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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. [quote name='Fireandthepassion' date='07 February 2010 - 01:28 PM' timestamp='1265567288' post='2167055'] I also really don't understand why we're assisting GR at all since they blatantly told us they had no plans of helping us. Yes we're canceling the treaty, but GR did exactly what ODN has done numerous times in the past. [/quote] Well that's why you put non chaining clauses in all your treaties, no? So if you were in GR's position you wouldn't have to help either.
  2. ML is a very classy alliance. Have fun out there like I know you will.
  3. [quote name='Penkala' date='07 February 2010 - 12:09 PM' timestamp='1265562564' post='2166945'] This. Poor show on both sides. [/quote] To be fair if anyone was dishonorable in this instance, it was polar.
  4. [quote name='Chalaskan' date='06 February 2010 - 04:13 PM' timestamp='1265490803' post='2165115'] The fact remains that Pez made people believe the logs were with TOP gov. [/quote] No. That's the only time she was approached about an attack on CnG and so she told whoever asked no. At no time did she state anything else.
  5. [quote name='mhawk' date='06 February 2010 - 04:03 PM' timestamp='1265490190' post='2165101'] Pezstar's logs are in a talk with me. I was not the one who planned the attack, nor am I even directly allied to TOP. I did notify them of my concerns and as has been said many times TOP said they'd talk to Polar and I left it at that. [/quote] The point remains that when confronted about it pezstar would not approve an attack on CnG as a whole.
  6. There's a reason lots of treaties have a non-chaining clause. When MK was attacked there was no chain involved, now that NpO has been attacked there was as they were the main aggressors. Really this is a poor attempt to paint MK in a negative light.
  7. [quote name='Titus Pullo' date='06 February 2010 - 03:36 PM' timestamp='1265488581' post='2165046'] It really sucks when an ally attacks their allies' ally doesn't it. You should know since Umbrella's been on both sides of that conundrum... [/quote] You realize that doing so is actually against the treaty they held, thus breaking their treaty, right?
  8. [quote name='LiquidMercury' date='06 February 2010 - 03:41 PM' timestamp='1265488878' post='2165061'] I can agree to that. Until I post logs then, I will leave this point as moot and drop it in the public arena. [/quote] Fair enough.
  9. [quote name='LiquidMercury' date='06 February 2010 - 03:30 PM' timestamp='1265488220' post='2165028'] Hence why I included Uthred in there (and I may be spelling his name wrong, if so sorry!). [/quote] Until I see proof of him approving the attack, I'm sorry but I'll have to call shens. I'm sure you're not lying, but really it's hard to believe and without seeing any evidence I can't accuse STA of doing that.
  10. [quote name='LiquidMercury' date='06 February 2010 - 03:25 PM' timestamp='1265487957' post='2165018'] Pez was not informed of the decision, because well Pez was harassing people left and right in coalition channels demanding this and that with her usual tact. I had to ask Uthred and Moridin both on a few occasions to get her to back off. Moridin himself agreed that "hopefully Pez doesn't know about the pre-emp" for the sake of opsec. [/quote] Of course she would demand her allies would not be attacked, what do you take her for? Moridin is not in STA as well. So unless you have proof that STA agreed to it then it stands to reason STA did not approve nor want an attack on CnG.
  11. [quote name='LiquidMercury' date='06 February 2010 - 03:21 PM' timestamp='1265487712' post='2165005'] Except Doch, Polaris/STA knew we were Pre-emping MK/CnG. They approved it and all. [/quote] pezstar's logs prove differently in regards to STA.
  12. [quote name='Rotavele' date='06 February 2010 - 02:12 PM' timestamp='1265483523' post='2164886'] Well i guess when you start losing, you gotta find a way to win, so Polaris decided it was better to hop the fence and fight on the winning side, regardless of what they've said and promised. [/quote] You realize they're fighting on both sides, not just one, right?
  13. [quote name='Lord Levistus' date='05 February 2010 - 11:27 PM' timestamp='1265430471' post='2162894'] um, looking at some of the actions on BOTH sides, it would seem such practices are perfectly acceptable now. [/quote] Where did the other side preemptively attack an alliance?
  14. [quote name='Salmia' date='05 February 2010 - 11:16 PM' timestamp='1265429816' post='2162879'] I appreciate the offer by you guys, but you're just too insane for me. At least you didn't send me a pm calling me a male like LoSS did. D: [/quote] Silly mia.
  15. (I'm nation sitting filipinoboi122) Tekken, lum, and hagar are good at coordinating together. Really I'm just about done with doing spy and naval attacks, waste of time. Otherwise I feel we've been pretty even against each other and major props to my teams on each target for some good coordination.
  16. Good post SpacingOutMan, good job on fighting as long as you could immortals.
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