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Willaim Kreiger

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Everything posted by Willaim Kreiger

  1. Do you even know what's going on? I would hardly classify allowing an alliance to accept former members of your AA and leaving them well enough alone bending over backwards, but maybe that's just me.
  2. So persecuting someone who holds no ill will towards you is the best way to eliminate a threat? I would assume good-will and friendship would be the best way to go about ensuring that someone like that doesn't become one.
  3. The grammar nazi in me screams "do", the other parts of me are sad to see an alliance disband. Good luck.
  4. ADRIAAAAAAAN... no? Congratulations Brigade
  5. Mmm, given the state of the rest of Bob, we'll take the .02 instead of a loss.
  6. In conclusion: real life is evil. Good luck bricks, enjoy the leave.
  7. Careful Penguin, I may just decide to 'motivate' you if you keep preaching such falsehoods :jihad:
  8. Lol that's all we get? "New Polar Order keeps up their strong growth too, I guess?". I feel so unloved
  9. For a dictator, Sponge seems to win a lot of elections
  10. I don't know you, but good luck?
  11. Interesting to see Joshy up there. 'grats man, and good luck NSO.
  12. That's our first posted loss in a long, long time. You can breathe easy tonight RoK and ODN... but don't get too comfortable.
  13. (OOC)My inner geek compels me to correct you. The Rule of One was reinstated some time after Darth Bane's death when some Sith Lord (the name escapes me at the moment) decided that the Sith Empire's time had come yet again. He interpretted the rule as the Sith as One Body, devoted to a singular cause, to serve the Dark Lord. EDIT: Darth Krayt (/OOC) (IC)Good luck Ivan
  14. You're still masked if you remember the way.
  15. I predict this thread exploding.
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