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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. [quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1304904629' post='2708809'] Soliman received the message and, understanding the problems which arise in Asia, offered whatever aid be necessary to ensure the stability of the government and nation. [/quote] "We fear the possibility of the people of the Republic becoming victims of a prolonged struggle within Xinyan. As it is now, we cannot hope to halt a possible conflict or outbreak of hostilities. Anything that could prevent this from happening would be most appreciated, any measures that need be taken."
  2. By mid-May of 2011, the tensions in the Xinyan Republic, between General Cheng Nangjia's ultra-nationalist faction, and the civil government led by President Wu De Ling had reached a new high. The fear was ever-present of the possibility that the unrest would peak in a confrontation between General Nangjia's forces and the troops of Colonel Chao Fen, the military head of the civil government's faction. This tension had existed ever since Nangjia, who had remained more or less silent about his radical ideals, had become the commander of the Department of Military Affairs, a position which gave him authority over the military; under the corrupt administration of the previous president, Wu Zen Jiang, General Nangjia's power grew to even greater heights, below only the president and her authoritarian rule. Nangjia used the vast influence that came with his office to begin discreetly spreading his ideology and in turn lessening the power of Colonel Fen's faction, which sought cooperation in East Asia and a freer government. When Wu Zen Jiang unexpectedly lost power in the elections, the presidency went to Wu De Ling--and Nangjia lost a significant ally to his ultra-nationalist ideals. President De Ling took draconian measures to crush the corruption that polluted the Xinyan government and military, and a part of this crusade against corruption was the destruction of Nangjia's title and office, destroying much of his power base and official authority. Colonel Fen, at the same time, gained power in a time when the Republic's government favoured diplomacy and abandoned the militant, isolationist stance of the previous administration. As such, the tension between Nangjia's faction, still powerful despite the measures taken against it, and Wu De Ling and her reformed civil government and military began to reach a peak that was such that President De Ling feared that if she were to remove Nangjia from power officially he would initiate a civil war; Nangjia at the same time was determined to recover the power he had lost in order to return his ideology to the forefront of Xinyan politics. Thus, in May, President Wu De Ling formally announced that the Xinyan Republic was diplomatically closing itself off from the world to deal with 'internal problems'. At the same time, a message was sent to Novak, a nation with a history of helping nations in East Asia, requesting possible aid in this potential crisis.
  3. [quote name='Elrich von Richt' timestamp='1303867012' post='2700077'] Ruler: Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Valliere (Short Name: Louise I de Randgriz) Nation Name: Most Serene Principality of Gallia Climate: mostly grassland, some arid, some tundra Forces: 790,000 troops, 2,500 tanks, 1,150 fighter jets and bombers Group: Neutral Population: 3.7 million Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy. Gallia is historically led by the Randgriz line of monarchs dating back centuries ago. Alongside the imperial family, the Parlement Gallois acts as the legislative body of the Principality and represents the interests and wellbeing of the people, particularly in moving up new potential laws and policy decisions to the Imperial House that can effect the nation as a whole. Capital: Randgriz (Population 754,000) Foreign Policy: The traditional policies of the Gallian Principality have been marked with a sort of 'armed neutrality' by maintaining a military that relies on both conventional troops and conscripted militia, yet remaining out of conflicts and usually opting to choose neither side in a war. Even though they are regarded as a peaceful people, a dangerous new policy turn is taking place in the nation. Parties within the Parlement which formerly forgoed any radical speech in the interest of the nation have now risen up to speak for themselves. With division in the Parlement, and a monarch who is confused as to which side represents her people, anything goes at this point. [/quote]
  4. OOC: Sorry for not posting in a while. You cannot determine the skill of my pilots but for the sake of keeping it balanced I will have my pilots be of lesser skill than your Garuda squad. The [I]Suvorov[/I] is based on the Yamato-class battleship, while the [I]Rokossovsky[/I] is based on the Nagato-class. *cue flaunting how epic my ships are :v* The Yamato-class battleship had a length of 263 metres, 150,000 shaft horsepower, 26 inches of armour on the turret faces, 16 inches on the side flanks, 8 inches of armour on the central deck. It could also carry seven aircraft and also had 9 18.1 inch guns, the largest bore cannons ever mounted on a battleship. The Nagato-class was 221.03 metres long, had four shafts of each 80,000 horsepower, 12 inches of armour on the belt, 7 on the deck, and mounted 8 16 inch bore cannons, 20 5.5 inch guns, and 98 25mm anti-air guns. Gregor looked boredly up towards the mountain where the enemy was camping. "They really are just going to sit up there and hope I suddenly come down with a mental defect and decide to send my men to attack, aren't they?" he growled, shaking his head. "I've spoken with Kharkov and received my orders. The enemy seems to think our three million troops is a bluff. Even if, by a miracle yet unmatched in military history, they manage to get a single of their filthy ilk to step foot on our great homeland, they will have every man and woman of the Eastern Empire to contend with." He smiled. "As long as I and those of my kind are alive, no foreign invader will ever touch our glorious Empire." Averin received the communique from Commander Okan Ebhar, and established a link. "Commander Ebhar," she saluted him, having previously worked with him and the Ottomans in military naval exercises. "It is good to see our allies stand by us as we strive to remove a blight from the Earth. On our own victory was assured--with the Ottoman military we shall crush the Draganian fleet with ease. Currently Marshal Fhirald has his fighter jets escorting fighter-bombers to annihilate the enemy's positions on Gehirn Islands Province 10. General Gregor's troops are set up in strategic positions around the enemy's encampment and is awaiting the arrival of Fhirald's bombers to make a move." As the enemy planes approached the [i]Kutuzov[/i], three squadrons of PAK FA fighters were launched from the remaining reserves on the carrier, engaging the Garuda squadron. Meanwhile, the plan for the fighter-bomber group went along as Fhirald had stated. As the enemy plans approached, ten of the PAK FA fighters remained to guard the fighter-bombers as the other ten took up interceptor positions and began to actively seek out Windwover's craft, never strafing too far from the main force but chasing any attacking aircraft away while utilising their advanced MBDA Meteor anti-aircraft missile systems and using Chemring MJU-39/40 flares to protect against any IR missiles the enemy deployed. The same went for Avalanche Squadron's attacks, the PAK FA aircraft ensuring that if they got within a specific radius of the attack group they would immediately be zeroed in on.
  5. Characters- [URL=http://img96.imageshack.us/i/maxqf.jpg/][IMG]http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/1680/maxqf.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Name: General Alexei Kharkov Age: 41 Title: His Excellency General Alexei Kharkov, Premier of the Eastern Empire Description: Kharkov was the premier military leader under Emperor Maximilian Vaarsuvius II. However, he became dissatisfied with what he perceived as the faltering leadership and the failures by the self-concerned Emperor to ameliorate the problems that were plaguing the Empire. Rallying the military behind him, Kharkov led a coup-de-etat and overthrew Maximilian Vaarsuvius, taking the country for himself almost without any struggle. Since then he has ruled over the nation on his own, but with his power unlimited Kharkov has begun to sink into the same state that Maximilian Vaarsuvius left his nation in. [URL=http://img571.imageshack.us/i/varrp.jpg/][IMG]http://img571.imageshack.us/img571/9298/varrp.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Name: Marina Averin Age: 40 Title: Grand Admiral Irina Averin, Commanding Officer of the Imperial Navy Forces Description: Marina Averin has been in the navy for 28 years, and as a captain was the first to ally herself with General Alexei Kharkov when he initiated the coup de etat against Emperor Maximilian Vaarsuvius II; as a result, she was made the commanding officer of the entire Imperial Navy. She practically worships Kharkov, regarding him as nothing less than a military genius and leader. [URL=http://img593.imageshack.us/i/zakyt.jpg/][IMG]http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/5188/zakyt.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Name: Radi Fhirald Age: 36 Title: Marshal Radi Fhirald, Commanding Officer of the Imperial Air Forces Description: Marshal Radi Fhirald was born in Jegan, a northern country that was conquered and subjugated by the Eastern Empire. As an officer in the Jeganese military, Fhirald defected to the Empire to avoid being executed, and was noted for his tactical prowess, chosen specifically by Kharkov himself. He became known for his unserious mannerisms and his distaste for 'official' symbols such as uniforms and badges. [URL=http://img641.imageshack.us/i/grev.jpg/][IMG]http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/5627/grev.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Name: Berthold Gregor Age: 54 Title: General Berthold Gregor, Commanding Officer of the Imperial Armed Forces Description: Of all the generals of the Empire, General Gregor is generally regarded as the most skilled and is vastly superior to even Kharkov himself. For years he has put up an act of overzealous nationalism to the Empire to cover his anger and dislike of Kharkov; he believes that Kharkov, with his policies of claiming the world for the Empire and never actually making good on this, is a weakling who gives the Empire a bad name, and plans to remove him from power.
  6. I'm for Proposal 2. However, I like Triyun's idea concerning TE. That should be an option :v
  7. Wait sargun and yawoo left wat
  8. Fhirald smiled as he watched the twenty PAK FA fighters take off, while in their midst were the bombing-variations. The fighters had their objectives: they were not to move far from the bombers under any circumstances, but were to crush any enemy craft that attempted to come near the bombers, which would themselves be firing on the enemy if it got near. Averin had at first expressed misgivings, but as Fhirald reminded her.... "The only times the enemy ever managed to defeat our PAK FA fighters were unmanned test variants. We know our next-generation fighters to be statistically superior to the enemy's F22 Raptors. We have greater cruise, ferry, and combat speed, a higher service ceiling, and more powerful thrust in the latest PAK FAs than the F22 Raptors, if our analyses are correct." Averin scowled. "So our plan is simply to allow their fighters to berate our attack group while they make it towards the mountaintop?" "Of course not. I'm offended you'd think I would be such an incompetent fool," Fhirald smiled self-assuredly. "We have twenty fighters out there. Ten are to remain with the fighter-bombers while the other ten will intercept enemy aircraft as it approaches the group. We still have the aircraft complement of the [i]Kutuzov [/i]here patrolling to ensure no enemy aircraft makes an attack on our fleet or our carrier. I've ensured we have the best pilots from all the Imperial Air Force out there. Don't you worry your pretty little head over it." Averin glared at him. "Their fleet is not going to leave." "Then we are going on the offensive, is that it..." he paused, thinking. "Is it wise to resort to war so quickly?" "They know the Gehirn Islands belong to us. We have had facilities there in the past, though they were removed for jungle military training. We've no need to tell the world of our military ventures. And it falls to common sense that islands so near to the Empire would be used by us." "And if Gregor would here, he would be so kind as to remind us that of [I]course[/I], the world belongs to the Empire, so it's only natural that they would know they belong to us." Fhirald rolled his eyes, knowing the eldest general's ultra-nationalist tendencies only too well. But by this time, Averin had stood up. She paced for a moment, knowing the gravity of her decision, and then turned to Fhirald. "The time has come." Moments later, the Empire's two battleships, on either side of the enemy, opened fire on their sole battleship. The submarines began actively searching for the enemy's submarines, the missile cruisers opened fire on their counterparts in the Draganian fleet, and so on. "General Gregor! The attack has begun!" Gregor nodded. "I received the report from Grand Admiral Averin, yes. That Draganian fleet out there is an eyesore beside the might of our battleships. I am anticipating its utter destruction. Not to mention the Draganians up on the mountaintop...their presence is a stain upon our grand Imperial land." "Yes, sir." "But soon Fhirald and his planes shall rain death upon them from above....and any of the cowards who attempt to flee we shall put out ourselves." He seemed rather irritated that, because of the enemy's superior positioning and advantage, his forces would be unable to do much. [I]Cowards...hiding up there in the mountains. If they want the Gehirn islands then they should come down and fight like real soldiers for them.[/I] OOC: I am using the stats of the HMS Eagle for the carrier (since as you said the ships are to be around WWII era). Also, the PAK FA according to RL stats is statistically superior to the Raptor in the ways I mentioned in my post.
  9. [quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1303444871' post='2696236'] Dude $%&@ off [/quote] See now you're just being an ass. What did I ever do to you?
  10. "So the Ottomans have decided to enter the fray as well," Grand Admiral Averin observed as she read the communique sent from General Gregor to the [i]Kutuzov[/i], currently on its way at full speed towards the Gehirn Sea. "Excellent. In this naval battle, we will need all the extra manpower we can get." They would need to arrive soon, however. Gregor was already preparing to land his troops on the beaches of Province 10, and the enemy was deploying an aircraft carrier as well. "...not that the Empire cannot win this battle on its own. While I do not share Gregor's tendency towards overconfidence in battle, I acknowledge our numerical and tactical advantage." To this point, a shot had yet to be fired. The Imperial fleet was encircling near the Draganian ships, splitting into two groups, with a battleship moving to each side of the enemy fleet; the message was clear even if nothing was spoken: the Draganians were to leave immediately if they wished to prevent a bloodbath. But it was probably too late to prevent that anyway. At that moment, General Fhirald was preparing a contingent of fighter jets to accompany a number of fighter-bombers to annihilate the enemy's position on the mountaintop. In addition, General Gregor and his troops had made their way onto the island, dividing into three camps--one on either side of the mountain, sans the exposed part; each camp was defended by dense, thick jungle terrain, which the troops knew well due to previous exercises in the jungles of the Gehirn Islands. Snipers were taking up positions throughout the jungle, and were to report all activity they saw to Gregor and his main force. If all went according to plan, Fhirald's PAK FA fighters (based on RL Sukhoi PAK FA specs) would destroy any enemy fighters that attempted to attack his modified PAK FA fighter-bombers (which, aside from initiating bombing runs on the mountaintop, were more than capable of defending themselves even if the fighters were, by some miracle for the enemy, destroyed). Any who attempted to flee the destruction once this occurred would then be forced to fight Gregor's troops on the ground. In the meantime, Averin would handle any naval attacks, confident that with her superior firepower (given she had two of the most powerful and largest battleships in the world under her command) the enemy stood no chance. OOC: I am considering RPing a power struggle later on in the Empire between Kharkov and his generals which culminates in Gregor assassinating Kharkov and fighting Averin's forces while Fhirald handles the war in the West. I will only do this if it plays a part in the scope of the war (ie another nation becomes involved, possibly to aid General Gregor or Averin).
  11. [quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1303430820' post='2695993'] It was the way you said it. [/quote] I said it was a crappy part of Sudan. I didn't go "It's a !@#$%* part of Sudan, dumbass, you oughta know that."
  12. [quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1303369147' post='2695391'] Com vortex seriously !@#$@#$ grow a pair im not !@#$@#$ jesus I dont know everything [/quote] Two things. 1) Calm the $%&@ down, guy, I was just telling you what Darfur is. I wasn't going all "hurr you should know what Darfur is durr". 2) I don't think Jesus knew everything. I'm pretty sure he knew no more than anyone else at the time.
  13. [quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1303412568' post='2695726'] Western Empire [/quote] OOC: Eastern Empire :v IC: Deep within the thick walls of Crugiel Fortress, General Alexei Kharkov looked down at the printed reports before him and smiled. "So the time has come that the Draganians bite the bait...." he mused, as if to himself. Around him were three of the Empire's best generals, and around them were several troops, guards of the Fortress, one of the single most well-defended points in the Empire. "Indeed so." One of the generals spoke with a smirk. General Gregor was a man known for his overzealous ultra-nationalism--his extreme beliefs alienated even the most well known advocates of Imperial nationalism. He pushed the rectangular pair of glasses higher up his nose before continuing. "The Draganians, pitiful smirches upon our Empire, no doubt think they have the upper hand given the military forays we have made in the past." "Forays that they think were failed invasions." Grand Admiral Averin finished for Gregor, her cold face remaining smileless and impassive as ever; she was known for her reverence of General Kharkov alone. "Forays which were truly mere expeditions to test their readiness and strength. If you will permit me to say so, they were a truly ingenious idea, sir." She turned her eyes to General Kharkov and bowed her head respectfully. "And we've seen the enemy is certainly not near the Empire in terms of manpower." Leaning back in a chair, his boots thrown up over the surface of the table at which they sat, was the third of the Empire's ace generals--General Fhirald. Though he was known for a light-hearted and humourous disposition even in battle--which conflicted with most Imperial military officers--his tactical prowess could not be denied. "However, we cannot underestimate their abilities and advantages." "Yes, we must fight carefully," Kharkov agreed. "While I do not doubt our superior numbers will lend us an undeniable advantage, we must keep in mind that the enemy has advantages of its own." General Gregor scoffed, receiving in turn a glare from Averin. "The Empire not only has numbers, but technology, superior training, superior leadership, and the resources to fight a war--resources the enemy, a collection of islands, will exhaust in their attempts to fight us off." "Don't get overconfident, Gregor," Fhirald mused. "Hey, you know they say their leader is a dragon in disguise..." "What utter rot," Gregor replied tersely. "Dragons are an out-dated belief of a by-gone age," Averin spoke on. "Much less to think the leader of a nation would allow his people to continue thinking such lies." "Precisely why the Empire is that much more greater than Dragania," Gregor stated, always one to capitalise on an opportunity to praise the Eastern Empire. "Our people are skilled and intelligent, and give their minds and thoughts to no fictional entities, gods, or beasts as the Draganians do. Their minds and bodies give loyalty to the Empire alone." "Again, we can't allow ourselves to get overconfident here," Fhirald countered. "They may be loonies, but that doesn't make them any less dangerous foes." "They are fools, regardless, for blatantly approaching Imperial territory," Averin scowled. "For all their religious madness, one expects at least that much sense." She turned to Kharkov. "And what of the Ottomans, Your Excellency?" "We have no quarrel with the Ottomans; indeed, in the past, we have worked with them," Kharkov replied. "Shall we require their help? Doubtful,"--Gregor sneered and said "By no means", but Kharkov spoke across him. "But should we find ourselves in need of temporary relief, it is possible they may present such an opportunity. I do not intend for it to come to that point, however. The Draganian Empire falls by our hand." "As it is meant to," Gregor nodded solemnly. "But we must consider what is at hand at this very moment," Fhirald said. "Our fleet is moving out, but should they deploy aircraft, the [i]Suvorov[/i]'s anti-air armaments will do little avail." "To think that they could possibly move an entire fleet with an aircraft carrier to the territory at hand is ludicrous," Gregor snapped. "By the time it got there we'd have off-landed troops, destroyed their fleet, and had our own aircraft on their way there." "I wish to take no chances," Kharkov stated. He turned to Averin. "Grand Admiral Averin, see to it that the [i]Kutuzov[/i] aircraft carrier is on its way to Provinces 10 and 11." "At your bidding, Your Excellency. I shall see to it immediately." She stood up, saluting and bowing to Kharkov before walking out of the room. "General Gregor, have the troops on board the cruisers and frigates offloaded onto the island. They have been given jungle training in this scenario, have they not?" "Specifically for this scenario." "Good. Ensure we have helicoptors into the air as well. See to it immediately." "Indeed." Gregor saluted before following Averin out. "Which leaves you to be in charge of bombing runs over the island once our aircraft get there," Kharkov said, now turning to Fhirald. "I want every possible enclave of Draganian militants decimated." "What of potential damage to wildlife and nature? And have we no purpose for these islands to be bombing them into nothingness?" "Wildlife? Nature? Do not waste my time, Fhirald. Those islands are only there to be Imperial territory. I care not if we must sink them into the sea to eliminate the enemy."
  14. [quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1303364998' post='2695326'] whats a darfu [/quote] It's a !@#$%* part of Sudan.
  15. This belongs in Open National RP.
  16. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1303350913' post='2695106'] [font="Courier New"][i]"We will fight to the death to ensure justice is inflicted upon the rebels known as the Kamborian Socialist Party and the Yaza Hajin. As they fight amongst each other we must reinstate the union of the Zoadoe Islands to ensure our unity as a nation." Virgin Franklin, Secretary General of the CRZI[/i][/font] [/quote] As a matter of curiosity, of what ethnicity is this 'Virgin Franklin'?
  17. Eastern Imperial Main Characters: General Alexei Kharkov (dictator of the Empire), General Berthold Gregor (leader of the Imperial Army Forces), Grand Admiral Marina Averin (leader of the Imperial Navy Forces), Marshal Radi Fhirald (leader of the Imperial Air Forces) Across the great blue expanse that was the Gehirn Sea (known to outsiders as the South Draganian Sea), several ships silently cut through the waters in perfect formation. At the helm was the [i]Suvorov[/i], the Empire's largest and most formidable battleship; behind it trailed another battleship, the [i]Rokossovsky[/i], five missile cruisers, three frigates, and, submerged in the waters of the sea, another four submarines alongside them. A large number of war vessels for a simple patrol through Provinces 10 and 11--such a statement would have been sensible had these ships been on duty with a mere patrol. But that was not as it was. The reason the Eastern Empire was currently deploying its most powerful fleet was because a Draganian fleet had been detected to have violated Imperial territory, entering Provinces 10 and 11's coastal territory--a clear cut act of war. Senior Lieutenant Marina Zhukov, on board the [i]Suvorov[/i], had had no doubt that this would happen ultimately. The Draganians were delusional--they believed in, perhaps even prayed to mythical, fictional creatures whose existence was disproved long ago. It was not, it seemed, entirely far-fetched to think they would attempt to make a foray into Imperial territory, considering they were not a legitimate nation in the first place--and soon they would be no nation at all. Marina Zhukov had assumed that at some point the Eastern Empire, becoming bored of allowing Dragania to exist, would move in and crush the separatist 'empire'--but instead the Draganians were making the first move themselves, which made it only that much easier. For his own part, when General Alexei Kharkov had been given the report that the Draganian fleet was approaching Imperial oceanic territory, he had quite assumed the Draganians were merely en route to another location, or else a mistake had been made--surely they were not making a move that would be viewed as an act of war? Not that the general was going to complain, an act of war between Dragania and the Eastern Empire was inevitably going to occur; it mattered not if Dragania was the one to be causing it, the end result would be the same--the Empire reasserting its control over the territory this separatist movement 'empire' had attempted to claim for itself. ((For the record, I am well aware that Dragania is by no means a 'separatist movement'. The Empire just regards everything else as a separatist breakaway state that will soon be returned to Imperial control ))
  18. [quote name='jesbro' timestamp='1303274139' post='2694287'] I try to colonize the islands to the east of Dragania and get attacked by forces of the Eastern Empire. [/quote] I would agree to it, it is a viable scenario. The Eastern Empire considers those islands its own territory (like it considers everything in the world ) so it would regard colonisation of those islands as an attack on sovereign Imperial land(they're considered provinces of the Empire and so Imperials call them Provinces 10 and 11, with those smaller islands being considered part of Province 11).
  19. Gentlemen, I present the Eastern Empire. [URL=http://img859.imageshack.us/i/lolmap.png/][IMG]http://img859.imageshack.us/img859/76/lolmap.png[/IMG][/URL] ((I don't know if Fizzy had to take that chunk of land there on the other landmass because he used a box or because it was part of his nation. If the former, I'mma take it. If the latter...I imagine it'd be disputed territory...the Empire's rather territorial >_>))
  20. Is it possible to switch one type out to increase the limit of another? ie, take out one aircraft carrier for another battleship or for two cruisers, something like that?
  21. [quote name='jesbro' timestamp='1303186911' post='2693227'] Agressors were supposed to be the Axis powers of this RP. If you don't want to be with the other guy that is fine by me. [/quote] I imagine they can just, y'know...just happen to be attacking the same guy. At the same time. Contacting one another occasionally to coordinate attacks. Just coincidentally. Allies of circumstance. >_>
  22. [quote name='jesbro' timestamp='1303185159' post='2693146'] Do you guys want me to start the RP thread tomorrow or should I wait for more people to join? [/quote] If no one joins by tomorrow, yeah, just go ahead and start. Though I must ask, are the aggressors supposed to be allies? 'cos the Eastern Empire....well, its foreign policy doesn't mesh well with...just about anyone (considering its foreign policy is 'everything belongs to us') :v
  23. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1303167183' post='2692903'] [font="Courier New"][i]"The Parliament and I have successfully raised an army to enforce our Pro-Asian laws. The Asian race is one of the largest races in Zoadoe and will be seen as Superior. We will no longer prosper along Anglo-Saxons that currently run this nation. Kamboria will rise above the ashes and prosper its hegemony over minorities and outlanders. [size="4"][b]Viva La Revolucion![/b]"[/size] -Kabuki Slovena, Chancellor of "Kamboria" [/i][/font] [/quote] We cannot be the only ones who found this hilariously ironic.
  24. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1303094677' post='2692219'] Or better yet, early 1800's technology. Rank firing, inaccurate single-shot rifles/muskets, cavalry/infantry bayonet charges, oh the fun. [/quote] But...but then we have no tanks Maybe it's just because I've been playing Valkyria Chronicles lately, but I've actually been feeling the urge to RP a WWII-era technology war involving strategy and tactics n !@#$.
  25. [quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1303091951' post='2692184'] I fail to see a problem. Plus, we'll have a random map anyway, so in truth who knows what the population densities would be like? [/quote] I had assumed 10,000,000 troops to be a typo. But if that really is the cap, then I guess having that many troops is fine by me since it is fine by the GM XD EDIT: Made some edits to the information of my nation, changed the name (as there is no europe >_>), military statistics, added an image of the leader, and additional information.
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