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Everything posted by mitchh

  1. may this special union be long and prosperous
  2. Congrats guys and girls. I hope you continue to prosper (without Poobah) <3 <3 o/ o/
  3. mitchh

    Bye bye

    See ya ocho. I greatly enjoyed both sharing an alliance, and being allied to you.
  4. YES!!!!!!!!!! YAY ARGENT!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!! minus Poobah. he's a moron.
  5. Best of luck to both parties. P.S. :wub: :wub: Argent :wub: :wub: too many smilies
  6. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned The Prince yet
  7. I heard those Karma POW people have peace and aren't doing bad in the sanction race... :lol:
  8. Shout out to KillJoy Thanks for the nuke. Infra can be such a burden sometimes... OMFG is a class act. Fighting you guys is truly an honor.
  9. I thought the whole Gre betrayal thing could use a little subtle humor. I'm glad somebody finally got it.
  10. no u. Good to be fighting alongside you guys, however regrettable the situation
  11. Am I to guess that, and I quote, TOP are asshats? I'm also surprised that you think so little of the people we declared on.
  12. You guys are cool dudes, but the time has come for us to go our own ways. I sincerely wish those in MCXA the best.
  13. <3 Rancid lots Good luck C&G, and others on the battlefield
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