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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. [quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1294794500' post='2572455'] OOC: Being completely unrealistic? See: Operation Ajax (The British), Nov. 26th 1939 between the Soviets and the Finnish, the Lavon Affair, the planned Operation Northwoods, and supposedly the apartment bombings dealing with the 2nd Chechen War, Operation Greif... etc. etc... It's totally realistic. [/quote] OOC: What would Dalmatia's IC reason be for using ludicrously flimsy evidence to occupy a country half a world away?
  2. [quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1294763178' post='2572019'] Kankou- just stop delaying and do what is asked of you. [/quote] "Stop being delayed by real life and force yourself to reply on an online text roleplay, regardless of what you have going on in real life, because clearly it is more important to appease someone who has, apparently, nothing else to do but sit and wait."
  3. "I agree entirely. Hopefully, with changes in the political and strategic scene of Asia, it will permit us to consider further discussions about the relations between our two countries."
  4. The Xinyan Republic is disgusted with the clear warmongering of Greater Dalmatia, to threaten a war that would take the lives of countless innocent lives on such flimsy evidence. OOC: This is so clearly OOC-motivated it hurts. Justifying an invasion with such flimsy evidence goes beyond simply being unrealistic.
  5. "Of course, Xinyan has attempted to improve relations between ourselves and the UFE. As far as we have seen, however, the UFE is unwilling to permit our relationship to improve. However, the Republic would be glad to eventually develop a trade agreement between ourselves and the Kingdom."
  6. "We would like for now simply to have a state of friendly diplomatic relations with the Kingdom, and perhaps the exchange of a foreign embassy in our capitals. Hopefully this can begin a fruitful and close relationship between our nations."
  7. "While it is true we share no border with the UFE, their hostile behaviour towards the Republic is worrisome, though indeed it is not the greatest concern we have. As to human rights violations, the Republic never did such a thing. The UFE claims we committed an 'ethnic human rights violation', which is absurd and a ludicrous lie. The incident in question, while unfortunate, was a riot that had harmed innocents and done damage to much property before the administration at the time determined force had to be used to prevent further casualties. There was absolutely no 'ethnic rights violation' involved."
  8. "As far as our relationship with Korea goes, though we have never officially cemented our relations diplomatically in the form of any documents or pacts, we have maintained a friendly and cordial relationship. As for Zargathia, given that Xinyan was initially a province of the monarchy, sentiments of friendship and, perhaps, brotherhood remain for some citizens of the Republic; however, similarly, we have no official diplomatic relations with Zargathia. As to the UFE, they consider the Republic to be their own province...and one could understand how that more or less eliminates the possibility of diplomatic relations."
  9. "It is an honour to receive you and your delegation in Xinyan City, Mr Varma," President De Ling said as she led the Cochin delegate to a conference room where the relationship between the Kingdom and the Republic, and the future of their relations. She waited for the Cochin delegate to be seated before sitting down herself, and asked of the delegate if they would like tea before beginning the discussion of their relations. "As said in the message sent, I invited the Kingdom of Cochin to our capital to discuss the future of the relationship between our two nations, which I believe has much potential for us both."
  10. President Wu De Ling had only just taken her office and begun to assert herself as the president of the Xinyan Republic. One of the first things she noticed that would need work was the Republic's foreign affairs--or rather, the lack thereof. It was worrying to President De Ling that until now the Xinyan Republic had had almost no official diplomacy with other nations, and it struck her that until the Republic opened itself up more to international diplomatic relations, Xinyan was in a vulnerable position--and in the current state of affairs for the world, that was not permissible. She was also aware that to initiate diplomatic relations with Zargathia, the GKF, or UFE was highly inadvisable--Zargathia had a long standing feud with Korea, the UFE had already proven itself hostile to Xinyan, and Korea was currently being given an ultimatum to dissolve or face war. That left President De Ling to look further West in Asia. Thus, she sent a message to the Kingdom of Cochin. [quote] To: KP Varma, Minister of External Affairs of the Kingdom of Cochin From: Wu De Ling, President of the Xinyan Republic Subject: Invitation to Xinyan City Mr KP Varma, I believe that our two countries, as nations of the Asian continent, have much to gain and learn from one another. I would like to invite you and any diplomatic staff to Xinyan City, the capital of the Republic, to discuss the diplomatic future of our two nations and how we can work together to benefit our two nations, Asia, and the world at large.[/quote]
  11. When the price was received, it was paid immediately to the specified channel.
  12. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1294617886' post='2570393'] IC: [/quote] OOC: You're going to have to show me where I ever committed 'ethnic rights violations' specifically against Han Chinese. You obviously know more about what my country is doing than I do.
  13. We still require advanced aircraft and SAM systems, to any who are willing to sell either.
  14. [quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1294612806' post='2570215'] Classified The fleets ballistic missile submarines began preparing their special weapons. All it would take was an order from the Government. [/quote] OOC: Don't turn this into your war thread. Fizzydog already asked that all non-related topics be taken elsewhere.
  15. [quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1294611325' post='2570177'] [b]Reply to the Xinyan Armed Forces:[/b] Excellent, the total cost comes to 880,000,000NSC (eight hundred eighty million National Selenarctan Coins). Half payment now and half upon delivery or full payment now are both acceptable and production will begin as soon as either is received. All units are supplied brand new and fully functional and without any major delays, delivery can be expected within one (IC) month. OOC: Also, Sri Lanka has a non-competition agreement for BXII sales with Selenarctos [/quote] The amount has been wired in full.
  16. To Selenarctos We will purchase 20 NLOS cannons and 100 M1A2 MBTs.
  17. [quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1294609886' post='2570137'] Selenarctos is highly suspicious of the authenticity of the man's claims to represent Korea. For a nation with a history of saying exactly what it intends to do directly, but especially for a nation that so recently suffered a nuclear holocaust, declarations of "holy war" through a single man committing an act of terrorism seem unlikely. Until this situation is resolved peacefully, Selenarctan waters shall remain closed to Greater Dalmatian military vessels. [/quote] The Republic finds itself in agreement with Selenarctos. Perhaps the incident should be investigated further before jumping to conclusions.
  18. A message was sent to the Sri Lankan defense corporations Sci 5, Vanguard, and Code2 from the Xinyan Armed Forces. The message detailed that the Republic was interested in the purchase of the following equipment. -60,000 units of SLAR-21 assault rifle in MMS variant -500 units of the Miklor Grenade Launcher -10,000 units of the Type 4 LMG -200 units of SR Lance, 200 units of MR Lance, and 400 units of LR Lance -100 units of the Bionix II AFV -50 units of the SPH Primus -40 units of the LWH Pegasus
  19. [quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1294609365' post='2570124'] "detention camps until processed" This generally means they are out together, and then processes through immigration and sent home. They are not prisons. [/quote] It is regardless a gross injustice that these people, who have done nothing at all, are being forced from their homes into these 'detention camps'. England's overreaction to the statements of the Alaskan government is noted by the Xinyan Republic, and we will recommend any Xinyan citizens in England return home--lest they experience this type of treatment as well.
  20. [center][font="Courier New"][s]o[/s] Flag [s]o[/s] [URL=http://img707.imageshack.us/i/flagi.png/][IMG]http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/157/flagi.png[/IMG][/URL] [s]o[/s] President [s]o[/s] [URL=http://img84.imageshack.us/i/desu.png/][IMG]http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/5348/desu.png[/IMG][/URL] President Wu De Ling [s]o[/s] Vice-President [s]o[/s] [URL=http://img218.imageshack.us/i/84936070.jpg/][IMG]http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/5572/84936070.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Vice President Zeng Tsung Tan [s]o[/s] Provinces [s]o[/s] [URL=http://img341.imageshack.us/i/map2j.png/][IMG]http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/8716/map2j.png[/IMG][/URL] 1. Province Central -Largest Cities: Xinyan City 2. Province West -Largest Cities: Xiangtsu 3. Province North -Largest Cities: Anzu, Wuhai 4. Province East -Largest Cities: Songzu, Liantsu 5. Province South -Largest Cities: Chiangsu[/font][/center]
  21. [quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1294608224' post='2570089'] Any ships of alaskan origin, military and civilian caught in English waters, including our EEZ will be taken held in English ports for annindefinate amount of time. Any citizens will be held in detention camps until they are processed. Buisineses and corporations of Alaskan origin in england will be seized and frozen. [/quote] We believe that England is being highly immature in its actions. Alaska has apologised for its offensive words and your overtly hostile stance against them will not serve any purpose. We call on the world to turn its attention to the gross injustice being done to Alaskan citizens currently being held in detention camps in England for absolutely no reason.
  22. The Xinyan Republic shall neither support nor condemn this move. We shall watch these events closely. [b]Classified[/b] In response to the possibility of a war in Xinyan's vicinity, the DEFCON level was lowered to 2. Four convoys of S-300 SAM systems were moved to the East to intercept any aircraft or missiles that may pass over the border into the Republic. In addition, three squads of Sukhoi Su-30s were directed to make regular strafing patrols over the border regions, and Direction Central was contacted to prepare their personnel in case they were needed.
  23. Duck and cover will protect you from a nuclear blast about as much as shielding your face with your hands will protect you from getting run over by a truck.
  24. OOC: Nothing to do with honour. It is an IC reaction to an IC action. No point in whining in OOC about it.
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