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Everything posted by Portugal

  1. It's pretty much the same imo. Well, it's a bit easier, as there are more nations in alliances it's easier to acess trade-circles or trade-swap groups, and it's easier to attest for the reliability of partners, something much harder when everyone is unaligned.
  2. Thanks for that. It was very informative, and didn't annoy me at all!
  3. Indeed. Very few have the combat bravery of Cata. He's one of my CN heroes. Which reminds me, I still owe him 81 mil >_>
  4. Top 7 Day Smallest Alliance Gains 1) -5,755,183 Strength Change - Independent Republic Of Orange Nations Ehhhhh, you're probably right, FARK really needs help here. Good to know even in the face of defeat you like to taunt your opponents in such childish manner.
  5. Just so you know, that was just from 3 members, not from a horde of smaller ones :V
  6. Not bad of a read. A bit (alot) biased, but then again, so am I. It's good to see that even in the face of adversity you guys don't forget these kind of stuff, definetly makes the atmosphere better.
  7. An attack to save some PR or to truly turn the tide? Regardless, good to see the the casualties ranking up again. MORE AND MORE, FOR THE BLOOD GOD.
  8. This, pretty much. Especially coming from TPF; who attacked Avalanche, a 7nth of their size. Truly, the "Horde" is at fault here.
  9. You're not? Also, agree with most your terms except the tech/money one. I really do not care if any of the defeated pay tech or money to the victors. There are better ways to make them feel their own sins.
  10. STA and NSO, by attacking Molon Labe, an ally of DOOM, brought it upon themselves. And Molon Labe brought it upon itself byattacking MK; who was at fault for attacking TPF, who was at fault for attacking whomever, who was at fault for attacking someone else, and etc. That's how world wars start and grow. The blame game that is going on in this thread is just sad and useless.
  11. When else would be a good time to set it up? When Pacifica is strong enough to crush them just for wanting that red little square in their nation bios? Why are you being so blinded by the idea that the red team is someone's back yard, and setting up a tent there is in some way cowardice? This just shows how much respect you have for other people's decision, it is sickening.
  12. I think he's refering to the fact that ODN, by giving peace to Vox, is legitimizing them as an alliance, and by doing that they also legitimize the methods Vox used to keep itself alive, which include active espionage. Which of course is normal. The hegemony has always liked to dictate how others should play the game and conduct warfare. Business as usual, as double-standards rule the world.
  13. I still remember how the world celebrated when we reached the first Millionth death. Oh, what a road we have walked. To another billion o/
  14. Just as a factual thing, the ODN did not participate in the Citrus War due to treaties. It was only ODN versus NPO, and there weren't even any defensive treaties in existence (only treaty on Bob was really the Dove Doctrine). One might also consider their entry in GW1 to defend LUE, as there was no clear winning or losing side when they entered.
  15. Isn't that how treaties work? You like guy A; so you treaty with him so in case he attacks guy B you do too. I'm really not sure what changed, except for the elimination of the paper symbolizing this.
  16. Lies, Dio is a noob, nobody can refute that .colbert:
  17. Are you guys going to keep waving your e-peens around much longer? Because it's starting to get annoying reading these threads and people just posting "LOL YOU LOST MORE NS THEN US", "LOL YOU HAVE MORE ANARCHIES". Seriously. edit: this is for both sides, btw.
  18. We retreated because we decided continuing fighting for GOONs was useless, and were uncomfortable defending them. Do not think so highly of your alliance that you think it was your "military might" which made us leave. That is just insulting for those who fought there.
  19. Do you have any other argumentation style besides expensive words and outright flaming? You must be spending too much energy finding words on a dictionary to think about putting up a minimally coherent though process for us. *insert senseless name calling to +1 you*
  20. I'm sorry to disagree, but their FACs are useless if they don't have money to send
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