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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. Televised Statement from Premier Belyakov to the world: "The Glorious Slavorussian Empire requests that all NC forces withdraw immediately. You're causing much more harm than you're preventing. It's true we dont give our citizens everything they ask for, mainly because it would be impossible to do so. Our citizens enjoy a great amount of autonomy on both the provincial and municipal level, our parliament and constitiution are the envy of the world. allegations of oppression are just unfounded." [Photos of the front appear on the screen.] "What you see in those photos are victims of the NC's aggression. They're using napalm and other chemicals to destroy national forests, and clear a path for their armies to continue their unjust war. Several small towns near the border have fallen victim to the forest fires and as a result whole villages have been wiped out. Survivors of the forest fires suffer 3rd degree burns over 70% of their bodies, and our hospitals are quickly overflowing. Civilian casualties have already reached the low thousands, and we expect hundreds of thousands as the war progresses. As a leader of a country this disheartens me greatly. My government has been accused of mistreating our citizens, yet the world has been shown no proof. Yet those who claim to be defending the rights of the people are senselessly slaughtering our people, and poisoning them with chemical warfare. As a son of Mother Slavorussia I plea for the nations of the world to come to our assistance. If you are against the needless slaughter taking place in Slavorussia then send your armies to force the invaders out, and preserve the prosperity that the Imperial government has sustained for hundreds of years." The screen then displays the devistation caused by the invading NC forces. Showing graphic images of burn victims, not only human victims, but also the natural wildlife inhabitants that have been affected. The images of frightened children add a chilling and heartbreaking element to the images.
  2. Ty Jed. True the dragon's teeth can be destroyed or moved without expending a lot of resources, they weren't intended to stop NC armies dead in their tracks, just slow them down and give Slavorussia a chance to reach full wartime mobilization, and stall for time until allies can arrive. I dont want everyone to think I’m using my civilians to fight the war. Although not mentioned the citizens are scared, and view the invaders as, well invaders. You're already terrifying the people of the country by invading and forcing them to evacuate and move east. You're burning national parks and wildlife reserves to clear the and that's having a very serious effect on the small towns and villages near those forests. And Guerilla warfare is actually very effective against even the most organized armies, it was used against the British in the American Revolution, against the Germans in WWII, and most famously in Vietnam. I know your soldiers are traveling in armored vehicles, that’s why Slavorussians have armor piercing weapons, and explosives. I'm learning as I go, and I still have an optimistic view toward the war.
  3. Are we going to give numbers, just give general descriptions of our losses like "we had heavy losses" or "casualties were minimal" Also I'm going to bed... soon.
  4. Battle for St. Petersburg Molakian forces had made a grave mistake invading Slavorussia and bypassing all cities and towns on their rout to St Petersburg. It is the second most heavily guarded city in the empire. The former capital was a fortress, and had countless places for the Slavorussian troops to take refuge in. while artillery fell on the city all the Molakians did was injure, maim or kill civilians. As a result of the high civilian casualty rate the northern districts are evacuated. Slavorussian artillery in the city is either destroyed or unable to return efficient fire, but hopefully that is about to change. As the Molakians approached the city the scream of Slavorussian bombers could be heard from above. The bombers fly overhead and carpet bomb the Molakians, focusing primarily on the artillery, but also target the concentrations of tanks and soldiers. A defensive line is formed between Lakes Ladoga and Onega on the border to prevent any more Molakians from invading Slavorussia, while reinforcements move swiftly towards St. Petersburg. The Nordheim/Prussian Front As the Nordheimers and Prussians pushed further east, and approached the main resistance line, Slavorussian forces move west to meet the invaders. Outnumbered at least 5 to 1 the Slavorussians realize they’re most likely going to suffer a lot casualties from this attack, but the window to attack is narrow and will be gone soon. They must proceed now or they will loose the opportunity. When the Slavorussians encounter the invaders open fire immediately, heavy artillery fire the first shots. They fire a barrage of projectiles at the advancing enemy. Then Slavorussian armor, armed with armor piercing explosive rounds they unleash their fury on the incoming armies. Although Slavorussian tanks are not as heavily armored they’re smaller, lighter and more maneuverable than that of the Nordheimer’s This gives them a distinct advantage over the heavy armored enemy tanks. In the skies 5 squadrons of escorted bombers move in to attack heavy concentrations of troops and counter the enemy’s fighters. In addition precision strikes are launched at enemy artillery to prevent them from returning any suppressive fire. Infantry units although exposed are equipped with sticky bombs, tank destroying grenades, and anti-tank missile systems similar to the FGM-148 Javelin. If they can get close enough they can destroy enemy armored vehicles with the grenades, and the Javelins could be used from much greater distances. Slavorussia’s fury is unleashed in a single coordinated attack and they expect the enemy to suffer casualties equal to or greater than their own. CSSR/Germany/whoever else Front Having suffered serious casualties, and unable to hold the line. Slavorussian troops retreat farther into Belarussia, and reestablish defensive lines. Soldiers dig into fox holes, and trenches. Equipped with anti-armor weapons similar to those used in Lithuania and northern Belarussia the Slavorussians wait for the enemy to advance farther. Communication lines are down in several areas, and Slavorussians have a hell of a time coordinating the defense. (ooc: I think Mykep was handling this front. Slavorussian troops will still be under my control of course but I need to consult with him and cent on this front.) Elsewhere Inside Slavorussia Nordheim’s cruise missile strikes prove to be effective, perhaps not to their complete satisfaction, but they are successful in cutting off supplies to the northern front, and hampered movement to the west. ooc: overwhelmed tired and frustrated. Triyun I hope the paragraph I wrote is satisfactory, my troops have retreated several km and reset the defensive lines. Also Maltose I like your format, so I'm stealing it. B)
  5. Triyun all your strength comes from your tech, nukes and navy, that’s the chief advantage you have over me. You’re not using nukes and your navy would be countered by coastal defenses. Extensive reconstruction? I don't recall. Yes I did rp the developments on my border, I admit it was very vague and was never finished. It was mostly crap dealing with my air force, but other upgrades could be inferred. I'm dealing with the initial blitz. If the problem is that I'm not giving casualties then I hope you'll remind everyone else to do it too. Yes the invasion is a catastrophe Slavorussians are taking heavy fire and sustaining considerable casualties. If that’s what you need me to post I can, if not then be more specific please. Oh and I forgot I still maintain my position that missile defense can shoot down EMP missiles. Edit: KM Defcon 2 to me means we get ready for war. Troops are deployed, aircraft are fueled, mines fields are layed, defense systems become fully operational, factories are converted to produce wartime equipment etc.
  6. Moscow, Slavorussia The Foreign Minister comes into Premier Belyakov‘s office with some bad news. “Your Excellency” “Yes Mrs. Titov?” The FM turns on the television showing the scene outside of the Vaule Parliament. “It appears out diplomatic pressure is starting an uproar in Vaule. They may need help should I contact Vaule on this matter.” Vladimir frowns, “If they would assist us they wouldn’t be in this mess, and we would have a free hand to help. Say nothing on this issue unless violence breaks out.”
  7. The NC's invasion was seen well before it was even conceived. When Slavorussia and friends failed to capture Kaiser Martens they knew Nordland would return. Their suspicions were reinforced when Prussian invaded Germany to unify the two countries, obviously an attempt to bring back Nordland. From that point on Slavorussia built up western defenses. Then for some odd reason the NC did the military exercise thing. Slavorussia went to Defcon 2 and stayed there. The defenses are mostly minefields and dragon's teeth. The dragon's teeth to slow you down, and the mines slim down the invading forces. Then I used a little guerilla warfare to slim your forces down more. I think that’s a legit defense. Not only are they stalling until allies arrive, but they're also trying to exert as little energy as possible while forcing the enemy to exert as much energy as possible, and deplete their supplies quickly. The reason I think you would deplete your resources is because of the nuclear war. central Europe was the epicenter of the war. Those countries would be unable to produce enough food for their massive armies, and civilians. So either your army suffers of your people do. when civilians suffer revolutions start, and Germany the Netherlands and Prussia leave the war. leaving the CSSR Norsvea Nordheim and Molokia to face the full brunt of the resistance. Of those 4 the CSSR is the most formidable, but can the CSSR hold out against Slavorussia, who is only slightly less powerful, then you have Bosporan the Northern Empire Crimea Iso and maybe Altin Urda. Molokia would be overrun quickly in my opinion. Then I would expect Norsvea and Nordeim to either surrender or be invaded from the Baltic Sea. I think for a war noob thats a damn good strategy.
  8. Slavorussia's diplomat is not amused by the map, not in the least. “I’m afraid this is unacceptable. Slavorussia will not be making any land concessions to the NC. This proposal as it is cuts Slavorussia off from all western sea trade. This is wholly unacceptable, as it would cripple our economy and allow instability to fester within our remaining borders. Additionally Belarussia is an old Slavorussian province as are the Baltic provinces. We were most fortunate that the Baltic people voted to become part of Slavorussia after the breakup of Nordland, despite the mistakes made during the communist era. We also take issue with St. Petersburg being taken from us. St. Petersburg or Sankt-Petersburg as we know call it was built by the Slavorussian Tsar Peter I and is most certainly not going to be handed over to the invaders. Altogether this proposal is unappealing to the Slavorussian government. If the NC is concerned about the welfare of the our people in our western provinces they are invited to send inspectors to interview the population, and inspect the government initiatives in place for the people. They will find western Slavorussia is highly developed, the people there are generally happy being part of Slavorussia. However we cannot and will not consent to having our country spilt apart.”
  9. My laptop hard drive crashed a few months ago and since I rarely used AIM I never downloaded it again after I got it fixed. The CN index says: I'm not exactly sure how to rp a cruise missle being "less effective" I would trust most of the rp'ers here to choose whether or not a particular cruise missile is destroyed or not. Destroying the railway is not a big deal. There's more than 1 track in Slavorussia, and trains can be diverted.
  10. ooc: I'd like to draw everyone's attetion to here. Our new ooc bickering topic for this war. Thank you and have a nice day.
  11. Ok everyone I saw that the official war topic was getting a little cluttered with ooc so I made this for us all to post our ooc crap in. I’ll start… Ok so the war started fairly well for both sides. Slavorussia is successful in stalling the invasion, and hopes to wait out until allies can aid them. However the invaders are not meeting much resistance in the form of armed soldiers and tanks and whatnot. Everyone is happy right? Not quite. Honestly I thought this war was going smoothly, for once I honestly didn’t care how the war ended. If Slavorussia was destroyed, so be it, if the Nordic Confederacy was defeated, even better. Now I recently came from an IRC discussion with my “allies” and what I discovered was upset me some. Now there’s really nothing I can do about it, but lets just say I feel as though Vaule is backstabbing Slavorussia. Yes you can say “Slavorussia is opportunistic and backstabbes other countries also.” Absolutely correct, slavorussia is moddled off of real world Russian Empire/ Soviet Union/ Russian Fed, with a little bit of USA thrown in because I’m American. The fact is however Slavorussia does not backstab its allies. What? Slavorussia intended to backstab Ubersteinia and invade for a little land. Not entirely true. As we all know the discussion between Uberstein and I was ooc. I asked Uberstein what I had to do to get some land formerly held by my ally. At first he agreed to give me the land I wanted, then he did a 180 and it upset me. Sometimes I’m unable to think clearly, so I said in response something that indicated Slavorussia would invade the UE. Would I have actually don’t it. Absolutely not. Uberstein is my friend, and that wouldn’t be right. Now you say “Well they invaded Nordland for land.” Afraid not. Ic Nordland symbolized a real threat to Slavorussian security. We were not friends and probably never would have been friends. The Slavorussian government had expressed its dislike of Nordland, and its imperialist ways several times. The Nordland war could be considered a preemptive war and an attempt to liberate north and central Europe fallowing the invasion of Confederate Tion. Anyway since Slavorussia is an old empire that has gained and lost much territory over the years the government saw an opportunity to reoccupy land on the Baltic Sea. I say reoccupy because it was in fact part of Slavorussia for sometime between KM’s first incarnation in CNRP during 2006 and his return in early 2008. Now ic I mark this time between from the formation of the Tsardom of Slavorussia (successor of the Grand Duchy of Moscow) to about the beginning of the communist rule in Slavorussia which began in the 1930’s (Ill have to check my wiki to be positive.) So now you know my motives for taking over the Baltic States. On to the war. Triyun says I’ve been ignoring his movements. That is probably very correct. I missed Triyun’s first post last night during the initial invasion and told him I’d do it today. I pretty much read through it once, and then waited a few hours before I even typed a response. I didn’t refer to the original post which is probably why there is an issue. In response to the EMP missiles launched at me. Sargun says without an SDI I cannot stop them from. In game the SDI is for defense against nuclear weapons, nothing else. Therefore the missile defense improvements I have in game should either destroy them before they can impact and cause massive widespread and irreversible damage. Additionally KM missile defense imrpovement could prevent your cruise missile from hitting the railroad, or at least keep it from doing so much damage. Now that I’ve said all that. As for all the posts I missed earlier today I apologize. I just hope you guys do realize I’m not a war rp’er and I have KM, BR, Triyun and Merger who are all known for their ability to write captivating and devastating war rp’s attacking me at once. If you all recall when Slavorussia invaded Nordland with the NE and UFE Slavorussia did a piss poor job of invading, “Lets send 1 plane to bomb a city” Lol I like to think I’ve improved some since then, but I still can’t stand up to those 4. Anyway this was basically a rant. I’m fairly calm, I’m not hugely concerned about my pixel people, but I wanted to try to share my perspective on the war and how it’s gone so far. Just give me some time, this is very overwhelming for me. I have to do a little more research for this war because the only thing I know about was is planes fly and drop bombs, soldiers shoot guns and missiles go boom! Anyway that’s all I have to say. I’ll pass the mic to someone else. Edit: that looked a lot longer when I was typing it...
  12. ooc: Lol, I feel like an airhead. I need few hours if you don't mind, this isn't how I wanted to spend my spring break.
  13. Message to the Vaule Government: The Imperial Government of the Slavorussian Empire realize the predicament Vaule is facing, however an MDP, especially one as old as the RUSSIAN MDP, should override a NAP sighed hours before war was declared. The aforementioned NAP signatories are in fact the aggressors, and have attacked Vaule‘s old and loyal ally, and have in essence violated the very spirit of the NAP. Slavorussia and the entire RUSSIAN Coalition aided Vaule when it was invaded by foreign powers and our combined might quickly repelled the invaders. We fought together to rid Europe of the first Nordland and offered our aid to Vaule during the various uprisings in Outer Mongolia. For these reasons we ask that Vaule suspend the NAP and aid Slavorussia in our defense. We are not asking you to destroy the Nordic Confederacy, or anything of such a sinister nature. All we ask is for the support of one of our oldest allies to defend our homeland from the onslaught of foreign aggression. During our time as allies Slavorussia has always had faith in Vaule’s resolve as an ally and partner in global affairs, please do not abandon us in our greatest hour of need.
  14. Moscow Kremlin As time ticks away in Moscow Premier Belyakov meets with his top military advisors, the entire executive and imperial cabinet, and parliament leaders. While the discussion carries on the Premier’s eyes wander aimlessly across the entire room. His cold calculating eyes inspire horror in even his closest advisors. Instantly Vladimir snaps back to reality. He stands up at the head of the table, and fixes his tie. Immediately all eyes are on him, and the room is quiet. “In this time of darkness and uncertainty we are confronted by the most formidable enemy to ever set foot in our lands, but let us not forget that they are still recovering from near nuclear annihilation. Three of the nations aligned against us were struck with nuclear weapons, and to our advantage they are probably the most formidable. I assure you all here today that we will prevail.” The ministers and advisors applaud the premier, although some are skeptical. Defense Minister Matas Nikov is one of those people. “Excuse me Your Excellecny, but we must face the facts. Despite the fact that their populations were severely depleted by nuclear attacks they have managed to field an army at least one and a half times the size of our own. I have confidence that we can hold the primary line of defense for at least a month, however without aid from our allies we will eventually be forced to retreat…” Vladimir quickly cuts off the rest of Minister Nikov’s sentence, “We don’t need a month to hold out. Our allies are prepared to strike now. If our attempts at diplomacy fail we will force them to leave.” Imperial Palace Tsar Justinian is pacing the room while the news shows images of invading soldiers, armor and artillery crossing the borders into Slavorussia. He already knows what’s going to happen. In a few hours the Imperial Guard are going to move him east away from his people, and away from his government. For once he’ll be damned if they think he’s going to hide while maniacs ravage Europe, then turn around and blame Nordic nationalism for their actions. He decides to do something nobody would expect. He picks up the phone and makes a phone call to the Premier Belyakov. Minutes later Justinian is dressed in his full military regalia. He marches down the stairs to the main hallway where his chief of security stops him and calls for back up. “Your Majesty, it‘s not safe for you to go outside right now. We‘ve received reports that enemy agents have infiltrated Moscow, and may be plotting to assassinate high ranking Slavorussian officials.” Justinian pulls out his handgun and sets in on a nearby table. He looks at his chief of security and chuckles “Let them come. I’m ready for them.” The chief of security chuckles nervously, he thinks the tsar is joking with him at first, but he is not. “Where do you intend to go?” Justinian stares back at him smiles and says, “Ill be commanding forces on the northern front. Premier Belyakov and I agreed that we should be able to remove the Molokians and take back our northern border. He says it‘s a perfect chance for me to engage in military leadership.” He poses for a minute and holsters his knife and gun. “Of course you‘ll be coming with me, my normal security detail will come, and my exact location will be a state secret.” Moments later a fleet of military transport helicopters land on the palace lawns. Justinian looks out the window and smiles, “Gentlemen, our ride is here.” The front lines Invading forces are allowed to advance past the first line of dragon’s teeth. The plan wasn’t to stop the invading army of course, but to slow it down considerably to allow the full mobilization of the Slavorussian Armed Forces to combat status, and to transport the tens of thousands of soldiers that would be needed to repel the invaders and send them crying back to central and northern Europe. The would have to take out two more lines of minefields, and dragon’s teeth before they would be in clear and open roads. During periods of inactivity The invaders tanks and APC’s would fall victim to anti-tank guided weapons. Soldiers on foot would be picked off by sniper fire and in some rare cases small detachments of Slavorussian soldiers and tanks would engage the enemy. By doing this Slavorussian commanders hope to thin out the herd before they make it to the main resistance line. In reality the invaders wouldn’t see any serious resistance until the reached cities like Kaunas, Lida in the west and Pinsk, Mozyr in the south. At that point the enemy would be cut down by automated defenses, the majority of which were protected with EMP shielding. They could attack targets on the ground as well as the sky if necessary, and were fairly well camouflaged. They would also encounter a force of over 300,000 Slavorussian soldiers 2,000 tanks and artillery, and massive numbers of Slavorussian aircraft. In Belarussia the Luftwaffe proved to be a formidable force in the air. The Imperial air force and the Luftwaffe engage is vicious dogfights over the skies of Belarussia with varied results. Slavorussians decide to bring in the Mobile AA and to add another obstacle for the Luftwaffe to have to tackle. Slavorussian artillery return heavy fire to ground forces crossing the border. Although the plan to stall the invader’s advance was similar to that being used in Lithuania, Slavorussians had much more space to cover, and were unable to fully deploy area denial weapons before the invasion began. One thing that works tremendously to their advantage though is the fact that Belarussia is also covered by thick forrests, as well as large marshy wetlands ensuring both armor and soldier movement was minimal. Finally in south west Slavorussia CSSR forces are met with heavy armored and mechanized resistance. Artillery and anti-tank weapons slam into the invading army’s first wave, with promising results. Slavorussian soldiers employ kinetic energy weapons to pierce the invader’s armor and cause as much damage as possible. The attacks on the communications towers and power plants are somewhat successful. Since Slavorussian command knew those would be the first targets during an invasion they made sure to place defensive fortifications in and around them. The attacks are little more than a annoyance as Slavorussians continue to receive orders from command albeit broken or staticy often times. The CSSR’s emp missiles would also have limited effect. As they soared through the air Slavorussia’s anti missile systems would locate, target and destroy the missile before they could cause severe damage. Even if they were allowed to hit their targets Slavorussia’s military is equipped with minimal to moderate emp shielding. The brunt of the damage would be suffered by the civilians the CSSR and their allies were claiming to be defending. Another message is sent out to the invading countries by the Slavorussian government: ooc: I think I responded to everyone let me know if I missed something.
  15. "It's truly sad how things turned out. I thought the Sygh-Varthys Accords would be a step towards peace, not a veiled attempt to keep Vaule out of the war, and alienate us from our eastern allies. And they call us hypocrates."
  16. In the Moscow Kremlin Premier Vladimir Belyakov is finalizing his new appointments to his cabinet. The sudden resignation of Lady Kolesnikov had caused some tension among the ministers in the executive’s cabinet, and he needed to appoint several new members to replace those who intend to leave. As affixes his signature to the documents his aide barges in the room and throws a bulky folder in his face. “What is this?” He says while opening the folder to review its contents. The aide remains quiet, and as Vladimir flips through the pages he notices its very familiar. “These are the images of the military exercises? Did they send us a report?” The aide looks nervously at Vladimir. He’s noticeably shaking and sweating a lot, all he can do is shake his head and say no. Vladimir looks back at the folder this time paying special attention to the details. When he realizes what’s going on his face looses some of it’s color. As he reads on it becomes clear to him that the countries of Central and Northern Europe have not learned their lesson. His aide turns on the television and he is able to catch the speeches made by the leaders of the several invading nations. As he listens to the numerous falsities being spewed from their mouths like excrement from a cow’s $@!, his face turn from pale and pasty to fiery red. “Who do they think they‘re fooling? Nothing they‘ve said is true, not in the least.” Vladimir looks across the room to his aide and shouts at him. “What are you waiting for?! Get the cabinet here now! I want the council of Generals here and get the tsar to safety! Go!” As the aide starts to run out of the room the premier stops him, and shouts one more thing, “And call a press conference.” Only a few minutes later Premier Belyakov appears in the press conference room. He’s cool and calm and ready to show to the world the lies that led to this treacherous invasion. Every major news outlet in the country, and throughout the world is in attendance. As the cameras roll Vladimir fixes his tie and clears his throat. “Thank you ladies and gentlemen for coming in such short notice. I’d like to thank members of the press for being here today, We have something very important to share with the world. [short pause as Vladimir shuffles papers] If you didn’t already know, we‘re currently being invaded by several countries to our west and at least one to our north. Their reasoning is that we‘ve oppressed the people of Eastern Europe which this empire has served. honestly and to the best of our ability. in some form or another for over one-thousand years. We have been accused of oppressing our own people. The very same people who have, freedom of speech, freedom of the press freedom to practice any religion, universal healthcare, access to government funded educational programs, access to a number of other social programs, clean water, clean air, relatively free social, political and economic mobility and thousands of years of rich cultural heritage. If oppression all the things I’ve just said then yes we are guilty of oppressing the people of our Empire. After the war with Nordland, Slavorussia received little to no reparations from the successor states formed in the wake of the war. The only thing we obtained from the war was control over Lithuanian, Lavtia, and Estonia, three of our former territories and later RUSSIAN pact allies. After the war a referendum was held and the people chose to return to the warm bosom of Mother Slavorussia. We did not forcefully exert our control over the region, like the government of Nordland had done years before. The German Kaiser never contacted the Slavorussian government, nor did his assistants and aides. We have been accused of plotting to attack members of the Nordic Confederacy. With that are accusations of ethnic discrimination against the Nordic and German peoples, who the invaders have said, time and time, again are linked to our own Slavic and Russian people by a common brotherhood. In addition the Kaiser of Germany has accused us of putting massive numbers of soldiers and tanks on the border with the CSSR. I believe the numbers used were “1 million soldiers and 5000 tanks.” This is in fact a reversal of the truth. Slavorussia could only field that many soldiers if we conscripted our soldiers, and even then it would leave the bulk of Slavourussian territory undefended. A little more than a week ago the members of the Nordic Confederacy moved between 800,000 and 1.5 million soldiers into the CSSR, Thousands of tanks, hundreds of bombers and fighter aircraft for “military exercises.” Slavorussia and every other nation in the world knows that is not regular military exercise numbers. When we took appropriate measures to defend in the event we were invaded. Defense Conditions were elevated to DefCon 2 where we remained up until were invaded. We contacted the CSSR and were informed of the situation. We never expelled any foreign nationals, although Germany did expel ours, we never increased troop levels on the border, never acted aggressively in any way. We now accuse the nations who have aligned to invade Slavorussia of fabricating lie after lie in order to gain a flawed reason to go to war. They have shown neither us, our allies or the world any evidence of our alleged wrong doings, simply because there is none. The invaders offered no ultimatum, offered a chance to solve our differences diplomatically nor done anything to convince the world they are honorable in their intentions. It is sad that our invaders do not think highly enough of us to sit down and discuss our differences. Recently the nations of the Nordic Confederacy signed an non aggression agreement with one of our closest and most valued allies, It seemed they would take the first steps to creating and maintaining peace. They spoke of their accomplishment as a great strive forward for peace in the world, an example to all the world of how nations should properly conduct themselves on an international scale. An honorable notion indeed, sadly their actions completely contradict their words. This invasion is an aggressive attack on the people of Slavorussia and the government in place to defend their rights and their property. For that reason we call upon our allies to come to our aid. Help us repel these foreign invaders and return peace to Eastern Europe. Aid us in our quest to remain free from the forces that seek to conquer and subjugate us, and force upon us their ways. I have just one thing to say to the invaders. Come to our country in peace and look around, and you will find a strong and industrious people. Let us use words, not bullets and bombs to solve our differences. Diplomacy is far more powerful than any tank, gun, missile or bomb. We are willing to forgive the mistakes of the past, are you?” On the front Slavorussian military commanders were given their orders. “Operation Bear Cub” had begun. In Lithuania the Slavorussian military was moving to meet the invaders and force them back. The Highly maneuverable and fast T-90 tanks rolled west toward what would be the Slavorussian’s first line of defense. Several kilometers into Lithuania the invaders would find their paths blocked by thick lush forests Lithuania is of course 40% covered by vast forests. On the roads and open paths tanks would encounter wave after wave of large reinforced concrete blocks, called dragon’s teeth , blocking their paths. Any soldiers foolish enough to abandon their APCs would be engaged by small numbers of Slavorussian soldiers patrolling the roads and forests. If the invaders managed to make it past the first line of dragon’s teeth they would run into a minefield that would certainly cause heavy casualties. Similar defensive actions were used in the Belarussia and other southern provinces as well. After all the Slavorussians are not idiots, They saw the war coming long before and had planned extensively to defend from ground and air forces. The air force which had been patrolling the skies over Slavorussia and were not surprised in the least. As the Luftwaffe crossed into Slavorussian airspace the Slavorussian Su-37’s were sent to destroy any and all enemy aircraft operating over Slavorussian airspace. The invader’s mission to knock out Slavorussia radar would be largely a failure. They would succeed in creating several gray areas, but for the most part Slavorussia was unaffected by enemy attacks. Back in the Kremlin Premier Belyakov makes a few phone calls to the each of the invading countries. He could only hope they would be willing to talk to them, if not he was sure Europe was about to witness another devastating war. EDIT: Triyun I'll respond to your attacks later.
  17. Premier Kolesnikov resigns! Lady Viktoryia Kolesnikov resigned as the Slavorussian Prime Minister today as a result of her continued illness. Late last year Lady Kolesnikov was diagnosed with cancer which had spread to various parts of her body. Then in early January the Prime Minister underwent surgery to have several tumors removed, and quickly returned to work. In recent weeks her doctors have found several more tumors, which they say will require aggressive treatment. In a letter addressed to parliament the former premier says, “My disease has progressed to a new stage and will require my full and undivided attention. I will not be able to serve His Majesty‘s government during this time therefore I must resign.” The constitution dictates that Lady Kolesnikov’s duties now fall to Deputy Premier Vladimir Belyakov. Belyakov is expected to be sworn in officially tomorrow morning, after his meeting with the Tsar. Lady Kolesnikov who has devoted her entire life to the service of the Slavorussian people says this is only a small bump in her political career, but it will not mark the end of it. She hasn’t made any definite plans but she say’s she’d be interested in returning to Parliament after she recovers. She wishes her successor and the government the best of luck and says, “You‘re gonna need it.”
  18. Premier Kolesnikov shuffles her papers on the podium, then takes off her reading glasses before she speaks. “After much deliberation between the leaders of the Slavorussian and Dragonisian Empire we were able to work out an acceptable two part solution to the problem plaguing Southern Asia. The first part: Historic India, excluding The Soliran Federacy and Mascurian Empire (sp) will be handed over to Dragonisia. The second part: Slavorussia and Dragonisia will share joint protector status over the outer Indochinese lands. To accomplish this task Slavorussia will have to transport an additional 25,000 peacekeeping soldiers to the region. When the time is right outer Indochinese regions will be made independent and Slavorussian troops will withdraw. In addition I‘d like to thank the Dragonisian government for working with us to find an acceptable solution to this dilemma. We’ve shown the world it is possible for two countries to work together without the use of force. Hopefully our two countries can use this opportunity to grow closer and strive towards a better and safer world.”
  19. With the collapse of the Indochinese government in Asia the agreement that Northern India reverts back to Slavorussian control is activated. Dragonisia is free to capture and arrest any cyber criminals, paramilitary agents, terrorists or any other person or persons who may be a threat to their national security in Northern India. However we will block any attempt to annex the country into the Dragon Empire if that is your intention. We are interested in working with Indochina's neighbors and other Asian powers to establish a more friendly country in Northern India. Additionally we apologize for not stopping Indochina before it came to this, but Indochina is fully independent and in these rough times we tend to limit our activities to Europe and Siberia, and choose not to partake in Asian issues. We would like to take this time to invite Dragonisia to Moscow to decide the fate of Northern India.
  20. That's the charming attitude that landed you in the position you're in now.
  21. ooc: I picked other: Give it to Slavorussia... I'm kidding.
  22. What are you talking about? This isn't the Trojan War. The NE declared war on you because they believe you're a threat to Asia with your new nuclear policy, you've disrespected them and their allies numerous times and a whole number of things which were stated in the DoW.
  23. This war probably could have been avoided if Beijing was in touch with reality. There’s a chance the Northern Empire and Beijing can salvage this situation if certain countries like the IA stop trying to escalate that situation, as they often tend to do.
  24. Perhaps it's time Beijing Corp dulled down the attitude, and returned to reality, before someone brings reality to you.
  25. ooc: Ambassador Ushakov is still pouting out in the hallway, but he can't leave because the Deputy Premier is still at the meeting, although I completely forgot about him for a while.
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