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Big Z

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Everything posted by Big Z

  1. I can still kick Avenger and poke you right, Tromp? FOK
  2. Needs moar Shamedmonkey announcements. Otherwise, congrats.
  3. Let's kick the tires and light the fires, big daddy!
  4. Rainbow 5 is a go! I repeat, Rainbow 5 is a go! Eagle one, Fox three!
  5. 24. Ask yourself "What would babyjesus do in my situation?" Then do that action.
  6. I for one support the candidacy of Michiel de Ruyter.
  7. Brainsssss.... Un forastero! Detrás de tí! Morir es vivir! / to anyone who doesn't get the reference //Congratulations on making it to one year! ///Been a long time, Comrade
  8. I heard a lot of it stemmed from Londo's jealousy of babyjesus.
  9. Congratulations on the growth! However... Please MK, don't betray Athens D:
  10. That does beg the question, who would want to e-cuddle with Shamed?
  11. Really? Threats in an anniversary topic? Interesting indeed...
  12. Oldie but still amusing today.
  13. I'm there often, you just never notice D:
  14. Wait, you're calling a theory of international relations an ideology? That's hilarious.
  15. Congrats though you need to be careful with Bob around. I heard he likes to shoot at technology.
  16. I'm surprised nobody has done Roquentin yet. Or Ardus for that matter.
  17. Congrats to our allies on getting together! Psst...if you need some alcohol, try Tulak's safe
  18. Big Z

    Time machine

    But then, how would I ever corrupt you?
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