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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. Bandwagoning a bandwagon? Sad Carter. C'mon you're better than that right?
  2. Yeah this war has really brought out the worst in some people. It's quite a shame really.
  3. Ahhhh Soldier...the alliance I was in for 2 weeks? Riggghhht........You'll have to try harder than that chief.
  4. No. Sorry. I actually have no idea what he's talking about. Rather he has no idea what he's talking about and since you think his comment was a "zinger" I guess you don't either do you?
  5. Which one? I've been in so many crap alliances you know?
  6. I'm surprised you guys fought at all. Well, that's another story though.
  7. Yeah I know. I just lost track of who declared on who pretty early.
  8. Oh no I'm not against reps and I love Athens. I just didn't know why you guys were the only ones getting reps. I guess I forgot GGA only declared on you guys. Good enough reason for me.
  9. Maybe.... Let's see what they say instead of guessing though mmmkay?
  10. and another crap alliance declares with no treaty on an already outpointed alliance. What a tragedy.
  11. I love IAA. I like this. Welcome back guys.
  12. I saw the same trend. Methinks SCM is deluding himself. I think even if he respected NEW's fighting prowess he still underestimated them. Hell I used to be able to declare on DF's top nations. Now they're 10'sofk's out of range.
  13. We didn't beat you guys up that bad.....or did we? If yes I blame TSI and TP. Soldier only won 90% of our battles.
  14. Don't spoil the surprise. I predict less than 500k NS for DF before the end. That's if NEW is nice enough to get out of the war now.
  15. Doesn't look like NATO put up half the fight NEW is though. You do realize they have nearly as many MP's as you have members? Then using all your offensive slots like that....Damn man I thought this was just absurd but I guess it was a death wish.
  16. DF made a fatal mistake and declared on 3 nations a piece in a lot of instances. That's just bad news man. I see you've already lost the same amount of NS you lost against NATO. Damn NEW I guess it really doesn't matter how many they dogpile onto you. Expect another DOW soon.
  17. Because obviously they can't hang. Fine take my fun away. Good luck to DF and my good buddies over at NEW. I'm sure you will all have a blast.
  18. Yeah GATO can't premept anyone anyway. They are bound by their charter to defend and I garuntee you will never find an alliance more dedicated to their charter. maybe as dedicated but not more. Also, never got confirmation on my correction to the OP.
  19. Yep becuase the post was totally invalid right? Can't attack the post attack the poster. I've seen all through this thread man. Doesn't bother me. I'll just keep going and going and going. OOC: Someone make me an Energizer bunny sig.
  20. Loads. I guess it's ok to jump in aggressively with someone while only having an ODP through an economic bloc. I'm done with you people. I guess might does make right after all hmmm? What a joke you have all become. I honestly thought you guys were better than this.
  21. Uncap GRL and at 50 everyone without Rad Cleanup gets thrown into Nuclear anarchy for 3 days, then same at 100 and so on and so on....ie..Nuclear Winter.
  22. You guys keep saying friends like that means something. Friend's that were not even worthy of a treaty? Hell GATO tried to defend it's friends in the UJP and got heckled back and forth for entering with a direct treaty. It was only a PIAT with unclear articles about what kind of aid could be offered but it's more than what you guys have here in an aggressive attack. Yet back then it wasn't ok? Nah I think you guys are full of it. You just couldn't stand that you might just lose one front in this war and had no choice but to resort to this ugliness. It's shameful. It really is.
  23. Really? Thanks for the insight. I appreciate it. Also, looking back I would've rather someone else took over Soldier at the time or rather that AUT stayed. The membership wasn't ready for me. The only person I knew from Soldier (AUT) left and to be honest AUT and I don't even know eachother that well. I understand them not being 100% loyal to me. My first concern was always Soldier. I could've let them fight to the death for TPF but I knew we couldn't do that in our internal condition and live to the end (yes I know, so sush). So, I pulled out of a war that imvho we were winning. We stranded an ally that you all know I love. I did it all so Soldier would stand a chance. I just didn't have the loyalty of the members and you know what? I can't blame them one bit. Just don't say I was a bad leader. I did my best for Soldier.
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