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Everything posted by DavidMustaine

  1. 1st or 2nd war? I think the 2nd lasted longer iirc.
  2. ....I'm not in NPO but from your reading skills I would guess you are polar? You may call me Joe Black. We should meet someday, sooner the better imo.
  3. We all know that buying infra is too difficult for you.
  4. I thought that place would have imploded by now. Still the same trash hole from 13 years ago I bet. When are you going to change the name to new viridian polar entente?
  5. I bet the monopoly guy stole it. That rascal.
  6. As I mentioned earlier the sdi has 60% odds. Whether the odds are in your favour or your opponents is basically a roll of the dice in that regard. This is a game after all, and most games are based on luck. Games like chess, checkers etc.. are purely skill based.
  7. Is your name an acronym for what I am thinking?
  8. I concur with this guy. I like the avi, great show.
  9. Idk who made that video but that has to be the funniest cn parody in history 😄
  10. Props to Johnny Mac, nice damages there. Stonewall14 too.... Sounds familiar to me for some reason.
  11. Right, but for everyone else there is still the losses- planes and navy add up. A vast majority of players know better than to keep cm's on hand so that part is useless for most. Also the nuclear anarchy reduction is a nice help, also depends on how much back collecting your at- unless you have the advantage of declaring and collect before going into battle. As the index says: Therefore national wonders are not intended for everyone and are instead intended to provide a slight strategy for the most advanced players and an additional goal for everyone to strive to. The following are the official costs and bonuses of national wonders.
  12. According to the index 60% odds are what the sdi offers. Perhaps an algorithm could be implemented that reduces the sdi's effectiveness for each blocked missile?
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