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Ashoka the Great

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Everything posted by Ashoka the Great

  1. <insert whistling sound that slowly lowers in pitch and, after a few seconds, ends in an explosion> May the 4-1/3 dozen of you find happiness in what you do. Also, last one out please turn off the lights.
  2. Back in May 2009, I think many of us wondered where this little reformation of ours would lead. So far so good, my friends. Congratulations to all.
  3. Uh oh....I suppose it had better happen, then. /me crosses his fingers
  4. I am optimistic that Nordreich will see a small increase in the coming days.
  5. As one of the more (in)famous users of the sanction feature, no doubt some will take me to task for these answers....regardless of what I say. [quote]1. Do you support the use of trade sanctions on an unaligned or one-man AA nuclear nation that has initiated a nuclear conflict against a recognized alliance?[/quote] Yes. Whew, that one was easy. [quote]2. If so, do you support the use of trade sanctions on a fairly unorganized nuclear-equipped micro-AA (below 5 members) that has initiated a nuclear conflict against a recognized alliance?[/quote] I'm leaning toward 'yes' but I'm not entirely certain. Therefore, put me down as a firm 'it depends'. [quote]3. If so, do you support the use of trade sanctions on a reasonably organized nuclear-equipped AA that has initiated a nuclear conflict against a recognized alliance, but still has less members than what your alliance's charter defines as an "alliance"?[/quote] No. All wars are nuclear now. I'm not entirely happy with that, but that's irrelevant. [quote]4. In any case, would you support the use of trade sanctions as a tool of war in a conflict between two or more recognized alliances?[/quote] No. [quote]BONUS QUESTION: If you answered no to that last question, consider this scenario: a large alliance declares war on an entire color-based trading or defense bloc that collectively possesses majority control of their sphere (NOIR, Blunity, ect), does that bloc have the right to use its influence in their color's senate to sanction the attacking alliance?[/quote] No. "But wait a second," someone will say. "Weren't you the guy who went around sanctioning NPO nations during the noCB War?" Why yes I was, and thank you for remembering! Please also remember that I was sanctioned [i]first[/i] and that I offered to work with the NPO with regard to Red Sphere stability. Only after I was placed on EZI and told that I would "never play Cyber Nations again" that I began sanctioning NPO members. Until then my sole sanction-related action on Red was to remove my own sanction. The point of my taking the Red Senate seat was not to serve as a prelude to sanctions, but rather to assert that no single alliance ought to control [i]any[/i] color sphere. Sorry for the de-rail, but given the tendencies of some....I thought it was to nip that in the bud right now. Please continue. EDIT: Missed the Bonus question. Also, don't really feel like giving a long, drawn-out justification.
  6. I haven't read the entire thread, so perhaps this has been pointed out. However, I'm a bit surprised that your list of alliances that "[attempted] to destroy" you did not include the New Pacific Order. Congratulations, Legion, on turning Stockholm Syndrome into a lifestyle. For the record, I voted for Invicta. I was wrong to do so. [quote name='justavictim82' timestamp='1284171110' post='2449371'] We also hold that Legionnaire Unity extends far beyond the hallowed halls of our alliance. Many of our brethren have struck out on their own and we wish to remind them, that Once a Legionnaire Always a Legionnaire. Wherever your path has taken you we bid you Ave Legio and we want you to know that you will always have a home here.[/quote] As a former Legionnaire, I laughed. Sometimes there's a reason people [i]leave[/i] an alliance.
  7. I don't recall having heard of ICAN before this announcement. Hmmm. From the previous comments, I don't know if that's good or bad. Oh well....good luck and all that.
  8. [quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1284087544' post='2448396'] Every alliance is a democracy, for every member can vote with their feet. [/quote] I was going to say that.
  9. [quote name='nippy' timestamp='1284012361' post='2447429'] You're so kawaii, dude. Like, srsly. Honto. [/quote] I had to visit three websites to translate that. My cover is blown.
  10. And only one nation in Anarchy. For shame, LSF. For shame....
  11. [quote name='Mandolus' timestamp='1284005838' post='2447364'] Don't tell anyone but in our private channels we constantly talk about anime. Nonstop. We love it. [/quote] It's the only reason I visit, to be honest. I just lurk and wait for someone to talk about manga or some !@#$. Whatever it is you Nipponiphiles babble on about.
  12. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1283903905' post='2445904'] This is totally unjust, you clearly just want a war! You monster! [/quote] I'm sure we'll accept it in tech as well. At the usual rate....'cept we won't be paying for it, of course. EDIT: I should also like to thank Schattenmann for providing the moral justification for this demand.
  13. Hello, everyone. I see I was quoted in the OP. Shantanaman You're back on the Christmas card list. I can't stay mad at you. In other news.... Earlier today, a member of [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=408621"]Red Elite Defence[/url] decided to raid a nation that had [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=412908"]"Protected by Nordreich"[/url] in its nation bio. We are seeking $90,000,000 in reparations and punitive damages.
  14. /me shrugs Nordreich's membership has grown by twenty percent in the last month. What, me worry?
  15. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1283750696' post='2443428'] I suspect there are no cards. [/quote] There are cards, they are lovely and you're not getting one. So there. [quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1283749489' post='2443406'] I'm sorry Schatt, but have you recently suffered blunt trauma to the skull? [/quote] Also, this.
  16. You're off my Christmas card list, Shantanaman.
  17. I suppose the difference is that said $90,000,000 doesn't get Methrage off the hook this time. Where's TOP when you need them?
  18. [quote name='SpoiL' timestamp='1283726915' post='2443066'] Ah, welcome back Hegemonic days. Whats that? You never left us? Since we are charging reps for the simple fact that we don't like the alliance(despite it being the action of a single member), then you will be paying 2.7billion when the tables are turned. (90mil x 30) [/quote] The tables will never be turned. Your empty bluster is worse than RV's. (His is only better because I like blue.)
  19. [quote name='Earogema' timestamp='1283715331' post='2442873'] Well, I worked with Doitzel. That has to count for something. [/quote] That reminds me. He still owes me a big kiss on the lips.
  20. [quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1283708619' post='2442778'] I couldn't care less about a members sexual orientation. [/quote] You said "member".
  21. [quote name='nippy' timestamp='1283715208' post='2442872'] "...and I would have got away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!" [/quote] I see it more as an "I'll get you, my pretty. And your little dog, too!" kind of comment. Must be a generational thing.
  22. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1283715034' post='2442869'] [color="#0000FF"]Maybe you, Bobby, and Zog can go start a club.[/color] [/quote] I don't think any of us would enjoy the meetings very much.
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