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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. Just put the word "you" between the words "do" and "honestly" that should unboggle your mind. Sorry you couldn't figure it out for yourself.
  2. Well then IDC is full of !@#$ too. I don't pick on someone because of what "side" they're on man. Look for as far back as I've been going to war the only honorable and decent way to enter against someone is through a treaty. It was never about sides and all that. There was never any "Hey let me borrow your treaty since we don't have one." going on.
  3. C'mon don't play stupid now. You're making yourself look bad SCM.
  4. It's pretty standard logic. IPA declares on NEW because of their oA with GR. You declare because of your oA with IPA.....seems pretty straight forward. If the plan was to attack unless they got word not to. The whole Moo's crappy internet scenario etc. IPA's optional aggression with GR > Our Mutual Aggression with IPA. I'm pretty sure it was stated at least once b4 in this thread.>>> Says Foxodi He used that to justify you being in the war. Using IPA's optional aggression with GR as a means.....Is he lying or are you?
  5. You totally missed the real part of the post. Bottom line is they could've done things right. They chose to look like cheap bandwagoners. Why? Who knows? It was a stupid move. I don;t mind playing without treaties. They should've just stuck by their story that they were just bandwagoning because their "friends" were getting their teeth kicked in. No need to bring out the reach of all reaches to try to justify their motive. That was just special. C'mon do honestly condone their behavior? Or are you just sticking up for them for cheap thrills?
  6. You know it's about the principle. They claimed they were doing it for friends and honor and for being on the other side etc. C'mon.......what a load. Even the "dishonorable" side did everything by the book. This is the first I heard of someone using the optional aggression part of someone else's treaty to get into a war. I think everyone knows damn well if anyone on the other side had done this the tune would be a whole lot different.
  7. I won't deny it. I was under a ton of pressure at the time. I know. Looking back it is no excuse. You realize from what Cheyenne had been telling me about being neutral there shouldn't have been any talk about entering the war anywhere right? Discussing dropping the treaty in one thread while discussing going to war in another almost gives credence to what I was saying about the decision already being made. Can't bs a bs'r.
  8. At the time we were believe it or not. At least while I was around. Hell, maybe it's not saying much since I never got to know the real Soldier.
  9. No, we understand. We just know it's !@#$%^&*. Thanks to enlightening us to your "legal" way of entering.
  10. Yes that's true. Sooooooo IPA didn't declare on NEW?
  11. Not even me? You know I got you that color exemption from GATO all those years ago.
  12. I know this is on the fence of gravedigging. I read the rules and it sadi 4-7 days and howmany pages it was dug out from. I see it's been 4 1/2 days and I got it from the top of the 3rd page. It also said content applicable to the thread would be considered. Well this is about the whole shanbang and will most likely be my last on the subject. Well no there were underlying circumstances. When AUT was deciding to go fight or whatever he wanted to do he first said he was going to leave Melutar in charge. He changed his mind a few minutes later and left me in charge instead. This pissed off Mel and he decided he wanted Soldier to vote on who was going to be the leader right? That really wasn't how it's supposed to go down according to the Soldier charter. Everyone in the chan told him to go screw himself and he got mad and left for TGR. Fine. a day or two later AUT tells me that Mel owed Soldier like $30 mil in aid. So, Mel queries me about it and I won't lie, I was kinda curt and frank with him and none too polite. Cheyenne queries me soon after: I apologized to Mel in #Soldier for all to see the next day: So, I did what Cheyenne asked. Notice Mel was pretty non-plussed and didn't offer an apology back? I took it in stride. Soldier and I war a little bit and do our thing. Made a somewhat iffy thread about our PoW policy which wasn't well received by some but I honestly had good intentions with it. So a few days after the Melutar thing I get this: Was I an ahole when he came at me like that? Yeah I was a little stressed out but as you can see I did rethink the situation and tried to discuss it. Then it pretty much ended with this: Then soon after they enter the war against TPF with NSO. hmmmmmmm So, in closing I think you can see how I can be pissed with Cheyenne and TGR about the whole way that went down. I guess they have reasons to be mad at me too. Oh well. There you have it the whole story. tongue.gif Hope you enjoyed it. After all of it.......I'm actually quite sorry it went down like that. Cheyenne was pretty cool up to that point and had I not merged with Soldier TGR would've been my second choice. Cheyenne had queried me about it the same day we merged with Soldier. I actually know quite a few people over there at TGR. Just really didn't know Cheyenne too well. For my part, I'm sorry and best of luck to you guys.
  13. So IPA is on NEW too then? It's tough to keep up.
  14. I was just wondering since they said they had a way in. Just curious. I haven't seen them mention that way in. <---What the hell?
  15. Pfft if Poison Clan is really part of Karma I think you guys really are full of !@#$. Nah PC and their protectorates were cool with the terms. I'll be honest and say I think we were winning when we had to pull out. There was just to much internal turmoil for us to continue. Honestly from what I saw Soldier was pretty solid when I started. Then Facetten and Stig walked away when they saw we'd be fighting for TPF when it came down to it. That got the ball rolling. I believe AUT really thought Soldier wasn't going to be in the war when he left to fight with Mhawk and Shuru. When he left he caused a little internal twist by being undecided who to leave in charge. First he went with Melutar and then took it back and left me in charge. Mel wanted to hold a voice vote in IRC but when it became apparent everyone wasn't with that he left. So that was 4 out of the 6 gov positions gone just like that in 2 days. Chazz and I were left standing. I tried to make a gov out of our remaining active members. The next day we were in the war. Needless to say at that point I was pretty stressed out about the whole situation but I helped get us organized and we did pretty well by most accounts. However I could see the internal structure was lacking among some other factors and decided we'd be best to pull out of the war and try to regroup. PC and the protectorates let us off with white peace. While waiting for OPP to expire my new govies decided to jump the gun on the announcement so I relieved them of duty. Drake and Cam left because we pulled out of the war. So after that mess was settled and we got peace from CCC as well I wrote a new charter and tried to get us focused on the future. People were participating in the process of shaping the charter and I thought we were going to make it. Then out of the blue Dodger and Nada the two chancellors I had fired up and left. Along with them went Chazz and Poliz (Don't you just love that guys posts ). So it was back down to me and my MoD Nord Belka who was really loyal to Soldier. There just wasn't much activity after the two of us. KingWilliam and KingJoseph were fairly active but after that there was pretty much nothing for stability and reliability. So I decided to pull the plug 3 days ago. Those active members really deserve to have a home that they can really be productive in. I tried to get our members off the Soldier AA quietly considering we had no protection at the time. I'd been telling them to join me at GATO or AUT at TSI or else Nord at his new alliance. Of course everything got leaked and AUT came and asked if he found someone to protect the AA if we can just finally announce it and be done with it. I obliged him and since it was always his alliance I let him post this here thread. There you have it from my point of view. Take it as you will.
  16. Just out of curiosity how would DF have gotten into this legally?
  17. I made the decision when I was leader. I let AUT announce it because it was his alliance.
  18. I'll switch back to brown as long as we can get this thing set. Marble- magicninja Spices- magicninja Oil- Rubber-MrNans Uranium-MrNans Lumber- UGRocks Gold- Mayzie 1TF Aluminum- Coal- Furs-Mayzie 1TF Iron- Lead- UGRocks BR: Steel, Automobiles, Asphalt, Construction, Scholars, Microchips, Rad Cleanup So lets get me back to brown. As soon as this is all filled up we'll start trading.
  19. Domino effect really. A few active members left. A few followed. a few followed etc. I can't blame them. The alliance changed pretty drastically even in the time I was there. I tried to save the alliance but how much loyalty could I really expect having been there less than 2 weeks?
  20. AUT asked and since it was his alliance and was never mine I obliged.
  21. A lot of the active membership had already left. That's what led to Soldier disbanding. Not enough leadership to herd the 100+members we had at the time.
  22. Meh, they're just standard terms. I coulda swore I seen 6 digit tech terms before. Nothing to get worked up over. Good luck to all.
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