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Everything posted by mitchh

  1. mitchh

    Second Issue

    Always has been.
  2. Really guys? I expected better from some of you.
  3. Sad to see this. Good luck to both parties.
  4. Lack of TOP in this poll is depressing. 4th in NS and 3rd in nukes, and we've steadily gained through the year. We're actually approaching sanction for once. And somehow GGA made the list
  5. WTF 10? I need to step up my game. r labur campz gud? I need a badge for having successfully changed my AA
  6. omg omg yes yes yes wub: :wub: *Lots* of good peoples over there in Argent that I've had the opportunity to get to know and befriend. This treaty makes me a happy camper.
  7. The lack of TOP makes me a sad panda. If anything, these screenshots show how comfortable we are sharing our opinions with each other, regardless of how different they are. <3 Citadel
  8. I choose you, ARGENT! Edit: I'm assuming NSO isn't in because they weren't around for nominations ¯\(°_o)/¯
  9. Two awesome alliances come together for an MDP
  10. Dear Umbrella, u suck <3 TOP Watch out Sparta
  11. It might be a specific situation, but so would most other 'grievances'. Without any sort of system of assuring that any member deserves the protection of the alliance or not, it seems murky at best. Good to see you thriving on discipline and honor.
  12. Please. It was a question about one of their policies. I do not wish to start any type of war with them.
  13. By completely avoiding legitimate questions and substituting a totally ambiguous phrase?
  14. But how will you determine it? I am at war and nuking a member of yours. He says he is innocent, and I repeat that he has wronged me in some way.
  15. Reading it twice still hasn't made any more sense to me. Could you elaborate?
  16. How does NSO know whether the past baggage is legitimate or not? If there is a disagreement between where a member believes they have been slighted unfairly and deserve the backing of the alliance, how is it settled? Let's say I make up a BS reason (but would be a good reason to attack him if true) for not liking Raider of Azzar (chosen at random for examples sake), and attack him. How does NSO respond?
  17. That. I'm usually doing something else on the computer, but somebody always highlights me, although I won't name anybody like Poobah, and I pull up IRC anyway.
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