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Everything posted by bcortell

  1. [quote name='Vukland' timestamp='1357366702' post='3071544'] I am confused did you just declare war on us? [/quote] He did.
  2. [quote name='Einer' timestamp='1357166215' post='3070586'] I will say that this downtime has been very convenient for me. It's given me ample time to deal with a crisis here A [i]mid-life[/i] crisis. [/quote] Nobody cares.
  3. [quote name='Eumirbago' timestamp='1357001526' post='3070023'] A week after war, TPC bounces back? [/quote] Of course. When they don't actually fight the war that's brought to them (which is usually the case early in the round), they just save their money for the rebuild. TPC will be fine, but it still just shows how cowardly they play this game.
  4. [quote name='wasso' timestamp='1356835832' post='3069299'] " Brownbear " who has 6.7M right now , you might check his awesome casualties : 0 Attacking + 23,920 Defending = 23,920 Casualties [/quote] That's called winning, my friend. Hope you're at least spying him to death, too.
  5. I think the thread you're looking for is here (to OP): http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=114515
  6. [quote name='SwazzTE' timestamp='1356630422' post='3068505'] Oh okay, yeah let's pretend TPC had an easy round last round. They were 1 in causalities, DOWed on the whole wide world, and were in multiple wars with other alliances as the round closed. They were slotted to be attacked by 2 alliances way before the end of the round but those two alliances failed miserably at coordination. [/quote] End of the round means nothing. If you don't do anything for a month leading up to it, yes, you're going to be in that position. Many of us have done it before when we've had specific goals in mind, but few try to do it every round. [quote]I think it's funny you trolls are complaining about TPC wars when they are in the first war of this round - on a massive downdeclare by hellas. Maybe you should stop talking and do something yourself, like declare your own wars? And if you want to be as great as TPC declare a war where you are outnumbered 2:1 or since you have the edge of a blitz 3:1. [/quote] The first war was not TPC's choice. The war came to them. I'm not sure how you're even trying to use that to support your claim. Someone DoW'ed you; you didn't DoW someone. After PS claimed most of the top spots one round (by a brilliant plan, no less), we spent the next round at war for a month and a half straight fighting GayRollers and then RE/Syn the same day we and GR peaced out (well, when we declared victory, at least). (By the way, the nation count was 160 vs 89 (RE/Syn also DoW'ed OP)) After RE/Syn lost, they sent G-6 at us... How long do you think this war is going to last? Let me guess, KJ probably has a peace agreement ready to go in 4 days. Also, if you want to talk about balls, you can look at the history some of us have of fighting up hill battles. Hell, usually we were the ones declaring them to test ourselves.
  7. [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1356587431' post='3068329'] That's the difference. SF would have been able to put aside their differences to work to take out DH. But hey, let's just see how that plays out now that DR wants SF's help. Edit: Also, get on IRC. [/quote] You saying you wouldn't help me? Damn you, Gibs.
  8. I support this. TPC has a history of laying low throughout most of the round (while it can), picking fights with AA's they can handle easier and garnering help with those they can't. Then they claim their building on why they can't get opponents and so on. Plus, it gets more of us in the top 5%, the real bonus to this war.
  9. [quote name='President S O' timestamp='1354097644' post='3057776'] I hate these threads! [/quote] I agree with this man. Auto.. giving in to the pressure.
  10. [quote name='ADude' timestamp='1347170214' post='3028773'] /me cries on bcortell's shoulder This is better, I know it in my heart.. [/quote] Your crying is neither funny nor pathetic. It's just sad.
  11. Stelios, please have your members stop crying to me. It was funny before, but now it's just pathetic.
  12. [quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1347168006' post='3028758'] Come at him bro [/quote] I'm already attacking him..... idiot.
  13. Please have this guy stop doing nothing: http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000064 I realize he's got $145M or so, but he can at least run GA's. Flags are for sissies.
  14. [quote name='Scorponok' timestamp='1346107443' post='3025773'] We all blame bcortell [/quote] Ain't that the truth. Glad to see this happen, obviously.
  15. [quote name='King James XVIII' timestamp='1345527156' post='3023968'] No, under my watch we haven't gone that long for a war. You know why? Because it becomes boring for people. Having an enemy is great, but beating each other into a pulp with absolutely no real resolution at the end a multi-round war is ridiculous. Don't people always complain about carrying things over? Sure, I've negotiated a couple of peace agreements--not as many as you think. Someone has to be reasonable. Just don't fool yourself--TPC is not adverse to war. At all. [/quote] Sorry, I didn't mean multi-TE round. I meant multiple fighting round (more than the five days). It seems you guys are at war 1-2 rounds of fighting at MOST. There isn't anything wrong with warring for three or four weeks. Maybe it gets boring for you, but others enjoy it. I guess that depends on if you really play TE as a war game or not. Know what I think is boring? Doing 3-4 six day wars every round, usually against the same guys, round after round. How does that not sound boring to you?
  16. [quote name='dockingscheduled' timestamp='1345525976' post='3023957'] totally disagree. forget all the talking heads full of drama, how is this mass scale war not completely enjoyable to watch / take part in? [/quote] Agreed, but these guys aren't us. Has TPC ever gone more than a round or two for a war? How many peace threads have been started by King James negotiating peaces as soon as possible? Answer: Too many. Anyways, this should be fun. Make sure to send Adude my way.
  17. I think it's only fair to say this: PS goes into hibernation, TE becomes boring as ever. PS says, "Ah, $%&@ it. Let's hit someone," TE busts out into global war. [img]http://stores.homestead.com/smartassbartender/catalog/SUCK%20IT%20TREBEK.JPG[/img] Also, I was too busy finding that pic while my opponent was hitting me. Also, bought SDI. Got nuked first try. Selling, one "Like New" SDI. Never used.
  18. [quote name='Tevron' timestamp='1345266649' post='3023038'] I don't know. It's like they wanna hijack this thread and talk about something else. [/quote] What's there to talk about? You declared war on us, so we war. I think that sums up that discussion.
  19. [quote name='Tevron' timestamp='1345265848' post='3023032'] We were only asked to hit PS. They didn't formally declare, a lack of class in itself. [/quote] We don't play by your rules. And it's clear that RE is scared of us. On a different note, who are all these kids that think they're something special here?
  20. [quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1345141704' post='3022465'] I wish I still had that PM you sent me when you were pretty much saying stop picking on PS, you guys really arent organized.. then you hit us while we are all in anarchy and at war with OP.. Stay Classy Bcortell [/quote] Oh please find that. I can't wait to see where I said stop picking on PS. It's true, we're not organized this round. We haven't given a !@#$ about TE for a few rounds, but I can't wait to see where I wrote stop picking on PS.
  21. [quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1345112999' post='3022388'] Uh huh sure, im sure you didnt mention that they should hit us. But whatever, I will believe what I want. Let the nations keep burning [/quote] Haven't talked to Paul, anyone in OP, or really anyone in TE this round. Stelios, please send me more bawwing.
  22. [quote name='trimm' timestamp='1341784316' post='3006875'] Gre is not nearly the minority in PF that you think they are. [/quote] Shh. Don't tell them that. I thought you wanted to get closer to them.
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