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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. So we're playing without treaties now? What a load of !@#$. You all know it too. This is pathetic. Who on Karma's side let this happen? You guys should keep the little idiot alliances in check. They're going all loose cannon on you guys. Even the losing side didn't resort to this petty crap. You guys should be ashamed.
  2. Cheyenne was cool until Melutar went over. Then I !@#$%*ed at Mel for leaving the night before a war and during a time when AUT had just bailed to go fight and Cheyenne got sad and combative.
  3. It was a joke man. I really don't remember what I said.
  4. I said "real piece of !@#$". Get your facts straight.
  5. Most of my posting has been in staunch support of my friends. You want to claim loyalty as a fault go for it. Guilty as charged. Edit>> I will admit that I support them even when they are in bad positions and when they are wrong and yes that does reflect somewhat bad on me. Still, that's loyalty and I'll get called out for it all day.
  6. Unexpected. I thought the world of you Septer. It was a pleasure serving beside you if even for a short time.
  7. If you think I'm gonna let this chump rip on my alliance and not defend us you must not read much of my material. Hell, I'm magicninja. Apparently, I love making a spectacle out of nothing. If more people didn't hold in their feelings for fear of retribution or hurting someone's feelings we might actually have some fun in this game.
  8. Look I'm not gonna blame Cheyenne or even Mel for all that went wrong. A lot of things went bad on our end in a short amount of time. AUT and a lot of our gov left at the same time. I wouldn't even be pissed if Cheyenne had canceled for that legitimate reason. What bugs me is he came to me with what are imo total !@#$%^&* reasons. Then, to try to add insult he goes ahead and posts in the op that I'm leading Soldier down a bad path when I've been in the lead of an alliance that had most of it's top level gov leave and got into a war right after, for less than 2 weeks. He has no idea what direction we might be on after we get back on our feet. He could have been understanding of the situation and waited to see what happened. Instead he decided to add his little hissy fit to the stress we were under over at Soldier. Quite frankly that isn't how a treated "friend" acts. Cheyenne would much rather come into a query and start demanding apologies instead of actually trying to work to the root of the problem. I obliged him because I had bigger things to worry about at the time and having lectured AUT about keeping a cool head with Mel I thought I needed to set an example. When he came in the next night with more of the same crap my patience had run it's course. I didn't know anybody at TGR anyway. I wasn't gonna bend over backwards the way he thought I should to keep an ODP.
  9. We haven't been over anything. The only time we have spoken is when you decided to cry about me !@#$%*ing at Mel. I apologized to him like you asked out of genuine interest of keeping up the treaty. Then for some reason you come in the next night saying you wanted to drop the treaty. Fine. I told you bye and tried to get back to my duties of leading an alliance at war. I had no time for your whiny !@#$%^&*. Bring it out in public. I don't care. I rather you did. PB loves transparency.
  10. Meh, our nations really didn't take that much of a hit. It was our internal turmoil that really lead to us having to pull out. 80% of the gov left in the days before the war and I was thrust into the leadership role and really didn't know the people that were left. Don't kid yourselves. Soldier wasn't doing poorly in this war at all. Last I checked we had gained strength and continued to ho,d it through our 4 days in the war. It wasn't about winning or losing that we chose to pull out. Our gov and organization were all over the place and regardless of how well we were doing I didn't feel comfortable keeping us fighting if there was virtually no structure.
  11. Upon further review...... The peace between TFO, Internet Superheros, and White Tree will stick and we'll be done on that front. This wasn't the way this was supposed to go down but there is no use complicating the matter. Soldier at this time is still engaged with CCC. I have been trying to contact them over the last few days to no avail. Which was another reason this thread was supposed to wait. It's always preferable to peace out all at once.
  12. Yeah. I vote bring out the details. I would love to hear them since I really haven't got a clue as to what Cheyenne is talking about. Was I a prick to Mel? Hell yeah I was. I had reasons. I did apologize to Mel since Cheyenne asked me to. I even asked AUT to back off of them since he was pretty pissed at them himself. So I thought that was settled. Then the next night Cheyenne comes in saying you wanted to cancel the ODP. Since it was around update time I didn't have time to discuss it. Since I figured that was the decision I said bye. I had other things going on and didn't have time to sit through another lecture about how I should be nice to Mel. It is what it is. Like I said I don't know any of you anyway and I'd rather start from a clean slate rather than try to please someone who isn't fully appreciative of the circumstances surrounding the problem.
  13. You can tell them you threw a hissy fit because I was a prick to Mel. No big deal. I really didn't know any of you anyway. This treaty was basically dead when Mel and Stig and Face turned coward and AUT went off to fight his crusade. Don't worry about our direction. We'll be just fine. You can keep your 24 hours. I don't want them.
  14. Yeah I know but there were more declarations in the name of NOIR then I thought I'd see this war.
  15. This I can support even if SCM told me that NOIR had nothing to do with politics and wars.
  16. Were there discussions pertaining to this stuff? Yes, there were. However, nobody gave either of these two permission to post this. As far as I am concerned the issue is still pending though this will probably be the ultimate outcome. Still.... NO ONE GOES OVER MY HEAD. It's too big.
  17. Dodger and Nada are hereby removed from their positions as Chancellors. I gave no authorization to post this and since my sig is most definitely absent from this I call shens and !@#$%^&* on the whole thing. CTB and or anyone in TFO should query me on IRC at their next earliest convenience.
  18. I am a nice guy. I don't need to try to show it. I just do what I do. ooc: Indeed
  19. Wait.... You tell me I post useless threads? This could easily have been conveyed in private channels.
  20. Man...... There's people like this running around and you guys give me !@#$?
  21. Well I'm not most people. I'd rather not even dignify his kind of stupidity with a response.
  22. What kind of logic do you suggest using against "You're too little!"? No U?
  23. Of course I did I was friends with them in an OOC sense. I woulda still ran enigma as I saw fit and if they didn't like it they could have dropped me. Unfortunatly RL issues got in the way before Enigma ever got off the ground. I guess maybe it did warrant a response but again Mhawk went to bat and stopped it and that's why Soldier is connected to TPF not because they believe in everything TPF does.
  24. I remember when NPO used to say this to alliances. You prove yourselves with each post you make. I don't even know what to say anymore.
  25. Of course it was. I was in TPF gov for a long while and getting a full TPF protectorate when I left felt like the right move at the time. I didn't say who started it only what happened afterward.
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