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Expletive Deleted

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Everything posted by Expletive Deleted

  1. Azcelonia votes aye to the admission of Grand Papua to the Oceanic Union.
  2. The Free Republic of Azcelonia recognizes Free Papua and wishes for good relations between the two nations.
  3. OOC: Where's Stephen Colbert? Donald Trump sounds like a good guy. Fiscal conservative who will work to improve relations with other countries.
  4. Signed for the Free Republic of Azcelonia, [img]http://signatures.mylivesignature.com/54489/203/3919511D5CC6772A4E97C7D6A3CE2E0D.png[/img] King Wycliffe I
  5. [b]From the Desk of the King of Azcelonia[/b] We, the People of Azcelonia, would like to take a moment to thank the many nations who have received our entrance into the international community with open arms. In response to Korea's inquiry, we would like to make note that we are interested in seeking to regain all of USC's former territories, but, at the moment, we are focusing on rebuilding and consolidating our hold on the mainland. We are very interested in working with the Oceanic Union, Kimberley, and others to reach an amicable agreement on the matter. Last, but not least, we would like to note that we welcome any and all diplomatic dialogue concerning matters of trade, commerce, defense, and development.
  6. [b]Private Communique Concerning Admission to the Oceanic Union[/b] We, of the Free Republic of Azcelonia, would like to declare our intent to seek admission into the hallowed halls of the Oceanic Union. We seek to follow in the footsteps of our predecessor in order to preserve our independence and to help protect the sovereignty of other nations in the Oceanic Union. We feel that a strategic partnership would be beneficial to both us, as we recover from three years of civil war and anarchy, and to the Oceanic Union, which will no doubt see the benefit in having another friendly nation governing the Australian continent. Signed, King Wycliffe I
  7. Civilization had left the land down under three years ago. Starvation had set in within the first few months as bands of lightly armed guerrilla fighters moved from town to town and village to village looting, killing, and raping. Not too long after that, paramilitaries began obtaining better weaponry from reluctant foreign suppliers and from raids on abandoned armories. Civil order had broken down completely in the land once governed by the USC. Proud farmers who kept the residents of the region well-fed were a dying breed. Young men with assault rifles had hunted their kind to extinction. Famine had forced denizens to hunt emus and kangaroos for sustenance. As for the cities, warring clans and rival factions had left much of the previously infrastructure ruined. Pirates infested the waters around the Great Barrier Reef. The Sydney Opera House lay barren and lifeless save for the meanderings of the occasional vagrant and the chirp of gunfire echoing in their once hallowed halls. The vile stench of rotting garbage rose from the city streets and strangled any semblance of humanity from the numerous refugees hiding from roving militias. A year ago, Major General Alan Wycliffe set his mud-crusted boots down in front of Sydney harbor as he watched several pillars of smoke rising from the once proud city. That was ground zero. That was what is was like to see a nation without infrastructure. Wycliffe led the remnants of a splinter faction of the USC military. The last bastion of reason and civility against the great forces of chaos and destruction. Alan had watched as the nation fell apart. He saw a nation eat itself alive. Brothers killing brothers. Sons murdering fathers. Mothers cannibalizing daughters. It had been two years since the USC had collapsed before Wycliffe could gather enough support to begin his campaign for a new Australia. One that would be more structured and disciplined. One which would not fall victim to anarchy again.He looked back towards Melbourne, the only city to establish order within the chaos that had suffused every corner of the former USC after dam that the government had kept up with the military and police had collapsed, which formed the base of operations for a new Australia, and he felt a deep, passionate fire in his heart. His old steel gray eyes blazed with ambition as shifted his gaze back towards the ruins of Sydney. Today, Wycliffe rose to a podium with thousands of hope-filled citizens of the new militarized kingdom of Azcelonia gathered at the Sydney Opera House and millions more watching from their homes. Amid thunderous applause, Wycliffe bedecked in his usual multi-spectral camouflage uniform with nothing impressive distinguishing his rank as the Supreme Commander of the nation's military forces and as the newly elected King of Azcelonia except the letters 'SC' with a sword running through emblazoned in silver and affixed to the upper part of both sides of his arms and the fierce royal koala crest affixed to the front of his tan black beret. In many other countries, dozens of cameras, microphones, and reporters would crowd about around a head of state as she or he gives a speech. Here, in Azcelonia, only one set of cameras and microphones was allowed to be placed around Wycliffe and it was that of the Azcelonian State News Agency. Foreign reporters were allowed insider access, but they were forced to remain a respectful and non-intrusive distance away from the Supreme Commander. After he swaggered like a boss to the podium, he adjusted his collar and brought the mic to an appropriate distance from his lips: [i]"Citizens of Azcelonia, also known as the former Union of the Southern Cross. Foreign Emissaries. Fellow Soldiers and Potential Friends Overseas. Over the past year, We, the people of this region, the citizens of Azcelonia, strove and struggled to restore the foundations of civilization, which had been destroyed by internal conflicts and civil strife. For a year, we bled, sweat, and toiled under the burning gaze of the Outback sun. In a year, we built a new nation out of the ashes of the old. Within that year, we rebuilt from zero infrastructure and recaptured that glimpse of glory that we had under the Queendom many, many years ago. Since a year ago, we've started research initiatives to strengthen our military. The recent establishment of a strategic missile defense system comes to mind when we look back at our greatest achievements. Today, we stand here, in the Sydney Opera House, where I once frequented as a child. I remember the glorious explosion of sound. The cacophony of culture. The discord of democracy. The very institutions that kept us teetering on the brink of collapse. After the dissolution of the Union of the Southern Cross, I sought to forge the country back together under a single vision. My vision. Your vision. Our vision. A vision of a new Australia. Of Azcelonia. A nation held together by the bonds of republican institutions reinforced by blood of our people and the steel of our armaments rather than the flimsy democracy, which disintegrated at the blow of the wind. Yet, we seek not to disparage the achievements of our progenitors. They built the buildings, which are now ruins. They paved the roadways and plowed the fields. They erected great monuments to our achievements as a people. Now, in spite of our disagreements with the old style of government, we remain in their shadow. How long shall we remain shadowed by the accomplishments of our forefathers? I do not know. What I do know is that we have reclaimed enough of Australia under the flag of Azcelonia including all of the provincial capitals. We can now declare proudly, that we, the Free Republic of Azcelonia, are a nation once more. We, the People of Azcelonia, shall never fall into the same chaos and anarchy again. We, the leaders of Azcelonia, seek recognition for our great nation by others in the international community. Today, we are a republic!"[/i] Cheers roared from the crowd while men and women waved their dust stained service caps. [i]"Yet, the odds are stacked against us. We have yet to see how other nations react to our reformation. We have yet to crush the pockets of resistance that hide beneath the merciless Outback sun and in the rolling hills in the East. We have much left to accomplish with our reconstruction programs. Yet, we march onwards. Tomorrow, we shall move forward. Although battered and bruised, we continue to press forward with the goal of total unification and consolidation in mind. We unite under the banner of the Free Republic and under the flag of Azcelonia. We stand against all threats, internal and external, with our beating, patriotic hearts and our instruments of self-defense. Tomorrow belongs to us! Tomorrow belongs to Azcelonia! We resolve to strengthen our Republic and to defend her to the last drop of blood. We stand by the Free Republic!"[/i]
  8. Just saw your profile pic. I see you've seen the Company. Great miniseries. ^_^

  9. May I change my claim to Australia minus Kimberly? I've already contacted iKrolm about it.
  10. [img]http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/95/claimi.png[/img] I was wondering if I could claim this. Should I begin RPing immediately? I'm curious as to where and how I should begin. Also, I'd also like to know how much the location of my RP nation would impact its economy and ethnic composition, if it does at all.
  11. [img]http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kp6shuq0E71qzas20o1_500.jpg[/img] Little Ui cottontail Bump Bump Bumping down the bunny trail Bippity Boppity K-On the Movie is on it's way Join SOS!
  12. Walpurgis Night. Prepare to face your greatest weakness. A force great enough to destroy and create universes. A force bound together by the strings of fate of multiple timelines. A force contained within the spirit of a fourteen year old Japanese schoolgirl. Hope. [center][img]http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lj1pj9RcGg1qdxuzjo1_r1_500.png[/img][/center] Walpurgis Night! I, Yui-chan, shall free you from your fate in the name of Nagato Yuki and Kaname Madoka, we shall cleanse you of the evil which grips your spirit so that you too may live a free existence unbounded by the responsibilities of being a Mahou Shoujo. [center][img]http://29.media.tumblr.com/eO5rDDFIRj9kh9ob2DqUxTfoo1_500.jpg[/img][/center] In the name of Yuki-chan, the guardian of our existence, and Madoka, the embodiment of hope in our universe, I shall fight for you. P-p-please, Katsumi-chan and Zessa-kun... p-p-please LET ME FIGHT FOR YOU! I will remove the curses that corrupt your souls! Someday, we'll all look back on this drinking tea and eating cake in another plane of existence (Round 18?). M-m-m-maybe we can b-b-be together, again?
  13. I was attacked after update. To: Yui Hirasawa From: Giovanni Caboto Date: 3/4/2011 12:02:09 AM Subject: Defeat Alert Message: Your nation has been defeated in battle. You do not have enough troops to defend your nation and your government has been thrown into Anarchy. You have lost all of your tanks, 5 spies, 45.21 infrastructure has been destroyed, 5.20 technology was lost and $69.92 of your money reserves was destroyed due to the invasion and resulting riots. What troops you did have deployed have also been returned home. EDIT: I suppose there's no realistic way to work things out in a reasonable manner besides dropping the matter entirely.
  14. [u][b]War Stats[/b][/u] [b]NS[/b] (# of nations) Axis of Ebil -298,345 G-6 (80) -143,935 Warriors (43) Total: 442,280 (123) Cat Coalition -140,734 BFF (46) -91,913 Lafayette Escadrille (41) -83,331 LEFT (33) -54,571 MI6 (16) -53,562 CMEA (22) -52,432 Order of the Snowflake (17) -32,105 Hollywood (17) Total: 508,648 (192) [b]Anarchies[/b] (% of total nations) Axis of Ebil -27 G-6 (33.8%) -17 Warriors (39.5%) Total: 40 (35.8%) Cat Coalition -27 Lafayette Escadrille (65.9%) -8 CMEA (36.4%) -8 Hollywood (47.1%) -7 BFF (15.2%) -7 LEFT (21.2%) -5 Order of the Snowflake (29.4%) -2 MI6 (12.5%) Total: 64 (33%)
  15. [quote name='Darth Pollard' timestamp='1295483106' post='2584521'] SOS flat out rejected the apology. SLCB really did try. [/quote] Because there was a hidden message in the apology. As you can see, the apology was deleted, but Locke can provide evidence.
  16. [quote name='Micheal Malone' timestamp='1295173028' post='2577018'] You do realize that the majority of the spy ops have been gather intel. Not aggressive, so much so not aggressive that you can do them to a nation in peace mode. Or were you not aware of this? [/quote] Spying is an act of war. If it had been another alliance, SLCB would've been rolled. I think we, at the very least, deserve an apology instead of getting bashed publicly. [quote name='erikz' timestamp='1295211929' post='2577620'] We all know spying builds a good casus belli (for who still needs to use one, nowadays), no matter what kind of spy operation was undertaken. I would have rolled anyone spying on any of my alliance mates without even considering not to. [/quote] ^This.
  17. [quote name='Vladisvok Destino' timestamp='1294173385' post='2563349'] The fact that you choose to ignore the proof does not mean there is a lack of proof. Would you please show me where UPN has attacked Pegasus nations? The only declarations I see by UPN are on nations flying the 'bring it' AA. [/quote] 1. I recently read up on the ongoings and I am in agreement with the actions UPN has taken against Peggy Sue. 2. Miscommunication with ex-gov, but we're still being raided for no reason. 3. I apologize for the misconceptions. EDIT - I saw evidence of Peggy's actions, but not of disbandment. If someone could provide a link, that would be nice.
  18. [quote name='Robster83' timestamp='1294171898' post='2563327'] Again don't comment unless you know what's going on. We were going to move this week, we were deciding on whether to go on USN's server, to buy another or go with bros. We planned believe me... thinking we had until the 16th we even started a discussion on whether to use the same forum software, but we were going to move THIS WEEK. [/quote] First of all, I don't see proof of the forums ever being down. I don't see proof of Peggy intentionally "deleting" UPN's forums. All in all, UPN's CB is worse than Batallion's CBs. Second of all, Peggy Sue left the alliance and joined Bring It and so did all of the government leaders who wanted to protect her from ZI. As far as things are concerned, Pegasus is still an alliance, albeit a microalliance, but it is still an alliance and UPN and her allies are attacking us for no reason. EDIT: Didn't alter the content, but, for future reference, this post no longer reflects my beliefs and I apologize if I offended anyone.
  19. Not planning out how you are going to renew your forums =/= Peggy Sue deleting your forums Good day.
  20. Hmm... I just left FK to join AcTi. I wonder how this will work out >_>
  21. Yes, MConorDever, because everything xR1 says is true. I also can't understand your OP. I suggest you have your English teacher re-write it for you.
  22. [center][size="5"]FK Disbandment Notice[/size] [img]http://i52.tinypic.com/a181u.png[/img] [i][size="1"]No... I couldn't find a flag bigger than this.[/size][/i][/center] In the past few weeks, much has happened. After a failed attempt to merge into TSO, our alliance had been shattered due to a combination of inactivity and confusion caused by the merger notices, which resulted in dozens of members emigrating elsewhere. As of the moment, we stand, sixteen nations strong (most of them inactive and/or too lazy to leave the AA). Due to the series of resignations and departures, I am convinced that I am the only surviving government member. I cannot be sure as to whether I am the last government member or as the whether I have the authority to do so, but, with whatever powers vested in me, I hereby declare an official end to this chapter of history and to the Fallen Knights. Yet, I would like to make a few additional statements, because I was shocked by the lack of professionalism in FK. From the half-assed insults to the questionable activities of some of our leaders, I apologize for those we have offended. For our friends in LoSS, I'm sorry that we did not provide proper notification in advance of the merger. Our actions were uncalled for in many circumstances and we have often acted without provocation. Yes, this disbandment notice isn't absolutely necessary, but I'd rather see FK end in a positive light. We were out of our league, but we tried to make the best of it. I'd like the world to see us for that rather than for the asshattery. Anyways, Goodnight CN... Signed, Expletive Deleted Minister of Foreign Affairs
  23. [quote name='Drake0723' timestamp='1282701585' post='2430245'] No only fake Irishman that are really Englishmen. [/quote] Wow, ease up, bro.
  24. Are gingers acceptable in this new alliance?
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