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Everything posted by firingline

  1. You love nuking communists. That's not the same thing.
  2. The original poll was open for 9 days. It was a blowout - 49% wanted BiPolar 2; 21% wanted Herogasm. This poll was then open for 3 days and again only 22% of people voted for Herogasm - roughly the same percentage as the first poll. There's no reason to believe that if this poll had been open for a week or 2 weeks the result would have been meaningfully different.
  3. We'll be too busy meming on CLAWS' grave.
  4. You don't get to talk smack until you actually, y'know, do something.
  5. A couple more votes and I wouldn't have to spend 40 seconds making this poll. But you failed me, so here we are.
  6. They probably will leave RFI, yes. But at least you'll still have GATO.
  7. I like DT a lot, so I'm sorry to see this treaty. IMO, DT can do a lot better.
  8. Jesus. DLS' muzzle on you really bottled up some energy, didn't it?
  9. @Warden @dev0win it appears that FTW made an alteration to the treaty after you guys signed it, because I know you did not agree to this text!
  10. Thanks for your efforts on this for the last 6 months, @Sarkin, @Piejonk, @AL Bundy.
  11. All contributions are welcome... except for Tevron's.
  12. Now I want to change my vote to Herogasm.
  13. I'm not. The community is. That's how voting works. Vote or not - the decision on the nomenclature will be reached.
  14. Smitty broke the poll. Way to go, Smitty. Here's the link to the new poll: I'll try to make it less of an unmitigated disaster than this one was.
  15. The time period for nominating and seconding closed. It's not part of the poll.
  16. Smitty somehow screwed up the first poll. Then raged about it. I'm fixing this. Vote in this poll. If no option receives over 50.00% of the vote, we'll do a runoff poll for the top two options. Simple.
  17. As it turns out, Legion's not been as on board with RFI as the rest of RFI pretended they were.
  18. You're the only one berating anybody. @Velocity might want to retrieve that muzzle from storage, might be needing it again soon.
  19. I think combining those 2 is reasonable. I'm with Jerdge on that one. That being said, calm down @Smitty256 - a week with the muzzle off and you're already losing it. The poll is a good idea, and you can't close it down now because it's not going the way you want. If the community decides the war is not named Herogasm, then you won't get very far trying to override that.
  20. It takes virtually no effort to do this properly. If one option gets over 50%, then it wins. If not, do a poll for the top 2 options. Simple. There's literally no argument against doing it this way besides "I really want Herogasm to win, and by effectively splitting 2/3rds of CN among many oppositions to my preferred name, it allows a minority to support Herogasm."
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