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flak attack

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Everything posted by flak attack

  1. I'm with HoT as well. When the people pushing the bill are calling the opposition a bunch of childish criminals, it's best not to do things that prove them right.
  2. Whew. Good thing. I was beginning to worry how we were going to get by without you.
  3. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1326777027' post='2901352'] Right, I figured the discussion was still about sellers having FACs. [/quote] [quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1326777238' post='2901353'] Ah I thought you were commenting on Flak's refusal to get an FAC because it's a waste of money. [/quote] I'm not wasting my own money to support the inefficient growth of an allied nation. That's the issue. Interestingly, for the first time in about two years, I am once again bound by the wonder clock, due to the unfortunate timing of my moon base expiring right before I hit 13k infra for the first time.
  4. [quote name='Iceknave' timestamp='1326767930' post='2901279'] Unfortunately, some of us end up fighting wars that often that they've sold tech for far, far, too long, so long, picking up wonders along the way that the FAC is actually a viable wonder to get since they've picked up all the other wonders in their range.... So you don't necessarily have to spend any money for them to get a FAC, . [/quote] No, but I have to spend money for [i][b]me[/b][/i] to get a FAC.
  5. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1326766993' post='2901265'] I also am picking the 49ers over the Giants, depends on the line though. The Giants O can definitely put up big numbers but the 49ers D is nowhere near as !@#$%* as the Packers D and I see them pulling through. [/quote] The 49ers defense is definitely going to give the Giants a rough time, but the Giants have a solid defense of their own and the 49ers offense isn't anything exceptional. I think I'm hoping Giants, expecting 49ers. Either way, it's gonna be a good game.
  6. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1326751851' post='2901093'] Personally I think $4.5m/100t is a good price for all parties as long as both have FAC, so tech sellers and buyers alike should all get FAC. I only charge $3m/50t if someone without FAC wants to buy tech from me, but those aren't really my target tech buyers when I'm selling as receiving $4.5m is more slot efficient. For those buying the tech its mostly about the slots anyways, so most don't mind paying an extra $1.5m for a reliable seller if its not costing them any extra slots. [/quote] Any seller that can afford a FAC isn't one I'm going to buy from. I'm going to tell them not to buy the FAC, stop selling and start buying. Assuming they are part of my alliance or a friend of my alliance, that is. Otherwise, I'm not spending 25m just to give them an extra 1.5m a month.
  7. In case anyone is wondering, I'm thinking Ravens over Pats this week, since the Pats haven't beat anyone that has winning record this season while the Ravens have a ironclad defense and offense that is underrated by the strength of the defenses it's played this year and is going to tear apart the Pats defense. Not a damn clue about the Giants-Niners game, though.
  8. [quote name='mdnss69' timestamp='1326741449' post='2901003'] Ye were better off at the bottom of the ocean, dead and capsized. [/quote] Aww, did FoB make you cry when they !@#$stomped your pathetic little alliance?
  9. [quote name='xoindotnler' timestamp='1326728653' post='2900905'] I heard some people do 6/50 deals these days. Shees you have making a profit, and completely ripping of the buyer. [/quote] We need to create a joint Olympus-MK task force dedicated to finding people that partake in 6/50 deals and destroying them.
  10. [quote name='commander thrawn' timestamp='1326667652' post='2900334'] Check this guy out. [/quote] Talk about egg on my face. It didn't even take the 49ers to beat the Packers.
  11. [quote name='Rafael Nadal' timestamp='1326398017' post='2898211'] MK WOULD WIN ON A FINAL POSSESSION DRIVE BY TIM TEBOW [/quote] You're making me consider joining Umb. Please stop this. [quote name='commander thrawn' timestamp='1326440629' post='2898677'] Regardless none of it will matter. Packers will win the superbowl. [/quote] xfd check this guy out. He thinks the Packers can beat a team with a top five defense. The Packers offense is massively overrated by the fact that the best defense they played is the Chiefs, who they lost to.
  12. You'll have to talk to LoSS about it. Different alliances have different policies.
  13. [quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1326410327' post='2898328'] No one remembers INC [/quote] GATO was founded before INC
  14. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1326327840' post='2897689'] My platform: freedom. [/quote] I'm not sure. I hear Umb is running on a platform of despair and the status quo. That's gotta be a rough one to beat. [quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1326328516' post='2897707'] instead of paying millions of dollars for ads, we will just pay you millions of dollars directly [/quote] He's got a point. Umb can move [i]millions[/i] of dollars on a whim.
  15. [quote name='Tir Nan Og' timestamp='1326318854' post='2897587'] Im sure MK and Umbrella would still send us aid to do it as well. [/quote] Of course we would. No matter who GOONS is fighting, they can always grab a few dongs from our wallets.
  16. [quote name='Krack' timestamp='1325919258' post='2894606'] I spent months hearing from Xiphosis and GOD how awful and unreasonable FARK's membership was for blocking VE from being in SuperFriends. I'm experiencing some "I told you so" schadenfreude; sue me. I really don't care what GOD thinks about them. As for RoK, I have underwear stains that are more appealing than what RoK has become; I felt that way before the war started. [/quote] VE doesn't join SF. VE doesn't defend SF. Perhaps these two things could be related.
  17. [quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1325859905' post='2894081'] I find all of your wars offensive, personally. They start up and then it smells like you haven't bathed in [i]weeks[/i]. [/quote] GOONS always smells like that. It's what happens when Cheetos get caught in the neckbeard and don't get noticed right away.
  18. Can I not recognize the peace if I never got to be in the war?
  19. [quote name='Joe Stupid' timestamp='1325542961' post='2890899'] How can they not enter the CSN front if no one on that list is fighting for/against CSN? And good show Apparatus. You guys are awesome. [/quote] Because we, unlike some, actually make an effort to take care of our coalition.
  20. I could have sworn this treaty already existed. Either way, congrats.
  21. I learned two things from this: 1) Echelon still exists 2) RnR is stupid enough to sign with them
  22. [quote name='TheDoctor' timestamp='1324666435' post='2884975'] He is an annoying Nuke rogue, Nothing more nothing less. There is no reason GOD should or would surrender to him. [/quote] Their inability to defeat him sounds like a sufficient reason to me. [quote name='Bill Wallace' timestamp='1324669291' post='2885003'] It's still around, but Crymson has done his best to crap and pee all over it. In fact anyone who thinks Xiph is the biggest jerk on Planet Bob hasn't spent more than 30 seconds around Crymson. [/quote] Maybe true, but Crymson hasn't been in gov for almost two years now. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1324769063' post='2885865'] Believe what you want about Xiphosis and how much of SF's fall from grace is his fault, but this is pure nonsense. There was never a 'hegemony' until after GW3 (the term was actually coined much later, as part of Karma), and the Initiative and Continuum would both have crushed SF without batting an eyelid. That's presumably something that SF knew and which had a strong influence on their decision to bind themselves tightly to the hegemony (pretty much every alliance had an NPO treaty). During the Continuum era, SF held quite a bit of influence as a secondary 'swing state' (a bit like Citadel), but never had anywhere near the power of Continuum. [/quote] Even then, I doubt GOD could have received the support of Cit they would have needed if they wanted to win. SF's only Cit ties were through Fark, IIRC.
  23. flak attack

    Going to Melt?

    11% and you're complaining? Lightweight. What was it? That said, there's a big enough variety on beers that you never take your server's advice without telling them what you like first.
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