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In Spades

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Everything posted by In Spades

  1. Are you really proud of that astute observation? Hint: Find out what Q.E.D. means PS: You don't have to buy them. One could hypothetically be aided troops (or the money to buy them) without having to buy them if you get to the nitty-gritty of the subject.
  2. Pretty much. I thought the entire point of flying the "NONE" AA was that you were going on your own; which includes the protection of other alliances. Just because the NPO had a doctrine they can no longer support doesn't mean that the rest of CN should revolve around it when the dust settles.
  3. I'd laugh and play GTA as planned with a few other ho-hum thoughts. If you're pandering to what others' think now on the OWF, then there's no telling how great that "integrity" thing will work out if/when war hits.
  4. WOW! Never did I ever see this one coming! Congrats to both sides!
  5. Ouch! Curse those hidden funsuckers!! *Raises and shakes cn-fist, then realizes that anyone can read this post* Ummm, I mean such delightful and wonderful nation rulers we have here!! Excellent retort, sir. Good call on the baiting unless it was directed at me (I can imagine how tempting it must be for Echelon members not to bait at this point). DeathAngel is right. I don't think this will get back on topic, and it's better not to try and poke some fun in this environment. I may not know much, but kicking an enemy when they're down is something I'll try not to do in the future.
  6. Didn't realize that the picture was the entire focus of the announcement, but ok. Firstly, I see way more non-MA members upset about the topic than anyone else. Secondly, your members get a morale boost over balls? That's umm.... interesting
  7. Shhh, it's hilarious if that make asses of themselves before the realization hits! This way, I get more entertainment value out of surrenders.
  8. You speak wise words. Lets try to keep this as civil as possible. Calling out gets old after awhile, and everyone deserves a fighting chance to have fun during this.
  9. Quite hilarious trolls, TTK. I'd be damn proud should such hilarity spawned in one of my thread. o/our MDAP brethren, and o/the future parking lot renovations. Congratulations! With each post, you've effectively taught someone how to:
  10. Wanna come over to my nation's house and play teaparty? I have a furby costume that will make you feel right at home. From one GOON to the another; never loose the style that makes SA what it is. They may be playing CN, but you're always playing Something Awful. /end boredom
  11. Lets do some math to find out the "size of Echelon's balls" Total Members: 125 Peace Mode: 63 Members in Anarchy: 55 (For reference, MA has 10 people in anarchy and 9 in peace mode out of 223 members. Using simple arithmetic will tell you, there's only 8 people that either aren't in anarchy OR in peace mode. That's some great balls you got there. Too bad they've already been blown to bits or hiding behind a wall. *Awaits another poorly photoshopped burned flag in retort *
  12. Honorable decision defending your allies. o/
  13. For the fun of it, and since we're all posting pictures: The Gramlin Menace taking off IRONman's helm. Incidentally, his head goes with it IRONman sees the evil Karma robot of Doom. Run IRONman, run!! How is IRONman going to get out of the evil Technovore-tC treaty-trap of doom? Stay tuned for the next issue. In all seriousness: Wish all members of IRON to enjoy themselves. Wars are few and far between for you guys, and a respectable/honorable decision to stick with your allies within any spectum of thought.
  14. OH NOES!! It's the nuke mobile!! With our powers combined, I call CAPTAIN AQUAHOG! Take down the Nuke mobile, captain Aquahog! Thanks to the mighty captain Aquahog, the world is once again at peace.
  15. This thread makes me laugh too hard from both sides to even consider getting involved outside of lurk-mode. Both sides are telling each-other to shut up because it's their opinions, yet everyone is expressing their opinion to begin with or else noone would be posting here to begin with. Then it spills into "double-standards" by arguing "well, if you were on my side, you'd agree with me!"... Well, duh; that's the entire fundamental process everyone goes through when making any decision. I would like to point out the few more contradictions, but my robot's head would probably explode from the many paradoxes presented here. Please keep posting everyone. This is WAY too funny to pass up. I approve!
  16. RAASAA!!! Welcome to the front! Hope you like your stay!!
  17. A man who gets it; it's just a game and nothing more. Sure we all get stressed/angry over it sometimes, but the bottom line is we should all enjoy our time here. Life is too short to worry about ficticious numbers to the point where we succumb to hating one-another. Sure we argue and bicker, and why I laugh at this so much is because people refuse to see this truth. My nation could go to 0 infra right now and it wouldn't affect me one-bit, as long as the ride was fun. I encourage all members of MA and Echelon to have fun in this and be reminded that it is just a game at the end of the day. /end diatribe and sorry for the OOC context.
  18. I'm starting to really like you, and wish I had met you sooner. Good luck on the war against Kait and the drop in ns getting to her . Crazy dedication like that against one target is something I can respect (and encourage), even on enemy lines.
  19. Good question. I don't know who they are either. If I had to guess, they're a group of people I just conjured up using my nation's uber telepathetic powaz. My nation's reknown for doing that from time-to-time.
  20. I couldn't agree more. Lets forget all the dramaz and just have a good time getting some casualties, loose some NS, drink a couple of beers and have a couple of laughs. It's like Marde Gras; without the vomit and no fear of getting the clep .
  21. After reading your posts from "someone" that actually read our DoW, if the only thing you got out of that was "OMG, They quoted Caffine, lolol. I knew they never lived that whole incident down!", then continue posting. Because it will always be irreverent to the topic at hand, and it's quite hilarious. The point of it what was; what goes around comes around, no matter who forgets. Karma doesn't forgive, nor does it forget (much like /b/tards without the porn). Ramble on my friend about these theories of yours. I have plenty of popcorn and will pretty much agree that any conspiroucy theories thrown out here are true just to addle on to the insanity.
  22. Agreed. But understand that threats like this would be taken seriously if it were any other circumstance. Peace mode is a great strategy if used effectively, but threatening while in it makes me laugh too hard. That's like saying "I'LL KILL YOU!!"..... "Right after my nap" Love you too Conner, and don't be afraid to speak your mind here. We're all about free-speech, especially with our allies. We're no censor, and we don't ever plan to be. On Topic: o/ us!
  23. I did. Kait was busy getting other stuff prepared, and thank you
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