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Everything posted by hartfw

  1. And the chart was starting to get a little cluttered, so here is it timeline style:
  2. Oh, my timeline must be off. I had been led to believe you had cancelled it after they were attacked, not before.
  3. Didn't they technically already ignore it and then cancel it? If not fighting for TSO under the conditions requested counts as ignoring it, they did that to an active treaty, and then for good measure, trash canned the treaty. If not fighting for TSO under the conditions requested doesn't counts as ignoring it for whatever reason, then this whole, better of two dumb ideas doesn't make any sense.
  4. Updated, with NADC and the previously overlooked Centurion. My apologies on that oversight, and thanks to the dozen people that pm'ed me of their need to be included.
  5. My biggest fault is my love for all things Argent, including this thread. I feel much better having shared.
  6. Before even considering the switch, you really want to start adding wonders. Right now you have no wonders and I would say that you would want a minimum of 3 before you considered the switch. Having tech and no Manhattan Project would be a disastrous choice, it puts you in a range where you will be a sever disadvantage; and depletes your money to do so. This is really the key issue. To a similarly extent however, having a Manhattan Project but not enough money to keep purchasing nukes and fighting can severely hamstring your alliance unless they know that they will be sending you constant aid in a war. Often alliances prioritize 2-4 wonders before MP's for this reason, although its worth checking with your alliance. Besides that general advice which would put you 3 months or so out, it is always worth paying attention to the political cycle in CN. In a war you should definitely expect to lose a fair amount of tech, so switching to buying 1 month (or even 2) before a war is generally pretty inefficient, as it all disappears instantly and you would have been much better with the extra money from selling. So, if you think a war might come, and are hearing rumors of one, it might make sense to wait until after the next war, and then switch right then, rebuild permitting.
  7. Ah, the sad ravings of a pathetic man. Last war was what you brought up, and yet your record there was of pixel hugging when you had targets in range. I didn't actually expect you to be a man of character, and admit that you were an ass and wrong when we hit polar. But I'm impressed by your ability to carry on with your paranoid delusions, uncooperative rants, and just generally acting like an embarrassment to your alliance.
  8. Really? Would love to hear a basis for this, I feel like you still owe me an apology actually now that you brought it up. Edit to add: Not surprisingly, it looks like you fought less.
  9. Coup complete. Surprised Umbrella didn't myth SCM.
  10. I would recommend Argent. Good folks. Also, it appears you have been carrying and paying upkeep on 10,968 tanks since 12/3. I would consider disbanding them, although I guess that depends upon where you go.
  11. Not to be a nag, but just for clarification, Republic shouldn't be the best for you to collect in either, although I suppose your events could make it such.
  12. Monarchy isn't at all optimal. That you suggest it is, and that Republic and Capitalist serve the same purpose is just wrong. Picking a new alliance can help you learn more about CN. Also, while you are at it, move your moon base -- Last Moved: 2/2/2015.
  13. Ignoring May, in April you used your slots 6 times. In March you used your slots 6 times. I cannot comment on the events unless you share more info, but you have been collecting in Capitalist for reasons that I don't understand either.
  14. You should use your aid slots and I'm not sure why your crime rate is level 2.
  15. Good to see this. Two alliances divided against themselves could not stand.
  16. Just to be clear, Sengoku prefers Goons cash directly if anyone wants to influence us in terms of PR
  17. And we eagerly await NPO imposing it on all of us.
  18. And I am honest and like good theatre.
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