of the Empress.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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