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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. Congrats Carpe Diem Here's to another 1000! Cheers [img]http://sh3sacamill3ion.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/judojules-moblog-1000.jpg[/img]
  2. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1295471788' post='2584259'] So then, you're saying VE has cajones? [/quote] Did they attack alone?
  3. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1295469704' post='2584195'] Because it's more fun than watching VE's friends argue with VE's detractors for 60 pages while not changing anyone's mind whatsoever. [/quote] But - it's so fun .. What could possibly be more fun?
  4. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1295468634' post='2584159'] Haflinger, you're making a grave mistake if you take Ray's 'they said' and believe it wholesale. But yes, Aguacenta = Lost.[/quote] Or he's read the thread. Either/or.
  5. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1295468158' post='2584146'] Wait, by Lost do you mean Aguacenta? They're saying HE left because he was pissed off about not getting promoted? A greater mischaracterization is difficult to imagine. [/quote] He is a founding member of Symphony. I'd say a great mischaracterization of that entire group.
  6. [quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1295465283' post='2584120'] If someone is afraid to speak to me directly, he doesn't deserve my attention. I don't bite. I always do my best to help a fellow viridian. You could've told that to your fellow viridians, instead of trying to be a glorious messenger and savior of the people. Apparently you're not very well cut for it.[/quote] As I recall I did, and as I recall you even admitted some of them did speak to you. And then in the next breath you continued on to say that it amounts to nothing more than butthurt over being passed over. Your members deserve far better than that - even if they don't feel you approachable. [quote]You seem to think to have perfect knowledge of the situation just because you feel you're right. Guess what. You're wrong.[/quote] Hm. I dunno. Looking around at what a lot of people have to say about you, I wouldn't say I'm too far off the marker. [quote]No. They leave bawwing "oh it's not like it's used to be" "aaaah, we're doing thing wrooooong" "oooh, we're being opressed" "awwww, goverment is evil" "gaaaaahhh, goood ol' boooys club.." ridiculous. Or, as the popular form goes, ridiculas. Hardly anyone leaves bawing about not getting promoted, unless they feel so strongly their claims being legitimate, that they cannot fathom others not agreeing with them. People often cite reasons that protect the ego.[/quote] Another tune change. Again with the inconsistencies. Either it is or it isn't because they've been passed over. [quote]You of all people should know that people who leave because of a perceived attack against one's ego, one does not cite the real reasons for their displeasure (which is themselves), and instead blame others. No-one is responsible for your happiness and well being as much as yourself, but it's a really nifty defence mechanism to shift blame onto others. [edit: and not because I'm implying you have a frail ego, but because I think you have a lot of experience with listening to people who are disappointed][/quote] Anyone who has ever left an alliance under my membership was comfortable enough to leave citing their true reasons. They didn't have a fear of being honest nor require a defense mechanism. [quote]In your mind, would be display inconsistency worth a baw or few, if Seth told a cheesy blackstone to sod off?[/quote] In my mind, I can't understand the sentence you're attempting to speak.
  7. [quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1295462258' post='2584084'] One of these days you should stop putting words in my mouth. [/quote] Not my words - that's what [b]you[/b] raved up and down my queries when I tried making you aware of such people having problems and being afraid to speak to you guys direct. That's what [b]you[/b] said when they all departed. [quote] No. Pay more attention. Seems like your communicational skillset's greatest potential for development would be the skill of listening.[/quote] My b. Repetition of the same thing =/= consistency. I think most are already aware consistency isn't generally a strong point for Viridia, so I'll digress on that one. [quote]Either that, or they could not have their way, and instead of trying to make a difference, fled. Some people even stooped so low as to actively undermine the Entente. Of course one's ego can perceive threat from personal communications as well, and personal disagreements sometimes play a part in decisions to leave. If someone gets called nasty names for being a wuss, and leaves because of that, it's not unthinkable that they'd have similar opinions with those who didn't get the promotions they oh, so, deserved.[/quote] Undermined the Entente? The only undermining of the Entente that took place is in her government destroying what credibility still remained. And her government still continues to do so. I don't even know how to respond to that one ..... Someone gets called a name, so they leave baww'in about not getting promoted?? [quote]Your friends aren't my friends. I'm sorry if my interests and views in regards to foreign affairs and policy conflict with yours, but I wouldn't consider evolution and progress degradation. The Entente is doing pretty fine.[/quote] SF aren't my friends. [quote]But maybe hadrian will kill us all. He [s]said[/s] implied strongly, that he would. D: [ooc]P.S. why did you quote my answer to hadrian when you accused me of trolling you with RL? [/ooc] [/quote] Perhaps he will ... Maybe Blackstone has more cheesy screenies for Seth.
  8. [quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1295460768' post='2584069'] I don't think so. Your interpretation of matters is consistent only with people who have been denied promotions, or whose egos have otherwise been suffering from the impression that they have been attacked. I've been there, and it made me stronger. You, well, it's just the fact that your behavioral patterns are consistent with sour grapes, that makes me think you're butthurt. Nothing else. [/quote] Of course. Cause, that's why everyone of your members who left had done so. Right? Is that not what you consistently argued? Those who founded POT, those of us who founded Symphony. Even Lost - all because we're all upset about being passed over for promotions. It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the degradation of your ability to consider anyone outside of yourself. Such as your friends your treading over to carry forth this war. Some of us just saw it sooner than others.
  9. [quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1295459194' post='2584047'] Perhaps there are courses of action you can take to improve the chances of fulfilling your dreams, and I implore you to study and consider these chances with great wisdom and zeal. [/quote] [OOC]Seriously - your going to sit here and try and troll me with RL????[/OOC] If you think there's any 'butthurt' over this way, you're gravely mistaken. I've come to peace with the fact that I made an erroneous judgment in attempting to reconnect with the Entente in Egore's absence. You're actions since we got the Algae dissolved prove every ounce of it.
  10. [quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1295458145' post='2584024'] Oh, you misunderstood. My personal respect for you has not changed, I understand your behavior and opinions and do not blame you for them. It's sympathy that's now lacking in my attitude towards you, because of the things I learned of you. I was talking of respect in the general sense, respectability. Not everyone can empathize with you, and it's those people's respect that you have lost. [/quote] If I wanted sympathy I'd look for it in the dictionary between !@#$ and syphilis You don't know anything about me, dear Solaris. But that's ok - you'll just make up what works to fill in the blanks with. I'm already aware of this.
  11. [quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1295457192' post='2584007'] Or, you can keep telling yourself that, and remain a sad shell of a once respected individual. [/quote] I wouldn't consider anything from you respect. I'll gladly be a shell in comparison.
  12. [quote name='Audran' timestamp='1295456424' post='2583995'] It seems all you have left is your bitterness towards VE. It's kind of sad to see you fall so far, Ray. [/quote] I have a lot more than that - I've still got my honour in tact, and capable of holding my relationships without having to lie to those under me. The bitterness washed away within days. Perhaps one day your eyes may open too.
  13. [quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1295452377' post='2583919'] I don't have the heart to tell you exactly how wrong the things you're saying right now are. I'll have to settle for "you're very wrong". [/quote] He may be slightly wrong in a couple parts, but at least he's thinking with his own head. Of all the years I've known Impero, this was the most thoughtless and quick decision I've ever seen him make. Purely out of desire for war against Polaris. He and I have shared [i]jested discussions[/i] over the past in private of a similar nature (let's say .. ohhh .. Around the Ordo Recolitus days) - should one of us had actually gone ahead with it, would that have made the other guilty?
  14. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1295436882' post='2583680'] I find it interesting that even after MK left CnG you still seem to speak for the bloc, but in the noCB War I don't think they treated them that way. An outside treaty partner of GR got attacked and all of CnG moved in to assist, as well as NpO if I recall correctly. [/quote] It was convenient at the time
  15. [quote name='youwish959' timestamp='1295421271' post='2583441'] It's really funny to see you all dogpile Rayvon. Trying to outshout the critic, eh? [/quote] It's not really much of a dog pile .. More like a pile of dry jungle grass on breeze .. They've not come up with anything new in a year. [quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1295444046' post='2583790'] [b]Inability to bi-laterally communicate effectively[/b] was a weakness that bit both the Viridian Entente, and the Goon Order of Neutral Shoving, in the behind. [/quote] I'm sure if you ask SF, it's a problem that's still got a solid mouthful.
  16. [quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1295416221' post='2583136'] Welcome to the war. I hope you'll learn something valuable. [/quote] I don't see too many botched staggers yet, so it appears they've already learned something you haven't.
  17. [quote name='SiL3nT' timestamp='1295415802' post='2583074'] How is it incompetence if VE won? [/quote] But ... It was Hoo's war
  18. [quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1295414082' post='2582830'] Well, continue with the e-stalking, son. [/quote] Point in case.
  19. [quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1295412485' post='2582784'] If all I need to do is outlast someone in a debate, then I can set up a nice little macro that will help me "win" every debate about anything under the sun. [/quote] Considering how most of your dialogue goes, I suppose a random macro script could only be an improvement.
  20. [quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1295409983' post='2582668'] No, I'm too busy laughing at the guy who went from leader of a sanctioned alliance to a peon in a joke alliance. [/quote] I guess everyone has something to laugh about then. I'm laughing about how a respected and honourable alliance became ... You guys.
  21. [quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1295409050' post='2582645'] A lecture on morals from the Sith? Pull the other one Darth Kitty. [/quote] I didn't realize that constituted a lecture - but clearly your conscience feels you need one.
  22. Yes - your big bad protectors need the your Misfit nations to help them from those evil Polarins that attacked them .... Err ... What?
  23. Congrats IRON and MISFITS .... A FAP treaty, sounds ... kinky ... lol *waves to MoB
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