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One more thing. . . I need to talk to Martens. . .
I think my museum needs the following from our friendly neighborhood Kaiser:[quote name='Kaiser Martens' timestamp='1286304025' post='2476106'][IMG]http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a340/KaiserMartens/ED_KM.jpg[/IMG]




PzF V "Kaiserwagen"



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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1320156030' post='2836443']
Okay, a Sea Crawler it is, hopefully Mael does not mind.

Not at all, I'm flattered. Also, for the Cult, you might want to consider hunting down the old thread with the amulets I disseminated. I know I posted at least one image of what I thought one may look like. I just cannot recall what it was or which thread it was in. Probably in the open national rp archive in the amulets rp thread.

Might suggest this as a sea-crawler's example:


That'd be the primary propulsion stage, without weapons mounts attached.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1320220581' post='2836983']
Might suggest this as a sea-crawler's example:


That'd be the primary propulsion stage, without weapons mounts attached.[/quote]Here's the description for Maelstrom Vortex's Sea-Crawler, lifted from his old nation thread:[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1230017003' post='1131240'][b][size=3]Sea Crawlers[/size][/b]

The Torpedo/Missile platforms are each assigned a payload effective for its assigned duty and targets. The platforms which are torpedoes with MS-20 "Tiamat" nose attachments are deployed into the ocean from horizontal coast-line launch tubes and will sit idle at their assigned locations at max launch range from the target. We want to inform the world that this is not something that should be feared. The weapons are meant for our defense in times of war and only will be used when we feel threatened. The weapons are environmentally sensitive. If the weapon malfunctions, it is designed to send its missile into the stratosphere and self-destroy. All the weapons are conventional.. harboring no chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons.. although some are incendiaries. The torpedo section of the weapons are self-powered with a system we will not specify other than stating it relates to the sun. They receive instructions on a frequency and communications type we will not specify. We also will not give the details of their exact location. They will travel at speeds that are most likely not going to be detectable on sonar. If they are detected they'll look like little more than sea debris near the ocean floor. Their full deployment could take days.. weeks.. or months.. again.. we will not specify. They are designed to evade all ships they may encounter so as not to cause a fuss and to remain a weapon of passive intent. Before anyone protests.. we reserve the right to defend ourselves. This is our chosen method since we are not yet substantial enough to afford a large navy. These missiles are inexpensive on manpower and maintenance.. perfect for our intent. The Sea Crawlers can magnetically attatch to a hull for towing. Some of these sea-crawlers also act as sensory platforms, carrying basic radar and sonar packages. The net result is the extent of the sea-crawler web is also the maximum radar and sonar range of the Dragon Empire.


Sea Web initial creation date: (12/13/2008 realtime). Initial Deployment Location: Tasmania. Later Launch sites: India, Antarctica (south of S.America).
Current Potential Perimeter size: Global regressing to international waters.
Current Deployment size: 5625 Missiles ##At least, this is the # known to the public##
Deployment rate: 50-75/day during the implementation phase.
Torpedo Stage Range: Unlimited
Missile Launch Stage Range: 1000 NM from site of launch (A range upgrade to a 1000NM range on the booster stage of the weapon has been begun as of 01/05/2009 and will be compeleted 01/20/2009.

Sea crawlers recognize programmed international boundaries that are updated with routine software upgrades. They avoid shallow waters to avoid beaching, the sensor package crawler, which is usually part of a pack of 4 crawlers, provides information to it's 3 "assignments". Like an oceanic AWACS.. facilitating targeting and navigation. They also avoid excessively cold water so they will not freeze, staying in temperatures of 32% Fahrenheit and above. All Sea Crawlers are piloted remotely by a division of Dragonisian Armed forces dedicated to the task.. secretly dubbed the "Dragon Empire oceanic Arms Division." or.. DEAD for short. They also have on-board navigation software and can auto-pilot in non-obstructive terrain. They can travel up any river or canal that is greater than 20 feet deep. [/quote]I'll have to trim that down for my actual museum description

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1320220581' post='2836983']Not at all, I'm flattered. Also, for the Cult, you might want to consider hunting down the old thread with the amulets I disseminated. I know I posted at least one image of what I thought one may look like. I just cannot recall what it was or which thread it was in. Probably in the open national rp archive in the amulets rp thread.[/quote]I did a little reading across multiple threads. . .[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1252538006' post='1834543']. . . bronze pendant. . . The pendant featured an imperial five toed dragon dancing among a Celtic knot. . . [/quote]Select international figures received pendants following the death of a certain Dragon Emperor.
There are many rumors, all unconfirmed, about these pendants. . . it has been said these pendants induce hallucinations, influence dreams, allow communication with the Dragon Emperor. .
Bronze trimmed in silver for heads-of-states, ivory for former rulers, platinum for Leclerc, and pyrite for the pope.[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1252880608' post='1841645'][img]http://i321.photobucket.com/albums/nn375/coolarea111/jjd/jjd0075.jpg[/img][/quote] PopeÂ’s pyrite pendant, last seen in a temple at the Forbidden City.

Generalissimo, who was MIA, never received his pendant. . . a relic that is now on display in ProcinctiaÂ’s national museum.

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Speaking of the Dragon Cult. . .
What would it take to get [b]the[/b] source manuscript of [i]"Beyond the Veil" The Book of Doctrine[/i] – the Dragon Cult’s bible?
That particular religious text written by Gregory Karnell/Maelstrom Vortex is incredibly significant.

Edited by Generalissimo
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[quote name='Generalissimo' timestamp='1320241972' post='2837021']
Speaking of the Dragon Cult. . .
What would it take to get [b]the[/b] source manuscript of [i]"Beyond the Veil" The Book of Doctrine[/i] – the Dragon Cult’s bible?
That particular religious text written by Gregory Karnell/Maelstrom Vortex is incredibly significant.

If it was anywhere in the Dragon temple at Bangalore at the end of Dragonisia you would get it from the archives.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1320242554' post='2837024']
If it was anywhere in the Dragon temple at Bangalore at the end of Dragonisia you would get it from the archives.[/quote]Someone insane would suggest moving the Dragon temple brick by brick to Procinctia, but that would make the remnant of crazy cultists my problem.
I probably have enough Dragon Cult paraphernalia to unintentionally become a sacred site.
What about the Kingdom of Cochin?
The same Kingdom of Cochin as a long-standing CNRP nation, as a regular player in the community, as a nation with a blog. . .

Edited by Generalissimo
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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1320247212' post='2837044']Whenever I envisioned Mael's Sea Crawlers, I imagined something more like this.
[img] http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070610204322/starwars/images/1/15/Crab_Cannon.jpg[/img]
[/quote]For the longest time I had Sea Crawlers confused with Sea Tyrants.
From the name alone I was assuming Sea Crawlers were the UnderSea Main Battle Tanks.
It took me more than six months to realize my error.

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1320174926' post='2836607']I'm sure I could rustle up some old possessions of [b]Tom Dobbs[/b], Sir Michael Harland, and Louis Egon. . .[/quote]IÂ’m assuming that doesnÂ’t include yet to be released Dobbs tapes, although current Dobbs Tapes (not the origionals) will be featured.
Speaking of post-mortem taps we should have Dobbs and Generalissimo battle Hari Seldon style.

Edited by Generalissimo
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[quote name='Domingo the Honored' timestamp='1320267412' post='2837181']If you'd like, my ruler will donate his engraved personal Makarov PM service pistol to the museum.
... he'll miss it, we want visitation rights. :P[/quote]Sergei Aleksandrov’s pistol is fine, but I have to ask. . .
How much action has the Grand Chancellor seen?
If visitation is that important he can have a lifetime free pass to the museum in exchange for the weapon.


Now that I’ve given the offer everyone else will want lifetime free passes for artifacts!

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[quote name='Generalissimo' timestamp='1320205597' post='2836928']
We need an adventure, a journey through the Midwest Republic’s bombing site to a derelict museum to rescue artifacts - all whilst being bombed.
When do you think we can start RPing?

[quote name='Generalissimo' timestamp='1320205597' post='2836928']
You have some of the craziest designs>? Like the aluminum tank!
Are you sure there’s no way to get any of that stuff, Procinctia will pay top Peso to get that salvaged from the bottom of the Great Lakes.

You'll find at least one vehicle/equipment (that was still in service or in prototype stage by the time the mass-dumping started) listed in this GLP factbook: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=86812&st=0&p=2322544&#entry2322544

I also forgot to mention the four Bay class battleships and Ontario class stealth submarines. All of them are at the bottom of the southern part of the Hudson Bay, in pieces. Two of the battleships' nuclear reactors exploded shortly before being sent to the bottom, irradiating them.

Salvageable, sure. The tough part is finding them since most of them are partially buried by the mud (except for the slightly radioactive battleship pieces).

Edited by HHAYD
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[quote name='Generalissimo' timestamp='1320265624' post='2837170']
What about the Kingdom of Cochin?
The same Kingdom of Cochin as a long-standing CNRP nation, as a regular player in the community, as a nation with a blog. . .

I dont understand. What about Kingdom of Cochin? If it is about sending stuff for the Museum, I doubt I have created anything epic or crazy enough to warrant inclusion in your Museum.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1320301122' post='2837523']I dont understand. What about Kingdom of Cochin?
If it is about sending stuff for the Museum, I doubt I have created anything epic or crazy enough to warrant inclusion in your Museum.[/quote]Who says it has to be crazy or epic?
Procinctia can be subtle and sophisticated. Hidden depths sir, hidden depths.

Edited by Generalissimo
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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1320281237' post='2837300']You'll find at least one vehicle/equipment (that was still in service or in prototype stage by the time the mass-dumping started) listed in this GLP factbook: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=86812&st=0&p=2322544&#entry2322544

I also forgot to mention the four Bay class battleships and Ontario class stealth submarines. All of them are at the bottom of the southern part of the Hudson Bay, in pieces. Two of the battleships' nuclear reactors exploded shortly before being sent to the bottom, irradiating them.

Salvageable, sure. The tough part is finding them since most of them are partially buried by the mud (except for the slightly radioactive battleship pieces).[/quote]If there is a way we can get to them. . . That sounds especially challenging.

[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1320281237' post='2837300']When do you think we can start RPing? [/quote]Right now, if necessary. You donÂ’t even need me to start.
Just remember that the [i]Procinctia National Museum[/i] will pay your weight in gold for the good stuff.
For anything invaluably unique the [i]Procinctia National Museum[/i] will pay your weight in cash - no questions asked.

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[quote name='Generalissimo' timestamp='1320268638' post='2837194']
Sergei Aleksandrov’s pistol is fine, but I have to ask. . .
How much action has the Grand Chancellor seen?
If visitation is that important he can have a lifetime free pass to the museum in exchange for the weapon.


Now that I’ve given the offer everyone else will want lifetime free passes for artifacts!

A lot of training and the occasional hunt... he's too young to have seen any wars as part of any older nation's military, and my nation is untouched at the moment for war.
Also, that offer can be between you and me. :ph34r:

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[quote name='Generalissimo' timestamp='1320355602' post='2837938']
Right now, if necessary. You don’t even need me to start.
Just remember that the [i]Procinctia National Museum[/i] will pay your weight in gold for the good stuff.
For anything invaluably unique the [i]Procinctia National Museum[/i] will pay your weight in cash - no questions asked.
Here it is: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=106436

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[quote name='Generalissimo' timestamp='1320203905' post='2836905']
I’ll take it but that particular artifact might give an impression the Xinyan Republic was totally evil.
Is there anything you might want donate that would counterbalance opinions of people visiting the museum about your former country?
I derped. Said aircraft were actually being used by mercenaries from Xinyan, but not under the authority of the Xinyan military.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1320301122' post='2837523']
I dont understand. What about Kingdom of Cochin? If it is about sending stuff for the Museum, I doubt I have created anything epic or crazy enough to warrant inclusion in your Museum.

Hey Cochin, how about one of the planes launched to North America in Mael's mission that led to the end of the Dragon Empire?

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I kind of want to contribute, but I'm not sure what'd be appropriate. In raochin all I did was make castles and tunnels. Oh I did make some cool vibrating swords that could cut through almost anything for my Royal Guards, I'm sure if asked Alexander wouldn't mind giving one up. You could also probably recover some radio towers from The Temple Lands in the northern midwest of the US, used to brainwash the citizens of the Temple Lands. Then there's the giant Temple in Thunder bay I built as my capital. Oh and GPnS could loose a Mark 1 prototype aircraft somehow.

I could find the threads where these originated, though I think I only have pics of the mark 1. If there's anything else you could think of wanting go ahead and ask.

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[quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1320367547' post='2838039']
Hey Cochin, how about one of the planes launched to North America in Mael's mission that led to the end of the Dragon Empire?
Erm, I seem to have no idea what that plane is. Did I send the planes or Mael?

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