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Willaim Kreiger

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Everything posted by Willaim Kreiger

  1. Really? You're no better than the guys you're lining up against.
  2. This is really lame. Veiled bandwagoning is bad enough, but blatant opportunism is what got Pacifica where it is.
  3. Obviously. It's a ceasefire and declaration of intent, they leave RoK to do whatever they like and OcUK will do whatever they like. You obviously don't know OcUK that well
  4. Um, Bob. I don't think Polaris has any treaties with FCC anymore. Pretty sure that got cancelled with terms or before. /fashionably late
  5. I don't understand your reasoning for the second question.
  6. There's always a reason, though not necessarily a good one.
  7. Because no one is going to answer this question to you for a number of reasons. The first being that this is an open world forum. The second being that (presumably) no one who knows what is going on, knows or trusts you enough to let you into their circle. The third reason being that, as far as I can tell, as an unaligned member, it doesn't concern you.
  8. This is a game, that doesn't make you any cooler than the rest of us by playing ruthlessly or without compassion. By all means go ahead and play that way, but don't complain when it bites you in the $@!.
  9. You can get a warn for that, might want to modify it. Also, Peace Mode is pretty overrated these days, unless you plan on staying there all war. EDIT: Eh, don't need the OOC/IC tags.
  10. I miss a lot of you EDIT: Except for that Rnadmo character, he smells odd.
  11. Declaring war in defence of someone that has been proven to be spying (when spying is, and has been, used as a valid Casus Belli by the entire community for years) is the equivalent of saying "Hey I totally support you spying, keep doing it dudes, we'll back you up!". EDIT: Ouch I am a hypocrit I didn't read your edit
  12. The assertion that an alliance has to defend an alliance that spies is !@#$%^&*. It is certainly optional, and recommended if you support said spying. But declaring in support of someone who is going down for spying would be stupid, and would be saying you support the act of spying itself. It has been done countless times in the past where an alliance doesnt defend someone for spying. Spying is done behind the backs of your allies (usually, and in this case yes) and violates both the spirit, and often times the letter of a treaty. There is no real reason anyone should be required to defend someone who has been declared on for spying.
  13. I'll represent. Been rockin Polar since November 2006.
  14. This is getting really annoying )):
  15. OOC: Should have announced this on Easter IC: Congratulations guys.
  16. You first. Also, where were IV and V?
  17. There comes a certain amount of trust and friendship when you're involved in government discussions. I know there have been times when I have gotten pissed off at something and ripped into someone for it privately, in a backhand channel, where I know the logs wont get thrown around CN, and I get up the next day feeling better about myself and that person and move on. Sometimes venting is a healthy way to deal with frustration, otherwise it gets all pent up and then you end up yelling and screaming at the person publicly or via query and nothing constructive happens. So in summation: as much as I like to lol @ GGA like the rest of you, I'm going to go ahead and say I'd pity them if this happened. Then again, they didn't really take pity when our own private chambers were getting leaked all over CN, so rip away boys
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