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I'm Lost


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I really don't know what to write or RP about now. I know I haven't lost my creativity but I really don't know what to do or RP.

Does anyone want to do a joint RP? I never did one before but I am open to almost anything.

EDIT: Or does anyone have any useful suggestions?

I really don't know what to write or RP about now. I know I haven't lost my creativity but I really don't know what to do or RP.

Does anyone want to do a joint RP? I never did one before but I am open to almost anything.

EDIT: Or does anyone have any useful suggestions?
People I am Interested in Rping With[/b]

KaiserMelech Mikhail

I just listed everyone I think. It was more for my convenience I suppose lol.
Thank yall again for helping me out.

Edited by PresidentDavid
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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1300843186' post='2673458']
I'd say 'The Xinyan Republic is open to joint RPs'...but your government is, as I understand it, highly religious and capitalistic...two things the Xinyan Republic truly hates :v

I'm not hurt. Atleast you are willing to RP with me ^_^

[quote name='Shadowsage' timestamp='1300843244' post='2673459']
Religious - Thumbs up. :)

Thanks Shadowsage haha. I'm guessing the [b]Holy[/b] American Empire is somewhat religious? Haha. Would you ever be willing to RP anything with me? I don't care if it is two of our citizens or if it is making a treaty.

Edited by PresidentDavid
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Not gonna lie, I would RP with you if you didn't have such a hate of everything non capitalist, that and you kiss Irelands ass.

Whilst we ain't enemies anymore the fact you dont let a soul enter your nation without a ton of red tape unless they are from Ireland is sort of silly. If this policy was extended to the other two nations that essentially protect you then I could be cool with opening dialogue.

In the meantime you could do some RP detailing the development of your nations infrastructure/military.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1300844755' post='2673475']
Not gonna lie, I would RP with you if you didn't have such a hate of everything non capitalist, that and you kiss Irelands ass.

Whilst we ain't enemies anymore the fact you dont let a soul enter your nation without a ton of red tape unless they are from Ireland is sort of silly. If this policy was extended to the other two nations that essentially protect you then I could be cool with opening dialogue.

In the meantime you could do some RP detailing the development of your nations infrastructure/military.

First off, my ingame nation "Kisses Irelands ass" because the majority of the population are Irish. The President and Vice President are Irish. Aine and Badb are Irish. Susan is Irish. My nation is independent however my people see Ireland as a beacon of hope, that one day they could be blessed with that much power and global recognition. I see it this way. There are non-denominational church's that are independent of the Catholic church however if the Pope would ask something very important of every christian world-wide in some type of hour of need, I know they would come together and help their brethren. The same applies for the King of Ireland. The citizens of my nation are proud to be Islanders however if the Irish King was in some sort of hour of need the USI airforce would have to help fly in citizens because the boat rides there would be booked.
Do I like Yawoo oocly because he protects me? Of course I do. But I also respect him for how he RPs and the principals he has shared with me. I already have his protection, why would I still need to kiss up to him? I'm not, my IC nation is. I try not to cross the OOC-IC border partner.

Well my ingame nation has a huge thing against communism. There isn't a hatred of Socialism. It isn't liked in the Republic itself however it isn't seen as a global threat to Liberty and Freedom.

Correction, immigration is allowed from Ireland, The UKIM, and Scotland since the Western Isles were gained. Any man or women that wishes to come here can, all they have to do is apply for a visa. If you are from Ireland then you just need to show a passport and proof you are Irish. I do this for several reasons. I like to RP that I have a closed society with secrets and have some type of mysterious zing to what goes on in my nation. The reason I do not have open arms with England is because we have no relations. I have asked you several times for us to make some sort of treaty (oocly) but you always reply that I am no threat to you so you don't see a reason for it.

Second Correction, I have never seen you at any time defend the UIN or the current USI in any conflict, argument, or discussion. From what I know, there are a select few nations that I am friends with and I am neutral with a majority of the planet. I know my ingame nation, although it wouldn't have much of effect, would back you up with the full force of the military if push comes to shove.

Something that isn't really understood about my nation is that the people that reside in it have strong beliefs that united them. These include religion and their Irish Culture but also something else. Being one of the smallest countries on the planet they don't take their sovereignty for granted. They have it as a since of honor to be in the British Isles and to be around Ireland, Scotland, and England.
(As you can see I have had a lot of this on my mind haha)

I do feel like RPing that however I can't grow my ingame nation for 22 days for alliance reasons. Thanks for the input partner.

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Right I'm gonna !@#$%*slap this to the floor.


The Isle of Man does not have a predominately Irish population IRL, in CNRP fair enough but I personally think it's stupid, no offence. IRL the IoM has a predominantly British population due to migration since the 15th century, secondly it's next largest RL influence is Manx, the native culture to the Island which is a mix of Norse and Gaelic/Celtic from Scotland and Ireland. But like I said, the glory of CNRP is your customisation.

Secondly, you have not been threatened in any way or attack by anyone for me to get involved or force my hand at defending you, but for your information I do has such a doctrine in place. In reference to you kissing up to him, you misunderstand me. Regardless of how much he offers you, my point is, is that you run to him like an old dog to it's master. I can't explain it without ranting pointlessly and offending you, which isn't my intention.

Next, all your visa crap is the red tape I was talking about. You shouldn't need to have a treaty or an alliance of sorts with a Nation to be able to enter, that stuff just comes standard with crossing any border. The way you have done it just makes it an utter ballache to even go on holiday to the isle of man.

Next I don't Have any treaties with you because you always ask me OOC. Do an ICly thread to open a dialogue. I don't like just jumping into bed with people. Only reason I'm reasonably well connected is because of several hard fought wars and five nukes. The only times I've seen you get actually involved in my affairs is scrambling fighters to guard your airspace which is essentially protected by me, sargun and yawoo anyway due to the way the territorial waters and airspace is spread out.

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1300842477' post='2673450']
I really don't know what to write or RP about now. I know I haven't lost my creativity but I really don't know what to do or RP.

Does anyone want to do a joint RP? I never did one before but I am open to almost anything.

EDIT: Or does anyone have any useful suggestions?

come join in the Last Legionnaire Rp. Always looking for fresh blood.


And if Zoot ignores the fact that the UK is a nation of chavs that is tottering its way to complete imbecility then I'm sure President David can do whatever the hell he wants in his little neck of the woods.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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As I told you on IRC, make a list of what you find interesting in role play. It could be political, it could be character driven, it could be culture driven, just decide what it is. Identify a goal you have in this area. Think about how you want to achieve it, think about what obstacles are in your way and how they can be overcome. Develop a plan. Execute that as your role play.

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Seems your the Hedgemony's next target. There is always tons of RP for an Axis of Evil member :D

[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1300866624' post='2673701']
As I told you on IRC, make a list of what you find interesting in role play. It could be political, it could be character driven, it could be culture driven, just decide what it is. Identify a goal you have in this area. Think about how you want to achieve it, think about what obstacles are in your way and how they can be overcome. Develop a plan. Execute that as your role play.

Or execute the leader of the UFE xD

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1300849094' post='2673524']
Right I'm gonna !@#$%*slap this to the floor.


The Isle of Man does not have a predominately Irish population IRL, in CNRP fair enough but I personally think it's stupid, no offence. IRL the IoM has a predominantly British population due to migration since the 15th century, secondly it's next largest RL influence is Manx, the native culture to the Island which is a mix of Norse and Gaelic/Celtic from Scotland and Ireland. But like I said, the glory of CNRP is your customisation.

Secondly, you have not been threatened in any way or attack by anyone for me to get involved or force my hand at defending you, but for your information I do has such a doctrine in place. In reference to you kissing up to him, you misunderstand me. Regardless of how much he offers you, my point is, is that you run to him like an old dog to it's master. I can't explain it without ranting pointlessly and offending you, which isn't my intention.

Next, all your visa crap is the red tape I was talking about. You shouldn't need to have a treaty or an alliance of sorts with a Nation to be able to enter, that stuff just comes standard with crossing any border. The way you have done it just makes it an utter ballache to even go on holiday to the isle of man.

Next I don't Have any treaties with you because you always ask me OOC. Do an ICly thread to open a dialogue. I don't like just jumping into bed with people. Only reason I'm reasonably well connected is because of several hard fought wars and five nukes. The only times I've seen you get actually involved in my affairs is scrambling fighters to guard your airspace which is essentially protected by me, sargun and yawoo anyway due to the way the territorial waters and airspace is spread out.

Funny, didn't you just tell me dotCom could RP his nation any way he wanted after I yelled at him OoCly?

Edited by Fizzydog
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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1300880259' post='2673743']
Funny, didn't you just tell me dotCom could RP his nation any way he wanted after I yelled at him OoCly?

Not that I recall no, I havent.
Anyway re read my first paragraph.

Pretty much says that you tool,
"In CNRP fair enough"
"the glory of CNRP is your customisation"

I ain't telling him how to RP anything, just giving my honest opinion an answer.

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Zoot, STFU. David asked for useful suggestions not for you too come in here and be butthurt that USI likes the United Kingdom. If you would bother to read David's RP you'll find the UK hasn't always agreed with him. As for immigration, I still don't let your citizens in and that doesn't ruin my RP.

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Who was talking about ruining RP?, Secondly my point was that he always goes to you regardless of wether you agree with him or not, his reply proves that. Anyway, you have good reason to have the borders closed.
Ive given him two suggestions so far aswell as countered his argument with my own.

- RP infrastructure and military stuff
- Open a dialogue with me/other nations to open his RPing horizon.

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Well, my nation's kinda religious, if that helps.

But seriously, my military's not the best kind you'd want participating in wars abroad. They rely on very old 40s, 50s, and 60s weaponry and technology and have no tanks, blue water warships, or fighters, gunships, and bombers. So yeah, unless it'd involve a gang of Nova Scotian mercs who seceded from the military for various reasons, I'm paralyzed RP-wise.

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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1300896735' post='2673835']
Zoot, STFU. David asked for useful suggestions not for you too come in here and be butthurt that USI likes the United Kingdom. If you would bother to read David's RP you'll find the UK hasn't always agreed with him. As for immigration, I still don't let your citizens in and that doesn't ruin my RP.

Get em Yawoo!

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Woo for Yawoo B-) I had to do that...

Now. I am happy so many of yall are willing to do RPs. Now I have to do the hard part of choosing.

I think I will make a list of people on the first post. Thank yall for posting and helping me out. I am sure we all get bored sometimes and need a little help ^_^

And Zoot, my government doesn't trust everyone on the hole planet. Sue me ;)
Remember when Rotavele tried getting into your nation? He wouldn't have been able to do that to mine. Thank God people don't RP annoying terrorist attacks all the time without permission.

Anyway, thank yall!

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