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Everything posted by omfghi2u2

  1. Wait what? If an alliance PZI's its own member for attacking too early, the alliance should also PZI their military staff for not disciplining their members well enough. -omfg
  2. o/ Welcome to the fight. Tech is to your left, land is to your right. -omfg
  3. This is blood for blood and by the gallon. Let's blow some infra yeah? -omfg
  4. Never fought along side a turtle before, but I am sure it is something that will be epic. Sea turtles mate, sea turtles. o/ -omfg
  5. Not enough hailing in this thread. Glad to see you can roll tanks with us. Let us do some terrible terrible damage together! o/ -omfg
  6. Welcome to the fight. Let's raise some hell. -omfg
  7. Our blitz turned out much better then expected. Thank you guys for the good wish. Let's make this a good fight! -omfg
  8. TO WAR!! o/ -omfg edit: Credit given to Eregor for the appropriate changes.
  9. Glad to see that this was worked out. So when are the e-lawyers gonna come? -omfg
  10. Yeah but at least I tried. -omfg edit: I am not trying to silence HO here, I am just asking of him to be more respectful of his responses despite his obvious anger. Tough, but still.
  11. Please remember that Vanguard is still our allies. And even if they werent, at least he went out of his way to explain to Jyrinx and Uhtred. If it is a personal issue you have with Rafael, then take it to IRC. Otherwise, this is making both of our alliances look bad. -omfg
  12. After having cooled down a bit, I think this is honestly just a series of bad timing. Vanguard and MK have given their word, but like I said, only time will tell. Though I am no longer e-raging about this treaty, I cant help but think of a line from Orwell's Animal Farm. I will rephrase it to make it more CN friendly. "All allies and treaties are equal. Some are more equal then other." -omfg
  13. I understand that you admit that the timing was bad, but you even acknowledged that you can enter this war through SCLB. Well why not and wait till after the war is over? What difference would it make if you announced this after since you could still enter regardless? Maybe I missed this? My reading skills be no good. -omfg
  14. You mean Vanguard was allied to SLCB. Just pointing that out now. And I agree 100% with all the statements that had been said by this man. Could not have worded my sentiments any better. -omfg
  15. Ah I see. Looks like time will tell then. -omfg
  16. I already asked you this, but I just want to see if anyone else know. Then why treaty to a bloc? Why not just stick it out with SLCB and wait to announce this after a war? because otherwise, My exact words. -omfg
  17. It would be a terrible day where we would see each other on the opposite battlefields. Needless to say, I feel like I should be eating my words soon. -omfg
  18. Because I am sure they thought real hard about that treaty with STA. -omfg
  19. Good timing much? Real convenient. I am sure this must have been in the works for a long time. -omfg
  20. You know you wanted it that way. So, not declaring on NSO who declared on FOK? Interesting. -omfg
  21. Cool name. Welcome to the fight. -omfg
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