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Everything posted by Icewolf

  1. Dear Microsoft and Sony Please develop some imagination when naming your consoles. Sincerely Icewolf
  2. Sparta found out you were in their protectorate. Sparta made it clear that protection did not extend to you (probably with reference to your habit of declaring war on your own alliances). You got expelled from Central Powers and attacked. It doesn't take a genius to infer this. Here is a tip for you. An alliance that gives a protectorate takes a risk. They are declaring responsibility for an organisation they have little control over. When it is an alliance like Central powers the added fighting capacity (if the protectorate acts as an MDP) is minimal. At most they get some tech sellers. They are taking a risk on the alliance eventually becoming a useful ally that will repay the work they put in. They owe that alliance next to nothing. They do not undertake to back your own direction of Foreign Affairs. They do not undertake to back you up in strutting around. A protectorate is to protect a small alliance for unsolicited attacks and bullying. It is not to give the members of that alliance the full power of the protector as they engage in aggressive Foreign Affairs or posturing. If you thought that the relationship was totally one way, if you thought it was a ringing endorsement of whatever you did by their military (their military that is already in a major war) then you are an unappreciative little git and got what you deserved. You want to actually succeed in this game? Learn that relationships cut both ways. Real power comes from peoples knowledge that if they throw their weight behind you you will throw it behind them and that promise of yours is actually worth their effort to acquire. OCC: the last part applies to life as well. The world does not owe you anything but what you pay into it first.
  3. Because almost every protectorate treaty on the planet has the following implied clause; "It is against the terms of this treaty to do something really stupid, including but not limited to, telling people to have at thee on the OWF and using the treat as a shield"
  4. They don't protect you...so? (and I checked, they don't)
  5. Icewolf

    Tom Riddle: Why?

    I actually was fine with him in his first incarnation. Until that is he destroyed a micro alliance and humiliated them by impersonating a competent player and then somehow managing to get them to lose a war that should have been 17-2 in his favor. He then immediately respawned as a new player claiming to be someone different and essentially repeated the same strategy. I think had the world not been too busy at war his new alliance would already have had to throw him out again because he has played the same way. This comes down to the difference between a newb and a n00b. A newb being someone who is bad at a game because they are new to it and can be helped integrate into a community and to be a useful player. No one minds a new player with a terrible trade set, a ton of land with no infastructure and 2 guerilla camps with no harbor that has been playing 2 weeks. That player still has potential. Winner/Tom Riddle is not that person. He is arrogance personified. He came into the game demanding to be treated like an equal. People then tried to help him recognising that his enthusiasm gave him potential. He essentially spat on that and is still insisting that he is the best player in the game, including threatening to use his alliances protector to back up the fights he starts. For me the recognition that he is bad still dates back to when he managed to destroy 2 past micros by taking an almighty dump on those around him and using them to be victims in his arrogant bid for recognition. From an IC perspective I have a live and let live approach that means not stamping on small alliances. From an OOC perspective I recognise that micro alliances are good for the game and that Tom Riddle has in his past incarnation been a toxic member of any alliance. The destruction of those micros probably hurt the game a good deal. He is now already in a situation where he cannot pay the debts he racked up early on in the game and will most likely get in more fights in the near future.
  6. He is referring to all those nations burning billions they do not have to waste (as in upwards of 70-80% of their savings) to stay in the top 100K after they have been knocked down to avoid the utter annihilation being rent upon the mid tier. Although "mid tier" is a past tense word. It is now something of a lower tier.
  7. A manhatton Project, Foreign Air Force base, Pentagon and SDI all give him enough to alone give you and your alliance a kicking. So make your peace. There is no benefit in goading this guy even if he can only come at you as a rogue. He would smash you and your alliance apart.
  8. ZIed within a week of leaving peace mode. Sure of it. And dude...stop waving a protector around like that. They will not appreciate it. Goading people into attacking you and then relying on someone to bail you out is not what is considered correct and sensible behavior. Especially as your particular protector is somewhat pre-occupied right now.
  9. I have ways of discovering things that are far beyond you. And as I said, Sparta are likely a little to busy right now and likely have a few too many other countervailing concerns.
  10. If you think Sparta would go to war with the Imperial Order right now of all times over you of all people I think we are all in for a good laugh.
  11. That does not answer the question. What value have you ever brought to an alliance? I mean, you desert DT at the start of a war (and are now bragging about not repaying your debt) and have already had your new alliance attacked whilst not even having the stones to fight in their defense. Is this to be the measure of you? Running from place to place, causing harm left right and centre and never actually having the balls to face the consequence and letting others take the fall?
  12. So after you get their largest nation attacked, you now basically cripple yourself for a while by offering twice as much tech as the alliance has in total and six times as much tech as you have. Yeah...I wouldn't have made that bargain if I were them. Run from an alliance on the verge of war, dive to peace mode, let my new alliance mates get attacked, and then beg for peace. Tell me...what actual value have you ever brought to an alliance?
  13. Yeah....the world owes you jack all. Stop expecting power, influence and respect to simply be handed to you and your will do much better. If you approach real life the way you approached this game then you are going to have a hard time learning that.
  14. I have to disagree with those definitions in relation to the CN world. Given many surrenders we see do not involve terms that place an obligation on either side the distinction above does not really hold water. Furthermore, by the definition of imposed terms alone, GPF did in fact surrender as the only terms are those placed on GPF. VE has no obligation not to re-enter the war against you. But for reasons below I do not see this as determinate of the status of the end of hostilities. The difference between surrender and white peace in the CN world is that a surrender is an acknowledgement of defeat, whereas white peace is a decision by both sides not to take hostilities further. Sometimes this is just because the sides do not want to fight anymore and an attachment of reps will not negate the fact it is a white peace in the CN sense-it is often an acknowledgement of wrongdoing without an acknowledgement of defeat. Othertimes it is done to spare the losing alliance humiliation or as an acknowledgement that their destruction or reduction was not a primary aim in the war. However the difference between white peace and surrender is quite a clear one. One is an end to the conflict and the other is a capitulation. I do not know the facts of the GPF case well enough to comment. But the fact that there is no label in your declaration means this hinges of facts alone-and the fact that would have to be determined (and I have not put thought to) is whether or not the GPF capitulated to VE or not.
  15. This is your sixth day of PM? The first drop at day 4 is -3 happiness. "after 5 days" I beleive means day 6 you will first see the econ cut which is today. On day 6 you also see another -2 happiness to -5 happiness. So today you would have got a -2 (ontop of the previous -3) as well as an econ penalty. I do not know how big that is but it is perfectly plausible that it will cost you that much. This is why large nations become bill locked after too long in Peacemode.
  16. Is there a full list anywhere? Also I guess more London people are more active than others?
  17. From the CN information indext You nation says you entered on the 20th-so 5 days ago. You now have your economic penalty.
  18. His point is not the "validity" of the CB His point is that he is glad to see something that has spurred real discussion and debate on the forums.
  19. [quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1358719331' post='3081221'] The ever important sub 100k tier[/quote]Given that is now Umbrella's ANS-yes
  20. [quote name='Megamind' timestamp='1358694763' post='3080970'] Where exactly are you looking for them? Because if you're looking at the [url="http://www.cybernations.net/stats_news.asp?Page=1&Order=DESC&Field=Attack_Date&Search=Kronos&SearchBy=Nation_Alliance&View=S#nukes"]Nuclear Reports page for Kronos[/url] then it doesn't take more than a few seconds to locate a nuke from Umbrella hitting Puppets... And as far as I can tell the nuke was thrown by the tech heaviest of the nations fighting Puppets. That doesn't exactly sound like they're trying to minimize the damage he is taking... [/quote]Ok I missed the whole two nukes. And this was never about minimizing damage to puppets. This was about allowing him into peace mode and then co-ordinating the blown stagger to maximise his long term fighting capacity.
  21. Are you going to mark down NPO/NSO v Kaskus as a side war?
  22. [quote name='Lord Gobb' timestamp='1358688528' post='3080947'] It says the person leaving is subject to nuking. [/quote]I don't see any of them either EDIT: TO clarify, that is nukes aimed at Puppets by Umbrella.
  23. Ok seriously what is this. My Nukes are primed. My infantry are ready. My tanks ready to roll over some pathetic little Doomhouse nation. And what happens? No Counters. Nothing. Zilch. My government had emergency sittings late into the night ready to deal with this (OOC: coursework deadline) and nothing. Honestly. I can understand Doomhouse trolling. I can understand the tantrums in this thread. But this? This is just rude. It is impolite. All of you should be ashamed of yourselves. I bet your mothers thought they raised you to be such nice people as well.
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