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VIdiot the Great

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Everything posted by VIdiot the Great

  1. I remember joining CN and starting an alliance my first day. I remember not having a clue as to what I was doing. I remember Elborrador patiently explaining how to get on IRC. I remember wondering why everyone seemed so angry about the Unjust War. I remember finding the wiki and figuring out why everyone was so angry about the Unjust War. I remember declaring FS's existence. I remember when FAN was under surrender terms. I remember when FAN was attacked while under those terms. I remember when FAN went to peace mode. I remember thinking FAN took the coward's way out. I remember realizing I was very wrong about FAN and what a tough community they were to stick it out under really bad conditions. I remember arguing with TOP and ochocinco on the Black Conclave. I remember OTS raiding one of my guys. I remember speaking with Hormones74 and Lewenhaupt and thinking 'hey, these guys are ok.' I remember Schattenmann messaging Obsidian to vote for SoCal of OBR instead of their candidate. I remember joining the Brotherhood. I remember great times with PLUS, LUA, Element, OTS and CosaNostra in the Brotherhood. I remember speaking with angryraccoon on the eve of the Bubblegum war. I remember Xen of CIS trolling everyone to hell and back on the Black Conclave. I remember thinking NoV would get rolled over the 'Nordland Doctrine.' I remember NoV being attacked for no reason (IC). I remember doing the LX announcement of existence. I remember talking with LX after NoV attacked, and them telling us to stay out of it. I remember doing our declaration of support for LX and getting dog piled in the NoV war. I remember talking to MrCyber about surrender terms. I remember my alliance being pissed at me for the NoV war. I remember joining LX under the condition that I not have a government position. I remember that condition lasting one day, and it being the only day in my CN existence that I wasn't in government. I remember when NpO removed Sponge and thinking 'damn, that's a shame.' I remember talking with Crymson and TOP about a protectorate for Legio-X. I remember when TOP sent DJ Penguin as an advisor. I remember the War of the Coalition. I remember CIS getting rolled over a partial IP match. I remember speaking out against EZI and not using nukes. I remember writing for CNNN news and interviewing Almighty Grub and Random Interrupt - still two of the best conversations I've ever had in CN, and thinking it was a shame that CNNN folded before I could publish my interviews. I remember the vote in LX to merge into the Dark Evolution and how it broke my heart. I remember folks being very angry at me that I didn't join TDE. I remember thinking Fort Pitt was an idiot. I remember being very wrong about Fort Pitt. I remember also talking to Evey and Pmac and thinking what great folks they were. I remember approaching TOP about LX merging and hating that conversation. I remember approaching Crymson and saying, 'hey, I don't want to leave the TOP family...I have an idea...' and him telling me to talk to broadbeans. I remember the hours and days Hormones, broadbeans, DJPenguin and myself put into starting FACE. I remember thinking 'there's no way this is going to work.' I remember sitting in IRC with myself and my first member. I remember hating EZI and tech raiding. And the !@#$%^&* justifications for both. I remember writing two threads on bandwagonners and DoW's and some bozo from GGA saying 'it's not Digiterra, it's Planet Bob' and deciding never to do another humor thread. I remember those that betrayed me. I also remember forgiving everyone of them. Good luck to you, wherever you may be. I remember. And remembering is good. It's been a pretty wild ride for a guy who isn't really relevant in any way, shape, or form. I look forward to the remembering yet to come. Regards, VI
  2. I direct you to my previous post specifically: I don't have an issue with it either way. My only point is that it can raise issues that can hamper a 'new' alliance. For example, if alliance X disbands as a result of war, some might argue (and it wouldn't be me) that by reforming the alliance you are in fact, back at war as a result of the failure to surrender and/or come to peace terms in the previous conflict in which the alliance disbanded (using your example of an alliance stating that it was no different than the previous incarnation, above).
  3. Personally, I couldn't care less if an alliance reforms. I wouldn't do it though. The upside with reforming is that you have a brand name to start off with, whether it be \m/, GOLD, ONOS, or any other disbanded alliance. Name recognition is good in that you are trying to draw recruits. Maybe trade on the 'hey days' of the reformed alliance. The down side is no matter how much you claim to be different, you're going to get saddled with the mistakes of the previous alliance, despite claims of 'we're different' from members. If it's really that different this time, why use the same name? That's the bit that baffles me. But I don't see it as a problem per se, just seems to be too many pitfalls. Reforming an old alliance is difficult too, especially considering the time, place, members, and conditions of the previous alliance are probably very different.
  4. How is that black and white world you're living in? Might want to think about upgrading to color, you're missing a lot. Regards, VI
  5. I'll throw my completely irrelevant two cents in. If terms that were previously offered by NPO were given, that would certainly be fair on some level. However, mercy is justice. I do hope whatever terms are offered keep that in mind. I'm not saying that white peace is the only merciful terms possible, or that they would serve to accomplish the goal of security. I'd just hope that terms were not simply a repeat of an 'eye for an eye' because parties can enforce such a term at this point. Hopefully, we can move into a new era that is less harsh, more free, and accommodates many differing points of view in a respectful fashion. I am looking forward to a new day, and hopefully it won't look like yesterday. Regards, VI
  6. I am glad my friends in TSI finally got peace. I will say that I think these terms, frankly, suck. They honored a treaty, no less than many others were doing, and far more than some were willing to do. Hail TSI, you're good folks. If I can be of any assistance, please let me know. Regards, VI
  7. And it appears that from the record that 'pissing NPO off' could cover a myriad of behaviors, as well as some behaviors that they engaged in themselves which were not ok for others. In short, you are correct, the record bears out that you were free unless someone said you weren't. Which isn't really free at all. This may well be true. This is contention, not fact. We won't know if this is true unless/until the above prerequisites are in place, i.e. a new power is established AND they kick in people's teeth for pissing them off. Meaning, there is the potential you are right, and it is not a known fact. This contradicts your prior assertions. If there are already coalitions forming then it won't be possible for a new unipolar hegemony to develop and kick in people's teeth unchecked. So which is it? Regards, VI
  8. Oh, the horror. THE HORROR! They have to do tech deals? DEAR GOD. How can this stand? I remember at the end of the NoV war, we had to pay 750 tech. Straight up. And those were exceptionally light terms at the time (and in my opinion they are still extremely light). Damn you LSR and DT! How could you? Ok, I'm done ranting at the heinous nature of the reps. Who knows, maybe through completing tech deals at market rate, these alliances might -gasp- become friends! Can't have that in my CN. Good luck to all parties in your draconian terms! Regards, VI
  9. It would be quite ironic (and a shame) if the very thread announcing peace led to a resumption of hostilities. Good luck to the parties in their future rebuilding efforts. Regards, VI
  10. IRAN: the alliance that didn't want to dance with anyone during the biggest war in the Cyberverse and went home to play with themselves instead. This is hilarious and painful all at the same time. Good luck getting it sorted guys, but maybe a divorce would be in order. Regards, VI
  11. A little graciousness in victory wouldn't be a bad thing, I think. Good luck to all parties in rebuilding/getting on with replacing those addictive pixels. Regards, VI
  12. I'm glad to see this, as I am a big fan of DK and Zenith. Good luck on rebuilding guys. Regards, VI
  13. Good luck TOP, if you should find you need any assistance, you know where to find us. And good luck OMFG, I think you'll find TOP to be difficult foes, but with hearts of gold, I hope there's a swift resolution of this matter. Paradoxia Vult! Regards, VI
  14. You could not be possibly referring to TPF here. Or are you? If so, go look up 'Norden Verein' in the wiki. It's ok, I'll wait. See my point? VI P.S. I am against any alliance being forced to disband. And yes, I'm aware that 'you can't make them disband' but you sure as hell can make it so difficult to play that many find it's no longer worth it and leave.
  15. Join FACE, we're not so bad. Well, Hormones is, but I'm pretty ok.
  16. This is pretty unfair actually. Just because certain alliances will follow their friends regardless, like for instance, you guys following NPO whether or not you agree with their actions, doesn't mean they're not a sovereign alliance. I know TSO would follow TOP no matter what, I was there, I saw the conversations. While I would never fault you for following your friends, please don't criticize others for following theirs and implying that they do so out of anything other than the same respect which you pay to your allies by fighting with them. Good luck and you are honorable allies to fight as you do. Regards, VI
  17. Message received. Icarus, the Snowman is melting. The cat needs to be on the lawn. Could I please borrow the sombrero. At 4:15.
  18. o/ TSI, nice move. Though we find ourselves on different sides of the conflict, I have nothing but the highest respect for TSI and Shuru and Toku in particular. Some might suggest they are grandstanding, but I would urge you to get to know them, they're a great bunch and I'm sure this move was precipitated by their concerns for fairness, as that is the Sasori way. Good luck to you guys, VI
  19. I'm quite disappointed that Karma leaders contacted TBB about this. All they had to do was contact me and I would happily have complied with their wishes to nuke TOP. The schedule for TOP betrayal is a touchy thing, so Karma leaders, kindly contact us and we'll get to betraying TOP in short order. Regards, VI, Triumvir of FACE, betrayer of TOP.
  20. I wish my friends in TSO the best of luck in their military engagement. TOP's reasons for asking TSO to join them are solid, as are TSO's reasons for assisting their friends in TOP. From what I've heard, Invicta, Echelon, BAPS and UPN have fought with honor. o/TOP o/TSO If you gentlemen need assistance, we stand ready and waiting. Warmest Regards, VI, Triumvir of FACE
  21. Oh, Mogar's a great dude, leave him alone. He's having fun, something we could all use more of around here. VI
  22. Well, maybe someone forgot to tell TOP this then, because it appears they declared on the wrong alliances...
  23. Here is the proper way to bandwagon. NOTE: Do not post in linked thread, it's very old.
  24. Paradoxia Vult! You know where to find me Crymson! We stand ready to help you as needed. Regards, VI, Triumvir of FACE.
  25. I hope you're wrong Mogar. It matters not who the piper is, for as long as people continue to equate mercy with weakness, instead of the strength and justice it truly denotes, we'll all be dancing to the same old tune. VI
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