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A Terran Empire Announcement


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[size="6"][u][b][center]A Milestone is Reached[/center][/b][/u][/size]

It is my honor and pleasure to mark this day as the one year anniversary of the Declaration of Existence of the Terran Empire.

Born from the lessons learned from the failures and successes of alliances that are no longer a part of Planet Bob today, the Terran Empire did not seek to change the world, or to be the biggest... but we sought to make an alliance that would be a home to its members. A place where its members are central to its existence, instead of just being a number on the way to sanctioning. We place a lot of effort into teaching our young nations how to grow efficiently and steadily. Each member is a valued part of the alliance, and will always be treated as such. We could not exist without our members.

We started off with a bang, doubling our membership each month for the first 3 months... until we had some setbacks. As the summer of 2010 began, widespread inactivity took its toll on CyberNations. Eventually, we lost half our members to inactivity deletions, and we became stagnant. We were not even sure if we could make it to this one year mark, and began considering our options toward disbandment.

And then came Legacy. With a new protection partner in hand, a new energy swept through the alliance membership. Everyone woke up from the haze, and life returned to the Terran Empire. We replaced our lost numbers, and even improved on them, and returned to the ranking boards with a growth rate I can hardly believe. We have a long way to go, and a lot that needs to be done, but we are alive and on our way.

We have now made it to the one year mask, but this is only just the beginning.

First off, I would like to give thanks to Jgoods, Londo, HavoK, and the rest of Athens. Things may have soured, but Athens was there for us in the very beginning and we would not have been able to get started had they not been willing to back us at that point.

We would also like to thank Legacy, for not only everything you have done for us, but also for giving us that breath of fresh air that we needed and saying to us that the Terran Empire can survive, and it can grow again. And we have. Thank you for not only being our ally, but also our closest friends.

I'm not sure if I can post the name of our next closest friends, but you know who you are. Thank you to Mike and Mark, and the rest of your alliance for working with us so that we can give our smaller nations the best chance for rapid growth.

After the last several days I have to give a shout to FISHGUTS and the rest of the WTF for keeping up with our buyer needs.

I would also like to send out a thank you to all the other alliances who we have had positive contact with over the past year. You make the game enjoyable: The Legion, TDO, Argent, GATO, Metamorphosis, Temperis, NATO, Sparta, Ragnarok, LoSS, CSN, MHA, DoA, ICAN, WUN, and many, many others. If it's been a while since you visited our forums, the door is always open.

If you haven't ever been to our forums, then we invite you to drop by and build an embassy.

That's enough with the formalities, now, let's have some cake!

Chancellor Prime of Terran Empire[/color]

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Happy Birthday, Terran Empire and I offer my most sincere congratulations to you and your members on reaching this important milestone that many fail to reach.

Although Athens cancelled our protectorate with you, (which was mostly to due with your inactivity at the time). it is extremely pleasing to see your alliance jump back from the brink of death and prosper. I wish you guys the best of luck moving forward and hope to see a couple more of these birthday announcements in the future.

Keep up the good work eh?

Edited by Jgoods45
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It was surely sad to hear you talking of disbandment when we first signed, I never want to see an alliance disband( ok...maybe a few :awesome: ). That wasn't going to stop us from trying to prop you up a bit and boy you didnt need much did you :P

I couldn't ask for a better protectorate. I look forward to this time next year :awesome:

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Yuurei promised cake, so here is a money cake.

I would like to personally thank Athens for being our first protectorate. Thank you for protecting us for almost a year. We understood what had to be done. This served as a wake up call to us.

Thank you to Legacy and the new friendships we have formed by you agreeing to protect us.

Shout out to all the friends we have made along the way during our one year of existance.

Here is for many aniversary announcements to come.


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I remember listening to ol' Yuueri carry on and on about what a topflight alliance he was going to be forming. Sho' Nuff he went out and did just that. He finally managed to talk lil' ol' me into joining. My first question, "Look son, can I tech raid?"

His reply, "##$# NO!"

My response, "@#$#@#$# @#$@## %#$@W..."

None the less, it is good to be back in the same sphere of influence as some of my old Novision comrades. I see Hetman my old comrade from the CSN swinging his clubs over at Legacy. It feels good to be around some of my old buddies, but not too close as I'm a bit of a miserable old cuss.

Long live the Empire..

- Firestorm, Jimjilbarf etc.

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