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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1356571072' post='3068204'] interesting sir.. Now is this official NSO business or what? I am so confused onoes! FURRST! [/quote] Someone below official gov speaking out of their ass without consent. You know all about this sort of act, Isaac. Jemmm - refer to my new thread in our alliance private forums.
  2. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1356560672' post='3068166'] No, he already does that, I was more meaning your new found pleasantness. It's nice to see to be honest. [/quote] We've been honest and up front from the beginning, the deception and foul play came from within Kaskus government. I don't know how [i]pleasant[/i] you expect us to be compared to how we have been thus far, but this is war childe.
  3. [IMG]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/rndmshiz/privateryan002.png[/IMG]
  4. [quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1356409743' post='3067749'] Either that or... surprise, Javahouse! [/quote] [img]http://media.gazettextra.com/img/photos/2010/07/29/FairMidgWrestl3_t500.jpg?21bf6915bb019ee8470ac50ab6ce308e04d7a184[/img] lol .. When did it turn into a tag match?
  5. [quote name='cinduamato' timestamp='1356311918' post='3067474'] You talk too much for 67 days old nation and 5k NS with [b]ZERO[/b] casualties at least if you have enough balls, go find your self raid targets within your range. I am sure you will find newbies like you who doesn't belong to any AA. get respect with numbers on your casualties rather than acting like a skinny wise guy. as sigelopisan says: casualties are priceless [/quote] ... But brains are forever
  6. Looks like Kaskus is to be heralded as some sort of being of [s]GOD[/s] God.
  7. [quote name='Lord Caparo' timestamp='1356220585' post='3067115'] [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=241113"]http://www.cybernati...ation_ID=241113[/url] [/quote] Thanks - NG's been getting !@#$%*y about our unreliable ghosts and their failure at tech dealing
  8. [22:03:33] <UnknownSmurf> Pay in what way? [b]They want token reps to save face? We offered[/b]... but attacking me will go nowhere. This is going to sound cocky but I will tear through the nations in range of me, I have full wonders; including a moonbase with 10k citizens that will help me win every GA Nope. We have not asked. Tan/Caparo/Bitburg has not offered.
  9. About 5 nations have moved onto the Kaskus AA from other alliances now. We are tracking these jumpers. If the trend continues, it will be treated as escalated hostilities from Kaskus allies and responded to as such.
  10. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1356092360' post='3066573'] So please, tell me, what is it about my "likes" that makes me so terrible? [/quote] The fact that they're yours. You're terrible.
  11. Is wakakakaka Indonesian for surrender?
  12. [quote name='Aeros' timestamp='1356023376' post='3066317'] Past history shows it would be NSO who would need intervention. [/quote] What history is that? Your ink still looks a little wet there.
  13. [quote name='omfghi2u2' timestamp='1355928623' post='3065810'] I am willing to bet 50 tech that you guys will call in your allies before Kaskus does. [/quote] Many a people would have lost that bet in the Legion war had the bookies been about. I don't think you know what the Sith are about. This is now a situation where both Kaskus and New Sith Order excel and enjoy. Enjoy. Tan, you could have told me sooner this would have been the only option and save me two days of watching the PMs box and clock
  14. [center][img]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/inprogress/NSO_draft_bod.png[/img][/center] For two weeks now we've been subjected to the poor situation initiated by Unknown Smurf. We've attempted multiple avenues for resolution, only to be blocked and dodged by Kaskus government. While both sides left some room for improvement at a juncture or two, it cannot go untold that we have been more than patient in attempts to right and conclude this situation. From being misled by government entities, to reaching a settlement just to have it rescinded by another government member, to threats of war - it is time that somebody become accountable for the actions unfolded. We truly hoped that Kaskus would be willing to work to a mutual end as they publicly declared; we have no qualms with you. Unknown Smurf, you did attempt to do right and that's not forgotten. Now is the time to square up. [b]As diplomatic attempts have been stretched to an end, to a literal stand-still; the New Sith Order hereby declares our intent to retrieve Unknown Smurf for ourselves.[/b] / Rayvon ~ Emperor Dilber ~ Dark Lord KirstenMichelle ~ Sith Lord JoeStupid ~ Sith Lord
  15. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1355717923' post='3064855'] Also he was not interested in letting me see the topic beforehand. [/quote] I hope you didn't burn your stomach slithering on that remark .. At which point was I not interested? I didn't get a chance to say yes or no to sharing it cause I told you was in the middle of writing and you said 'stop' ..
  16. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1355705733' post='3064773'] Razor was saying if you don't like me go to someone else which is so obvious its hilarious. [/quote] "I dont care what your values or charter or whatever the hell you want to bring into this are [b]until one of us three[/b] is formally approached about this situation." You're so right. How did I miss THAT?!??
  17. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1355704950' post='3064762'] Now if you want to have a real conversation about this we can I am more than happy to. [/quote] No, [i]we[/i] can't. NSO is talking with [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=114322&st=100#entry3063292]Kaskus leadership[/url]. By the way, kick-banning someone from your channel for not wanting to talk to you when your own leadership already said not to, is ummmm.... Yeah.
  18. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1355703905' post='3064754'] Unfortunately they did not mention it to us until after the fact, This is why I tried to solve it, but then they made it obvious that they were not interested in being adults and so we kept him in and because of his work made him gov. When we made him gov is when they got their panties in a bunch. [/quote] It's not our job to tell you. He was applying to membership; if he really cared about Kaskus then it would have been nothing to say "Hey - by the way, you might have NSO knocking on your door for accepting me". He was well aware he was being pursued.
  19. Wow. You painted me such a drunken, fall-down monster there.
  20. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1355700031' post='3064709'] [b]I am the one with the issues in tact,[/b] you can't stand to wait. I have to say you have run one of the most unprofessional FA missions I have ever seen. From your sovereign going into a meeting drunk to your peanut gallery laughing it up in a government announcement thread. [/quote] You've got this part right, anyways.
  21. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1355604854' post='3064188'] ... Are you talking about the moon colony I bought 2 days ago or is this just a coincidence? [/quote] [url=http://hark.com/clips/rxrjntqsct-thats-no-moon-its-a-space-station]Yes ... That moon base[/url]
  22. [quote name='Longshadow' timestamp='1355603318' post='3064175'] I like the sound of these. Where do I take the booze? [/quote] Bend over
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