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Everything posted by Perceus

  1. [quote name='Megamind' timestamp='1327957530' post='2910822'] But you can apparently remove the rightful leader of an alliance if you happen to be an admin of the alliance's forum... Also you (as in the larger you, not you personally) keep saying that it was the memberships' decision. When exactly did the membership have time to discuss and make that decision? This whole thing really began when the RoK forum was taken down and when it was put back up Bob and Joe were banned... [/quote] it was apparently decided BEFORE the forums went down, when Bob and Joe tried to justify and explain their actions to the RoK membership on their forums. You'd know that if you had actually taken the time to read all posts from all parties.
  2. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1327952429' post='2910753'] Haha, did you really just post a callout to people wanting to roll RoK as if NATO is going to be more than a tiny speed bump on that road? [/quote] you clearly havent met me, go ahead and try to see how small of a speed bump I can be. As for everything else, I love how people kep harping at the small little details even though everything was pretty much explained here and even with e-lawyering and everything. Point is, you cant have an "emperor" that is flying a different AA, that is disliked by the membership and that was banned from the alliance by the membership as a whole.
  3. [quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1327910197' post='2910481'] Let us pray that you do not get to suffer harmful consequences for your honorable stance. [/quote] No matter, we will deal with the consequences, painful or not, We'll stand by our decision and ride to the end. Or until I have exhausted the last bit of pixel in infra, and money. again, o/ NATO o/ RoK o/ my fellow NATOans for standing up with me, shoulder by shoulder, side by side, and keeping our head high and our spirits live!
  4. [quote name='Njero' timestamp='1327906249' post='2910410'] There is nothing healthier for elections than the threat of global drama. Even before all of this blew up, we'd already hit record or near record voter turnout. [/quote] seriously! I was quite shocked and amazed at the voter turnout!
  5. [quote name='DevastationStation' timestamp='1327905603' post='2910389'] Surely. As evidenced by this very thread. I was merely remarking on the situation. [/quote] touche. It is probably a true statement after all.
  6. [quote name='DevastationStation' timestamp='1327905260' post='2910374'] Balls... NATO has them...? Extremely respectable, but I have a feeling there are going to be quite a few people not pleased by this. [/quote] Its not about pleasing, its about doing what we believe is right and standing by our principles and ideals.
  7. o/ NATO, indisputable the most honorable alliance in existence o/ RoK great allies, more importantly, great friends.
  8. 0/ RoK! good luck with the restructuring and the solution to all these problems you are facing.
  9. Good luck to our allies in RoK, sad to see a solid bloc disband
  10. All these people here claiming FAN won because they "did not admit defeat" need to chill out. an alcoholic most of the time wont admit to his alcoholism, doesnt mean he is not alcoholic. as for NATO not succeeding in its goals, Sir Humphrey explained it quite eloquently and clear, if you can't comprehend that, then perhaps a reading comprehension tutor is in need. NATO's goal was to make sure FAN had not significant effect on NPO, FAN ended up with at least half its nations in Peace Mode, the other half was tied up with TPF and NATO nations. after two rounds any FAN nation that was not in PM was in the low tier range, former 50k+ Ns nations, nuke capable, fighting against originally low tier nations. I dont know about TPF but even with that advantage and with (hopefully) large warchest, FAN nations were ZI'ed by NATO nations and their slots were always tied up. Was FAN able to really put a strain in NPO, not in a single round. As for we got the best we could get, NPO was actually being nice and didn't want to keep making rumbles out of already rumbles in the form of FAN and FARK. We were only there to defend NPO and so we had no reason to stay past them. But trust me, I along with all of NATO could have gone on and on, gottan that 1.5 mil to under 1 mil for sure. Losing, hurts, but sometimes you gotta man up, mature and know when you got nothing to argue.
  11. Congratulations on peace, glad to see our allies in NPO achieve peace. special shout out to TheMrs. and BLACKeR from FAN for not turtling as opposed to the other 3 targets I had. 0/ NPO 0/ NATO
  12. [quote name='Princess Doomee' timestamp='1326855633' post='2901924'] I'm ZI, look me up. [/quote] sweet, you're in my range, I'll hit you up one of these days, kinda busy with RL stuff but I'll get to you dont worry. better yet, hit ME up and we can start the dance.
  13. 0/ DRAGON 0/ TFD Sad to see alliances go but you guys will find TFD to be a great home, full of fun folks! so Good luck in the new home!
  14. Congrats on the promotions and on the new government line up! May good fortune come to NADC!
  15. Congratulations on achieving peace! Im sure you all had a blast in this war. Shout out to our allies in RoK and also glad to know know both sides reached an agreement and can now commence rebuilding, great alliances in both sides (RoK and RnR among others!)
  16. well, then perhaps we were not being cautious of your treaties, but of your "friends" you know, you do have those right? like FARK and before NoR... just in case.
  17. [quote name='Princess Doomee' timestamp='1325732903' post='2892957'] Percius, one of our members was wondering why your mighty alliance has less than 16 nations fighting right now? 24 actual wars, and an engagement ratio of only 0.2 wars per war mode nation?? [/quote] oh thats because most of our nations are in the middle and upper tiers (30k and above) and well, you guys just stopped providing targets for us, trust me, ask around, our upper tier nations are bored 'cause they did damn too good of a job in bringing all our targets down to under 10k NS. If you have any of those 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90K nations in peace mode, tell them to come out! our members will gladly dance with them. oh and its 26 active wars [quote]You could just ask us. [/quote] we did! ask Sir Humphrey, his reason for war in his first target was a question asking if we could have your treaty lists
  18. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1325729665' post='2892908'] Ah, you believed there was a potential of NATO getting countered? Understandable then. Though, it's not really hard to find out who FAN is allied to. [/quote] true, but we just wanted to cover all our bases.
  19. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1325728937' post='2892900'] I can understand countering FAN, but given the limitations of FAN's offensive capacity being known, I think there could have been less of a deployment on them, while achieving similar results. TPF has numerous peripheral alliances that are willing to jump in on their say-so, so that's how I would have handled it. It seems a bit like inefficient allocation of resources. NATO could have gone with TFD on MHA or something. [/quote] while that is true, I think we both also agree that MHA had enough alliances jumping on them as well. Having said that, at the time NATO came in for NPO, TFD had no idea whether it would enter and if so through which side. And we entered with TFD last war while we were forced to stay on the sidelines and watch our close allies in NPO take a beating, we could not allow for the same to happen again. And considering FAN does not make its treaties public (as many are now finding out the relationship with NoR, or former relationship), we were being cautious, knowing there was the potential of NATO being countered, at which point, should the need arise, we could have had help or could have handled it.
  20. [quote name='Watson895' timestamp='1325697253' post='2892377'] Who said anything about dying? We have a hundred nations under 10k NS able still clearing huge piles of money due to the wonders. We are never going to run out of money, so therefore... never "die". Ever try fighting three nations with no military wonders while you have the whole lot? Let me tell you, it's enjoyable. [/quote] yup, "hundreds of nations under 10k, plus you know, the half a dozen that have been ZI'ed within the past two rounds of the war by NATO, and oh yeah, lets not forget that those "hundreds of nations under 10k" make up about...800k NS...oh wait, thats the nations you have out of peace mode, the rest are hiding away right? and you're right! it is quite fun to fight all those former 90k+ nations that are now under 30k and still manage to give them a beating.
  21. wow...guess this is the first surrender thats forced to pay reps? sucks for KoH :/
  22. Good to know people still have class out there. Happy Holidays to you as well FARK as well as the rest of Bob, may thegreen glow server to keep us warm! seriously though, merry Christmas and enjoy the new year!
  23. o/ TFD! Thas a nice gov't you got there. And congrats on the war performance thus far... and good luck getting that activity back up to its former glory levels... and... ... oh yeah! <3 Blood Brothers!
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