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Everything posted by trimm

  1. Nice shatt, very nice. FAKE EDIT: In before the character assassination, I mean Doomhouse, posters pop in.
  2. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1330400589' post='2929703'] So, just to clarify. GOONS will attack anyone who provides any assistance, be it financial or military, to the target of a raid but will not assist a GOONS raider at all? I just want this policy to be clear. [/quote] But they are being totally consistent, remember?!
  3. Who needs to be consistent when you can get away with being a bully instead?
  4. Time just seems to get away from us. We will go forward sad but undetered.
  5. Yeah, because this isn't a total overreaction to the situation.
  6. [quote name='NationRuler' timestamp='1330305198' post='2928922'] I didn't say it was unimportant. It's important as all of our MD level treaties. [/quote] Now that's interesting.
  7. Sure, but it's so much easier for the peanut gallery to poke fun at the Ponies. And predictable, to boot.
  8. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1330283169' post='2928606'] Splitting hairs? Would you treat an enemy the same way as an indirect ally? [/quote] When my indirect ally does something really dumb that happens to also be a clear cut violation of my sovereignty, after already displaying a troubling pattern of recent behavior, then you bet I'm not going to be exactly kind to them. I'll also note that being indirect allies didn't stop MK from doing the dumb thing in the first place, so trying to use that to appeal to my better nature isn't exactly going to go over well.
  9. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1330282938' post='2928595'] Yes but that was NpO, who i dare say is well outside the sphere. [/quote] That is splitting a hair mighty thin there. You must be a champion barber. And while Gre and MK might share some common allies, I don't think that fact in any way entitles MK to getting the kid gloves over this absurdity.
  10. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1330282648' post='2928582'] There's calling out, which is in their right. And then there's logdumping. [/quote] MK dumped the ENTIRE contents of an embassy thread to the OWF, I don't think anyone in DH has much room to complain about a logdump. It's also a pretty transparent attempt to once again shift the focus from the dumb think MK did to someone else.
  11. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1330281528' post='2928572'] There is a time and a place for arrogance, it is not when talking to a leader of equal or greater stature of the same sphere. [/quote] I wasn't aware being "equal or greater in stature" absolved one of being called out for an utterly ridiculous act. Especially when that act is committed against someone in the same sphere.
  12. Very sad, but very necessary. I can't imagine that this was an easy call for you to make, but I respect the guts you've shown in making it.
  13. [quote name='SeasonsOfLove' timestamp='1330143435' post='2927894'] I haven't read this whole thread, but to get back to the first post, I think the gist of what they're saying is that there is an offer made, acceptance of the offer, and consideration sufficient to make the tech deal a binding contract. Is that correct? [/e-lawyered] [/quote] That's kind of what they are saying, while making a very transparent attempt to goad UE into a conflict for some lulz. Did I mention that their gov sanctioned a bunch of their members ghosting other AA's in an attempt to force said conflict?
  14. [quote name='Quinoa Rex' timestamp='1330143068' post='2927889'] Libelous, a liar, [i]and[/i] sexist. Argent, I am unsatisfied with the quality of this entrée and I would like to send it back. [/quote] I'm sorry, we have a strict no return, no refund policy here in trimmania. Perhaps I should give you the address of our customer service division, you can write them a strongly worded letter of complaint.
  15. [quote name='Quinoa Rex' timestamp='1330142815' post='2927884'] Goodness, not only are you libelous, you're dishonest too. Is this an Argent policy or is it just you? [/quote] You insult me sir. Is this truly what we are reduced to?
  16. [quote name='Quinoa Rex' timestamp='1330142610' post='2927882'] The nation of Barbaric YAWP is a noble and honourable place, as many will attest. Your vitriol is unfounded; you libel me, sir. [/quote] As anyone who has ever dealt with me before will attest my friend, while I might be undiplomatic, perhaps even cruel, I am never libelous. No words have ever passed my lips that weren't the truth as I see it.
  17. [quote name='Quinoa Rex' timestamp='1330142217' post='2927878'] I've no intention of going home, darling. [/quote] Given where you come from, I can't say as I blame you there buddy.
  18. [quote name='Quinoa Rex' timestamp='1330141994' post='2927876'] [i]Au contraire[/i], friend. I am extremely charming and infinitely clever. [/quote] Just keep telling yourself that comrade. Maybe if you click your heels together three times while you say it, it will come true!
  19. Don't flatter yourself. The lot of you aren't nearly as charming or clever as you think you are. You're just engaging in the tried and true tactic of raising the signal to noise ratio until people get tired of the static and change the channel.
  20. I've got no love for you Roq, and you know it. But the sheer volume of garbage being thrown out there in a desperate attempt to deflect peoples attention away from the comedy of errors MK has been engaging in is sickening and insulting to all of us.
  21. You people ought to just change your name from Doomhouse to Killers of Messengers, it'd be a darn sight more appropriate for you.
  22. Yeah Ardus, let's just gloss over how dumb what you did was and instead be pithy about it instead.
  23. [quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1330026898' post='2926904'] Correct, and furthermore there's a difference between ghosting an allied AA and a hostile AA, so we were pretty in the wrong here by both definitions of the situation. I don't quite see how we'd need to pay reps for an action that was harmless in nature, but if punitive action is the route Gremlins would like to take I'm pretty sure HellAngel knows which direction to yell in. [/quote] Thank you for the very reasonable response.
  24. Yeah, so you want to be dense about it. I didn't say, nor do I think, reps are warrented here. But let's not downplay MK getting its hand caught in the cookie jar AGAIN with the very tired "But everyone is doing it!" defense.
  25. [quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1330026225' post='2926894'] Is this what the world has come to? People [i]pay reps for ghosting other AAs?[/i] We must owe GOONS billions by now. [/quote] There is a difference between a random person ghosting an AA out of ignorance or stupidity, and a gov sanctioing ghosting in order to create conflict. Don't be dense about it.
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