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Everything posted by Fizzydog

  1. OOC:(I've been putting OCC lol) sorry, lol.
  2. Thanks. I thought this was the answer, but wasn't positive. Let this topic of conversation rest in peace.
  3. Am I a dog where you go, "Want some? Want some? TOO BAD!!!" Cause yeah, I want some.
  4. 3. New nations are allowed to declare war and be declared war upon after the first day of creation. A rule, amirite? Your nation is too new to declare war at this time. Your soldiers need time to train and your economy needs time to adjust to your new government. You may officially begin declaring war on 1/21/2010. wait, wat? Those Liers.
  5. OCC: I want some of your land!!!
  6. As NTR watches the news, the officials laugh. Such pathetic news. They want to see if Jesse Jio dumped Michelle Feeran!
  7. Lol, okay then. I'm still waiting and waiting for a reply!
  8. OCC: I laughed like crazy when I saw the WAW thing, lol.
  9. Ok, I cracked a smile... :3 Lol :3 :3
  10. "You get what you get"- A very naggy housewife watching this on the public news while getting her children to school.
  11. EDITED. would like to know if someone would give up there very small biit of northern Alaska (Aka Vineland/Tahoe Protecate).
  12. Are there any open places? I can't find ANNYTHING to put my nation on!!!
  13. Well? Any tips? Cause I'm gunna raid once i find the peace reuqest, lol.
  15. Good idea. I agree, but nukes do less damage maybe?
  16. I'm not seeing enough. Tanks. Whee. Bombers. Whee. Fighters. Whee. JEEPS, ATTACK CHOPPERS(Not bombers), ARTILLERY, TROOP AIRDROPS. Jeeps: Light armored, transport and heavy armored. Vunreable to Bazooka Team and Tanks. Attack Helis: Durable and fast Helo Transport and Attack chopper. Just a regular ol' choppy, too. vunreable to Fighters and AA Artillery: Anti Tank, Offensive and Defensive AA guns and Artillery. Vunreable To Spys and Troops Troop Tranports: can be shot down if Nation has AA guns, but can deploy a maximum of 50-100 troops twice a day. Vunreable to fighters and AA. Bazooka Team: A team of specially built bazooka men, groups are a minimum of 3 and Maximum of 10. Vunreable to Infrantry and Snipers. DRAFT OPTION: Sends 20% of Citizen count into war. Sniper Squads: Can support Infrantry. Vunreable to Choppers and Infrantry. Very much like spies, as they can do assasination missions. Search Chopper: Improves spy capturing chances. Spec Ops: Much like spies, but can free captured spies and are like ten spies at once. Cost at least 300,000. Any more ideas will be appreciated. EDIT: Name is supposed to be new military options, srry. I have a feeling i spelled Vunreable wrong, lol.
  17. "Current Tech Commits this M1A2 tank design." This is very col, but make more differences!! Faster tanks, stronger tanks, etc etc. This would be fun.
  18. I say just make it the top 20%. I haven't even gotten close to a nuke...
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