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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. Dunno. Everyone I guess. Sponge comes on here. He claims he is not responsible for alliances disbanding and people shouldn't hate him for it etc. Many Karma people agree. I agree. I'm just wondering if he and others will give the NPO and Co. the same benefit. Apparently they are blamed to have disbanded an alliance or two. If Sponge can wash away what he did with blaming it on the disbanding alliance and get approval for it......There is no reason NPO and Co. can't do the same. I'm not saying it changes anything in the war or takes away from anything else they have done wrong. Just applying it to this little issue here. This of course is only if you believe Sponge to be right.
  2. Yeah, but by his reckoning none of those bad things should have happened to him. Well, at least not for being a root cause of disbanding a few alliances anyway.
  3. In all fairness NPO and Co. got away with that for a long time too. These Karma guys are supposed to be different though. I'm just seeing if they are. So far I'm not seeing a yes tbh.
  4. We'll see if you guys fix that or not. So far so good. Harsh terms are another story so I dunno why you brought that up. That said, I was just wondering if NPO and company get the same absolution under Sponge's philosophy (on this subject) as he seems to be getting. You can't let Sponge off the hook without letting everyone else off too.
  5. Wait......GATO lost members to IAA too! I hate CHIM. Wait... I hate Cheyenne more........ A POX ON BOTH YOUR HOUSES!
  6. Just updated the list. We're getting close now.
  7. So, then you are saying Pacifica and her allies did nothing wrong when people they were fighting disbanded?
  8. But LUE didn't have to disband right? It was their decision? They were too weak to take the FAN or Vox route? Isn't that what you are saying? Where were you during GWIII?
  9. I'll agree with that. If what Polar and other alliances did was wrong (having alliances disband rather than face terms) then you all got a bit of Karma for backing Polar's play and their getting theirs now. If it isn't, then no one deserved any karma for any of those alliances and all this non-sense about pay back for them is moot. So which is it?
  10. From what I hear Allies are just as guilty as the alliance perpetrating the actions. STA has been joined at Polar's hip for awhile has it not? I can see where Sponge distancing himself from doing anything wrong would benefit STA so I'm not surprised that you would back him up. All that aside probably a good idea because from where I'm standing, and considering Sponge is right, then everyone who fought an alliance that disbanded is innocent. You cannot have it two ways here. I do happen to agree with Sponge on this.
  11. Enlighten me about LUE. Also, MK is around and doing very well so we won't count them.
  12. So? At least LoSS came through. The terms Sponge gave \m/ were unlivable too (saying they were a joke doesn't make it right imo) and look what happened to them.
  13. Basically this. I also know you guys will continue to split hairs about it though.
  14. Site me some examples where NPO went in wanting to disband someone.
  15. Riiigghhhttt but how is it different when Sponge and his allies did it to when Moo and their allies did it?
  16. If no alliance can be forced to disband what was with all the sigs with alliance names on tombstones and "Never forget, Never Forgive"? What was that all about from the Karma side? Please I wanna know how when Sponge does it it's different to how Moo does it.
  17. For 6 days if that really counts. What does that have do do with anything? Did Soldier declare on someone without a treaty? For as bad as at was at the end at least we never stooped that low. If Avalon has no problem with being bandwagoned though I guess they'll be dropping all their treaties next.
  18. I don;t think it's the number of alliances that is the problem. Did PC expect people without treaties to TPF or whoever else you attacked to get involved?
  19. I'm saying logically if they are worth fighting for they are worth having a treaty with. Logic seems solid enough. You tell me where it is broken.
  20. I wonder how many alliances who believe in this friends>paper kick would actually get rid of all their paper? I want to see one of them do it. I don't believe anyone of them would. They know better. They just need something to cry out when it is convenient for them. "We are bandwagoning....How do we cover it up?" "Yell out friends>paper! lol" "Yeah that's it. Then they'll think we mean it and we can keep our honor!" "Yeah! lol." That's what it looks like you know. So come on with it. I wanna see those backing up this practice drop all of their treaties. If they don't then they are full of it.
  21. See this is another thing I can't stand in debating in this forum. People seem to like to say you have bad logic or that you are stupid without telling you why they think that way. It's pathetic. Stop doing it. If you feel he is wrong tell him why. What I don't get is why these alliances that are declaring for "friends" don't have treaties with their "friends". What? The !@#$ has to hit the fan before you realize that they might be worth fighting with? I don;t think "they're my friends so I'm attacking you is a good enough reason." Anyone can say that about anyone. That is why there is supposed to be treaties between real friends. To prevent this sort of shameless bandwagoning.
  22. First strike nuke is a term that no longer applies to CN Carter. That time is long gone and the era of nuking on site has been established. I don't like people jumping in without treaties. Seems cheap and whorish to me. I already went through the whole argument when Dark Fist done it. Now I won't say you can't do it. Hell you can DoW for whatever reason you want. I just think it's in really poor taste and wonder how they would feel if it was them on the other side. @Sileath Keep replying to my posts. It shows what I said is true.
  23. He wa saying he was a puppet and loving it thereby mocking you.
  24. No, he's smarter than that. He's letting his ego overcome that though and that is something that no one should do. I mean he's smart enough to ignore my posts. That has to count for something.
  25. Yet they still declare with no treaty... You're calling them stupid and then threatening others so to make up for their mistake man. C'mon Carter you're smarter than that.
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