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Everything posted by Luckao

  1. You ruined my nation during the last war. It was a pleasure to fight you/throw girly slaps at your nation. All the best out there.
  2. We should stay as we are. No more deadwood, please.
  3. I'll apologise to the Norwegian government if anything actually comes of this.
  4. kata doesn't believe in marginal gains. Go big, or go home.
  5. Things... happened in those trenches. The truth of it is, WarriorSoul stopped taking his medication. We don't know what path he's leading us down.
  6. Stop quoting Tywin's posts, please. If you need to show that you're addressing him - and it perplexes me that people still do - just replace the actual post with an image of dog crap. Thanks.
  7. Brocolli provides more vitamin C than oranges. Brocolli is better than this treaty. I'll leave you to ponder that.
  8. Small Steaming Pile.
  9. Sure, more people should make crap polls and start micro wars. We'll submit to the tedium in no time.
  10. I remember once logging on to see the 'Pink Protection Agency'. It was actually quite nice.
  11. As much as I like the design, it'd be weird to see the GPA red. As for the wings, they're a bit clichéd, I think Caz' is the best. I hope it wins. I'm glad I was busy and didn't get the opportunity to enter. I couldn't have designed anything better than those. All three of them are awesome designs. It's a shame two of them will be consigned to history.
  12. R&R Fact of the Day #6 - The first member of R&R to be awarded a medal for their service to the alliance was actually a donkey! Donovan, referred to as Donny by his friends, was responsible for detecting land mines. Sadly, his first detection was his last. Rest in peace, Donny.
  13. Are you on steroids, Steve? Awesome stats.
  14. Thanks, IRON and DBDC. I needed a good announcement to help me forget all of the awful "revolutions" happening around here.
  15. I meant send me tech for having to read this crappy thread. I need compensation. Yep. Also, ODN and NPL are on standby. Keep going.
  16. Because of your overwhelming superiority. Why else? TIO are entering at midnight. You heard it here first.
  17. No problem. Send me some tech when you're done, Dopey. We'll call it square.
  18. You're pretty dense. It was leaning more towards the serious side.
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