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Everything posted by Sabcat

  1. This thread is gold. Someone give RV a hug.
  2. The OWF response seems to indicate that almost no one cares.
  3. It's not sad at all. He was awful and the world is better without him.
  4. If one thing Oculus should be applauded for it's ridding this world of that loud mouthed fool Bones.
  5. I like tech reliable sellers, I like them a lot. I like my hookup with SNX so much that when they've found themselves in war I've switched my payments to straight aid and used the incoming slots to send them cash as well. The amount of cash for the tech is neither here nor there, it's the slots.
  6. Doesn't look to be going well for NSO or am I seeing the war screens wrong?
  7. Why would NG not take out their enemies peace meal? What possible motivation would they have to skew the odds against themselves? A more interesting question still is why aren't the people who are likely to get a knock later down the line talking to each other to try to skew the odds in their favour? Threads like this aren't going to help.
  8. Are there even any people actively pursuing any kind of political schemes in Oculus?
  9. I read it as TPF isn't running out of money any time soon. War continues.
  10. Something resembling a global war? I hope so, even if it is just Oculus smashing up everyone else.
  11. There's no long haul now, surely? The end must be close. I'm fighting one of your old friends at the moment. I say fighting, they're not doing much
  12. To be fair, he and everyone else is independent of macro politics because there are no macro politics. Nothing is happening. Except this. Whatever this is.
  13. Do you just hang out as a dental hygiene discussion group now?
  14. Not seen anything from them in a long time, I thought they'd disbanded.
  15. Fair enough, I did suggest that we in Kashmir attack Legion as well - and I actually like Legion - because, well. Why not at this stage of things? Not happening, people have ideas and goals and things in Kashmir, the decent into nihilism is happening at different rates in this world. We're all headed the same place though.
  16. You're weird. 10 days ago when NSO hit legion you said " NSO finally found their caliber when it comes to war, the inactive kid with glasses... " and now here you are.
  17. True enough (although personally I've got less than 2billion) but it's not the money that I'm questioning, it's being bothered to carry out a protracted war that's been picked at random because of the feelings of Ivan Moldavi who's not been around for half a decade and has said he's bored already.
  18. That's what I always think...war is fun. Until I'm at war and then 3 days later I'm bored of having to keep looking at my nation more than once a week.
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