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Everything posted by firingline

  1. It won’t be one of your suggestions, I can guaran-!@#$@#$-tee that.
  2. just when I though this thread could t get any dumber…..Christ
  3. Also did they just call their allies "peasant alliances"? Pretty sure they did.
  4. More commies in need of demilitarization.
  5. Every UCR nation has too much infra and too much tech. Don't worry, it'll all be trimmed. 450k NS gone so far. And we're just getting started. Enjoy demilitarization.
  6. @admin any chance of considering something like this for next round? Or other solutions to the trade issue?
  7. Good. They can help you pay reps.
  8. Terms: don’t do one specific thing ever again. UCR: *does that thing * Everyone: explains it to UCR UCR: “ spin! FUD! Disinformation!” Commies never change.
  9. Unfortunately you don't get to define who speaks for DS. I have officially refused your offer on behalf of DS. Deal with it.
  10. I'll make it official, then. Your proposal has been rejected by Doom Squad.
  11. I'll push to disband UCR if you push to disband CLAWS...
  12. Unfortunately we've been down this road before. Our preference is a quick war, with light terms and a quick diplomatic resolution. UCR has spat in our face and taken advantage of our generosity. I'm not sure what makes you think your involvement in peace terms would provide any more assurance to Doom Sphere. Do you have the ability to control UCR? If not, I'm not sure what value you bring to the equation...
  13. You know better. The rule of Bob has always been that if you break peace terms against a superior opponent, the war resumes. UCR *specifically agreed* to not do what they just did. Now we are going to teach them a lesson about abiding by terms.
  14. They'd be much better off with Kashmir's military support. You should consider providing that to them.
  15. When you break peace terms of a conflict months after the end of said conflict, that conflict typically resumes. That's how this has always worked.
  16. Actions have consequences. UCR can't seem to stand by their word and coexist with our allies. So we'll solve that problem, one way or another.
  17. What's to stop them from forming an agreement with some other alliance or nation after someone in DS raids them, and attacking us without so much as attempting diplomacy? It's time for a leadership change in UCR. They need a viceroy to guide them towards a productive future in the international community. Until then, they deserve nothing more than total destruction. And that's what they'll receive.
  18. UCR would almost assuredly attack us for attacking a "super secret protectorate". The only option for the safety and security of DS is to destroy UCR. They have proven themselves not to be trustworthy members of the international community.
  19. Care to articulate what is so terrible about my stance then? We made UCR agree not to be an anti-raiding force in exchange for light peace terms. They immediately start playing word games with regard to who won that war, and we let it go. Now 6 months later they’re trying to claim retroactive protectorate status to hit our allies again in direct contradiction to our agreement with them. Why is it then wrong to start having a conversation about taking away UCR’s capability to continue attacking one of our allies? Seems like the common-sense next step when dealing with an adversary who won’t stand by their word and seems incompatible with our peaceful existence.
  20. oh no. Not legion! Whatever will I do! Not sure what’s so bad about beating UCR down for continually going out of their way to attack our allies. Actions have consequences. I UCR has shown that they will use whatever capability they have to harass and attack us with no notice and no valid CB. When we gave them peace and made them agree not to do this again, they did it anyways. The only option is to defang them. And we will. You’re free to do something about it, I suppose.
  21. I think it’s time to demilitarize UCR.
  22. I should also note that NATO is a protectorate of FiringLine.
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