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Phil Coulson

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Everything posted by Phil Coulson

  1. If you were wondering at your profile and wondering why I looked at your profile, I am am writing you today to apologize: it was probably an accident. I browse the forums on my iPod mostly so the display is very small. The profile button is right by the thread button so I often look at profiles instead. I know I always wonder what I did to piss my profile viewers off. If you see me look at your profile, know that I probably just bumped you by accident and have no actual problem with you.
  2. For someone who doesn't play anymore, you sure do post a lot.
  3. Congratulations. So that's what allow multiple choices means.
  4. I probably had about 10 all told. Once of the benefits of war at this size is nothing to blow up. Unfortunately, there are also less active targets.
  5. Do people really care about preemptive wars anymore? Sure like, what, 3-4 years ago alliances that preempted were made to pay extra reps or kept at war longer or whatever if they lost. However, that particular hangup was really more of a formalist NPO and company thing so once the other side started winning wars with that tactic, any hangups over that started to be hypocritical. Kind of like openly declaring wars without a CB. Once KORT was hit that genie was out of the bottle.
  6. At the beginning of October, I came back from what had been a year break from playing Cyber Nations. Sure, I read the big boards a couple times a week to see who was attacking who for what and kept in touch with some friends from my time playing via their alliance's offsite forum and Facebook, but for the most part, I didn't think about CN politics for more than a year. There were a few people who I had liked in my time here who I didn't have a way to contact IC without revealing my OOC identity and who I missed having the chance to talk to so I was debating creating a nation to give myself a way to talk to them again. I finally gave in and created a nation when the remnants of MK (an alliance I didn't like) attacked TDO (an alliance I did like). Since I was out for so long, I created a new name so I wouldn't be bound by what my previous ID had done (I was kind of a tool which was intentional as I tried to RP a John Kerry type). Now that the TDO war is done, it's time to find an alliance and as I'm starting my search, I'm finding one other benefit of being out for so long. I don't remember anything. Sure, I vaguely remember which alliances and people I like and don't like but I don't remember why. I'm pretty sure I don't like Polar and I can remember bits and pieces as to why but the context and emotion are gone. I used to work in FA and there was a time that I could diagram the treaty web from scratch. I knew who would attack who and why and how it would affect my alliance given any scenario. I also knew the past history going back to the beginning. That's all gone now. There's no way I could do FA now. I'm sure if I wanted to I could study the Wiki and get back up to speed but I just don't want to. CN wasn't fun for me anymore when I quit and I've had more fun picking off tiny nations as a TDO ghost than I did in years as alliance government. In a way, I'm kind of glad I picked a new name because I'm just not the same person or player I was a year ago. So you all can have your longstanding grudges and your backroom dealings. For now, I'm happy getitng nuked for alliances I admire.
  7. I thought it accurately captured what each side was saying about the other - which was pretty much the same thing.
  8. It's your first chance to really take the alliance out for a spin and see what it can do. Sure it took 7 years and 100,000 miles but you got there. I've been in a couple splinters myself and no matter how good of terms you're on with the original, you always wonder if you could take them in a fight. Here's your chance to find out. Have fun.
  9. I liked Warmongering Backstabbers v. Treacherous Schemers.
  10. I had a bit of fun. :D Nuked 6 times and my nation's only a month old. Thanks Gopher.
  11. So you spy on them, they attack you for it, and they're the bad guy. What'd you expect them to do, give you a gift basket?
  12. My Bob-speak is a bit rusty but I believe the response to this is "You mad bro?" I found the title quite amusing and the overall content above average for Fark. Perhaps because Cable's back at the helm. I do agree that past efforts were subpar.
  13. Well, the war drew out Electron Sponge so I'm in favor of it even though I don't know who I agree with or if I'll jump in to help.
  14. JGoods is a good dude. I hope you're able to keep in contact with him and I wish him the best both in RL and here if he comes back. This place has a way of keeping its hooks in people.
  15. My main question about a revolution is who would people be revolting against? Revolution assumes that there's one set power structure and there doesn't seem to be that now. Also, even in times where there is what appears to be a power bloc, they may not be so close that you have to take them out together. You may be able to take them out one by one. For example, Super Friends were pretty tight but some in Continuum didn't know each other that well and in many cases liked their other allies more. To take out SF, you would have needed a large strike force but to take out Continuum, you could have used a gigantic strike force, but with a little patience, waiting for the treaty to dissolve on its own or using the Continuum members' other treaties to keep them sidelined would have been just as effective.
  16. They don't play, they just have nations, accounts here, and make sure to tell us how cool they are given any opportunity. #nsa was fun back in the day as was #gato.
  17. Rulers can change alliances and alliances can change treaty partners. It takes a while and you might have to take some heat along the way but at the end of the day life's too short to sit around complaining.
  18. CN runs in a neverending cycle of groups gaining power, oppressing others, being toppled, then struggling to regain that power again. Don't like the group in power? Look away for a year or so, chances are they'll be gone. A year and a half ago, people were fleeing to get away from MK, now MK are gone themselves. Don't like where you (or your alliance) is in the world? Either wait for it to change around you or change it yourself.
  19. Might I suggest Pilates and a healthy vegan diet? It's how I stay good. Sorry to see someone leave after so long.
  20. No kidding, I thought it was a bigger movement from the topic. Probably after Fu Mushru and Mushru Gai Pan. High five! .... Also, there's one [ooc] issue with you RPing the south, you made TDO Sherman or Grant which is a hilarious notion!
  21. They closed recruitment for the war, I'm fighting alongside them on the house. If we're both still here in four years, I'll be sure to call. (Ooc - you have excellent taste in TV) Is that a serious question?
  22. I was wondering when the rest of the Shrooms would stop (badly) trying to hide their support for Musqaeda and actually enter. Oh well, in a month, you, like your fellow rogues, will have deleted, be turtling, be in peace mode, or have joined another alliance.
  23. Hey, if Cher can go on a 2 year long farewell tour and release an album 10 years after that, \m/ can have another reunion. Carry on with your partying.
  24. Suppose it's time to look for an alliance.

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