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Everything posted by Njero

  1. Oooh, it happened? @GearHead, after all these years I can finally rock a NATO pip,
  2. Shhh, shhh. They're just words big guy, they can't hurt you. People still wanna roll you. Sure they do. edit: Apologies for the double post. Came through a second time from a post link and had a derp.
  3. We've finally completed the first milestone in operation Lazy Arse, the NATO plan to never be bothered with writing a post-war beer review.
  4. Sad to finally be removed from the charts. This is the most fun I've had both participating and watching as a global war unfolds since I joined up in 2007. Nice, Gopher. Nice. Thanks so much for continuing to pump out the stats crack. You'll always be my #1 CN hero.
  5. Berbers was livid at the steal. LIVID!
  6. Well, I guess someone had to go there. If this were 2008 I would have been so mad! Best wishes to MetalSnow, Wrecked, Arctic0, and Nishiyoshi, all of whom I either picked on repeatedly, or came back to my buffet for seconds.
  7. Second post by NOM: A) improves? B) deproves? C) exproves? D) disproves?
  8. You used him in as your DoW? That's just fighting dirty, he's never going to let us hear the end of it.
  9. Things, stuff, war! Welcome on board folks.
  10. What happened on the 3rd to reduce the total damage?
  11. Well now, this is a first I think. A big thanks to TOP and NpO for starting this war just to help us get into the top twelve. You guys are super duper! (it's also snowing in Winnipeg)
  12. Would more data points be useful? I'm sure lots of people can get you more if you're interested (I have the nation count at each of my collections).
  13. As always Gopher, you're the best!
  14. It's not a good year until I get to dance with Sparta! Cheers everyone.
  15. A long time ago, sourcing $3M was less trivial than sourcing a slot to send calculated reps. Once the average nation became large enough that $3M became nothing more than a day's profits then the trend shifted more toward rounding damages up to the nearest $3M, and discussion centered more around slots than dollars.
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